Notes from R.H. Heicke, Illinois state evangelist, November 27, 1924
The church was completely organized with a board of officers consisting of three elders, seven deacons, three trustees, six deaconesses and all officers of the board. The Bible school was also organized upon the departmental basis according to the most improved methods. Young people's services were conducted each Sunday evening but no definite organization was effected for it was felt that instruction should be given and some practice in conducting the meeting and the work before a definite organization should be launched. It is likely the young people's work will be carried on through the regular Bible school organization.
On the closing evening of the meeting the new members subscribed over $1,300 for the support of the work and this has been increased no to over $1,800. A full-time pastor was provided and Rev. R.E. Finlayson, recently of Brownstown, was called to the work and has accepted. This is, therefore, the newest of our congregations in Illinois and is the pride of all our hearts.
The meeting resulting in this splendid achievement was of three weeks duration and was attended most faithfully by the folks of the community as well as the members of our downtown churches. Delegations also attended the meeting from Clinton, Maroa, Niantic, Oreana, Mt. Zion, Lovington and Antioch.
The church membership numbers among its constituency many tried and efficient workers. Mr. E.J. Muffley, who served with the Disciples Foundation at Champaign and worked so successfully among the university students, was chosen as Bible School Superintendent. Under his leadership it will rapidly an efficient working school. The officers chosen were men who had been members of long standing and efficient service in other churches and will bring their experience in to the building of this new church.
The results of this meeting greatly justifies our cooperative work. The State Society was glad to contribute the services of its State Evangelist and the cooperation of the churches of Decatur in making possible the undertaking speaks of a new day in our cooperative work in that city. The new church besides meeting all local expenses of the meeting contributed $40.00 to the State Society.
A Women's Missionary Society with a Home Department was also organized with a charter membership of fourteen members. This youngest of our Society is already filled with missionary enthusiasm and is proud of having contributed one gold bond to the Jubilee Fund. Its president, Mrs. E.J. Muffley is splendidly equipped for leading these workers into a large missionary vision and service for the Master.
Fourteen subscriptions for the Mission Leaves will also bring our State paper into as many homes which will keep them in close and sympathetic touch with the churches of Decatur and with their pastors, Brothers Golden and Henry, who gave every encouragement and worked consistently for this new church. Under the leadership of these men our cause in Decatur is rapidly growing in influence and power in the city.