"Love something and watch it blossom. "

- Michael Murphy
In The Life We Are Given, it reads:  "In the face of its long history of meandering, of extinctions and close calls, the stuff of the universe reveals its desire to join, to make more complex, highly ordered entities. The poet Dante said it another way: 'Love is what moves the sun and the stars.' We believe that a community is nothing if it doesn't foster love, an unconditional love that accepts us for what we are while moving us toward the higher good." 

To embody this love, however, requires us to be present to the feelings we are experiencing in our heart.  Our ITP commitment to Staying Current states; " I open my heart to others in love and service. I stay current in expressing my feelings to those close to me." In these times of great change, division and personal and social transformation, ongoing awareness of our emotions and how we communicate our experience are critical if we're to foster positive transformation. This month we take a deeper look at how our practice can help us embody unconditional love and how we can communicate and connect with those around us in productive and meaningful ways.  

With gratitude, 
ITP International Team

Evolutionary love is the engine that drives the evolution of the universe. Adam Crabtree historian, philosopher and psychotherapist, explains how t hrough our acts of evolutionary love our highest potentials are mobilized and realized. 
To nurture self-awareness and general psychological health, staying current helps us share concerns that we have with ourselves, others or a community. The intention of this practice is to use peaceful and skillful communications to build and deepen human connection. There is enormous comfort and healing found in witnessing the truth of another person's experience, as well as being heard and understood. These guidelines will help you bring your whole being into a peaceful process of inviting, connecting, communicating and learning. 

PRACTICE:  Tracking Feelings in Life Situations

Use these questions to reflect on feelings that you experience in daily situations. As you journal or meditate on your answers, see if you notice any patterns emerging.

List four specific situations you've experienced and answer the following for each circumstance:

1. How did this situation make me feel?

List any specific emotions that arise:

2. How did I respond to this situation?

Reflect on the immediate action taken during this situation:

3. What was the outcome?

Note the outcome and how you felt about the experience:

4. What changes would you make if you find yourself in this same situation?

Review the Staying Current Guidelines above and outline how you could respond if you find yourself in a similar circumstance:

Interested in putting your practice into action with your community?
Check out our ITP events and workshops happening in your area.
Do you have a favorite ITP resource or tip you use to stay motivated? Reply to this email or send a message to Robert Stewart and we can share it in upcoming issues.
We hope these resources have energized your practice and sparked conversation in your community. Don't hesitate to pass this email along if you know of anyone embarking on a transformative journey of their own.

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"There is a human striving for self-transcendence. It's part of what makes us human. With all of our flaws we want to go a little bit further than we've gone before and maybe even further than anyone else has gone before."

- George Leonard

To learn more about ITP and our programs,
visit our website: www.itp-international.org

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