- Managing basics
- Core 4, 5W’s
- Storytelling, know who you are
- Brochure design guide
- Co-creation process
- Easily shared at point of care
When is the last time your grocery store lacked milk, eggs, butter or bread? Or your Home Depot had no light bulbs, paint, plants and mulch? With expected items consistently stocked, you are knowingly attracted by their ready availability. Then, once shopping, you often decide to “pick up a few more things.” While prosperous merchants manage basics to their advantage, progressive hearing care practices should strategically benefit from showcasing the valuable continuity of their professional services.
With previously featured 80/20 Rule guiding the way, your unique practice deserves a Core 4 Check-Up.
Why? Because best practices diagnose and treat strategic growth plans to achieve well-planned outcomes.
Who? Progressive professionals build upon their competitive advantages in high-integrity ways which accentuate Better Hearing is Better Healthcare goals.
What? Eye-catching, research-based and practice-branded educational programs that promote expert services and compassionate care.
Where? Omni-channel. In practice, in community and online with Going Digital nurturing.
When? The sooner Core 4 programs are consistently utilized in practice, the sooner that direct Outsmart, Don’t Outspend impacts will be evident.
Your practice is NOT “the usual” and as personally-fit hearing devices empower patients to delight in precious sounds, thoughtfully developed practice brochures explain your uniquely branded identity. People love stories and deeper engagement with yours encourages them to spread good words. As the amazing storyteller Bernadette Jiwa counsels, “You don’t need to compete when you know who you are.”
Most practices intuitively know they should gain from telling their communication wellness story better. With busy schedules and COVID-19 challenges, there are few eager to develop brochures from scratch. Typically, they anticipate such attempts will be time-consuming, frustrating, expensive and unlikely to deliver what they envision. As a result, numerous practices have no brochure or previous versions “they have wanted to update for years.”
In contrast, how about discovering a novel method of developing customized brochures which easily and affordably co-created a uniquely informative design that served you and your patients well for years to come? From experience, as we helped bring proud practice stories to life nationwide, popular content patterns became evident. This data-driven learning launched a nifty design guide which details a remarkable selection of educational modules. Once again, why try to “re-invent the wheel” when you can just roll with it?
As seen in link below, our Design Guide features:
- Placement ideas
- Display techniques
- Sample brochure
- Targeted inserts
- Modular content options
- Customized design checklist
How does the co-creation process work? Ideally, we brainstorm on high-impact ways to showcase your unique practice identity. Guided by a handy checklist and you providing engaging pictures of team members, building facade or community service, we quickly craft a customized draft for review and feedback. From there, we fine-tune, present finalized draft and upon approval, expedite delivery. As it should be, think days, not weeks or months. Why wait?
By design, with substantial development time saved, more is focused on best practices utilization. Where will your customized brochures be visibly displayed in practice and community? Imagine the awareness benefits of your “storytellers” being easily shared at referring physicians’ points of care. While not all will allow, many will, particularly once your reputable Better Hearing is Better Healthcare educational intent is in their view.
With customized practice brochures brought to life, our Core 4 journey takes us to The Art of Hearing, which, in versatile ways, will increase visibility and awareness of your professional services. This eye-catching solution, in various formats, is a sight to see.
Bruce Essman
High Definition Impressions (HDI)
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