Volume 13
June 24, 2020
  • Strategic initiatives recap
  • Channeling social media
  • Remarkable Facebook statistics
  • Nike, Google and Apple
  • Wellness Wednesdays
  • Awareness quartet
From insightful experiences with hearing care leaders nationwide, we have learned systematic marketing programs are the right fit for progressive practices who seek to help more patients improve their quality of life, Amplify Their Influence and maximize profitable growth. With these core goals essential to measurable progress, our strategic planning construct has shared helpful ways to plan for the other side and get ahead of the curve.
  • Intent focus on Communication Wellness and omni-channel content distribution techniques
  • Public health imperative to help translate peer-reviewed research in patient-friendly ways
  • Did You Know?” comorbidity education campaign which Takes Science Seriously
  • “Educate Well Monthly” topics which typically align with national health observances
  • Monthly E-Newsletters which efficiently deliver easily-shared social currency
Speaking of social currency, with yearly and monthly building blocks outlined, let us learn how to best channel social media weekly.

Consider the power of Facebook’s platform with these remarkable statistics:
  • 1.66 billion people on average log in daily and are considered daily active users
  • 79% of all users access from their mobile devices
  • 1.6 billion people worldwide are connected to a small business on Facebook
Evidently, Facebook’s potential reach can strengthen connections with your current patients and referral sources, as well as new ones. Knowing this popular platform is integral to your grassroots educational marketing and branding mix, as most decision makers do, how can it deliver prime benefits to patients, practice and community?
As emphasized, your practice-branded educational campaigns should sync across media channels. No matter where, when or how target audiences view your customized content, messaging clarity must deliver a similar look and professional tone. By way of analogy, observe how Nike, Google and Apple market premier brands with carefully crafted commercial representations reflecting the essence of their core values. Clearly, talented advertising teams ensure multi-faceted marketing consistency, another guiding principle worthy of strict adherence. Brand News.

Driving Facebook page traffic should be systematically done in many ways, including via your website, E-newsletters and in-practice displays with handy awareness cards.
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In sync with “Did You Know?” educational designs and monthly E-newsletters, virtually introduce your new Wellness Wednesday’s campaign.
Your monthly
“Did You Know?”
awareness quartet sequence features:
What is top of mind is tip of tongue. Our competitive marketplace requires motivating target audiences to get in the healthy habit of engaging with your online media and sharing educational social currency of interest with others in their circle of influence. 12 months, 48 messages and 1 primary goal, your practice growth by design. That’s Why.
While integrating comorbidity-focused Wellness Wednesdays into your Facebook page is a smart move, so is featuring an informative array of quality content that nicely complements your existing mix or establishes a new one. As healthcare consumers, we are often inundated with too much aggressive clutter and not enough professionally-trusted communication. In this case, aspire to be the “needle in a haystack” so many folks want and need.

As variety is the spice of life, next week’s issue will showcase what’s on the informational menu with Facebook page content categories such as "Did You Know?," "Local Connections," "You're Invited" and "Better Hearing, Better Community."

With our industry’s collective need to regain momentum and finish 2020 strong, what excellent habits will we repeatedly do, including with effective social media campaigns that will help more to be in the know?
Bruce Essman
High Definition Impressions (HDI)

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