Crisis Nursery Project Update
Two steps forward, one step back.
Articles of Incorporation were approved and accepted by the Illinois Secretary of State. There have been some unexpected difficulties in keeping board representation and project leadership, so a new non-profit corporation will be organized and filed soon.
Representatives from Birth to Five and interested parties have once again reviewed our building as a site. Crisis nurseries fall between two "standards" according to the State of Illinois: Not a child care facility and more like a group home. These contradictory (at times) standards are confusing and at times difficult to comply.
One requirement that is being evaluated and reviewed by an architectural firm is the separate, exclusive entrance and egress for operations. We cannot share an entrance. The entrance on 22nd Street will work, with some remodeling to formally separate half of the first floor from church activities.
Early discussions also include leasing some space upstairs for Birth to 5 offices and some other early childhood programs and services. This will provide a regular income to the church budget beyond contributions. Stay tuned.