Dear sisters and brothers in Christ Jesus, part of a growing repentance remnant globally,

Several years ago the Lord put it on our hearts to put together a small group repentance booklet, Take the Repentance Route, focusing on Proverbs 6:16-19, the seven abominations to the Lord. The booklet provides a seven session process with time each session for private prayers to the Holy Spirit to confess the sin in question, and then, if one decides, to repent from that sin stronghold. Thereafter participants are invited to share if they wish. Thanks to the Holy Spirit the process always works. One group in Corpus Christi, Texas has now gathered in person or by phone several days a week, for eighteen months, using this and other repentance materials for their repentance prayers!! The booklet has been translated into French, Cebuano, Swahili, and Chickewa, Malawi's local language. Email us and we'll send you a free copy.

Thanks to your prayers and support, here is an updated praise report from Jamal in Malawi. His earlier praise report is included also:

Dear brother Jeff,

I have been contacted by World Vision International in Malawi. This is an evangelical Christian organization currently implementing projects in all the 28 districts of the country. They are requesting us to print 3000 booklets of Take the Repentance Route. They are going to provide us with papers and toner to have them printed. We are not incurring any expense on our part. They will meet every expense. They would like the booklet to be printed in a local language so that they should be distributing it among the rural communities as they implement their projects.
"We want to bring the Gospel of Repentance to the people who are directly benefiting from our projects," they told me.

They have since requested for a meeting with me tomorrow in Blantyre in the morning. The country director is leaving the country on Saturday and he would like to finalize everything with me by tomorrow. Brother, I would humbly ask for your support about 50 dollars to help me meet expenses for transport. This will be enough for me for both ways.

 Through this approach, the booklet will likely reach to every corner of the country.

Almost every day, am getting requests for this booklet from both individuals and organizations. We can't respond to every request due to our limited financial capacity. We should be able to do that only to those who have the capacity to meet the expenses on their own.

We have so far sent booklets to that Christian university. I have asked them to send me a testimony in writing.

Brother, this booklet is a wonderful project on as far as repentance is concerned in Malawi. In the course of the month, I will be working on a documentary about the booklet.

I am very humbled by the level of support am getting from you brother.

May God bless you.

Kind regards


Take the Repentance Route booklet transforming lives in Malawi
By Jamal Prince Jamal
African Broadcasting Network (ABNET)

27 June, ABNET: Since the booklet, Take the Repentance Route booklet was first distributed in Malawi, a diverse religious southern African nation, about two years ago, its impact among the country’s Christian community is so huge as evidenced by its rising demand and testimonies from individual Christians and institutions.
Authored by Pastor Jeffrey Daly of the National Day of Repentance in the US, the booklet has been widely distributed among individual Christians, in Christian institutions, state residences, schools and colleges, in major languages spoken among Christians in this nation with an ever growing Christian community.

Translated and widely distributed by African Broadcasting Network (ABNET) a media ministry which is evangelizing the gospel in sub-Saharan Africa through various forms of mass media, the booklet has become a much - sought after form of literature in the country.

A born again Christian, Philip Chimala who works for the country’s State House has personally supported the printing and distribution of the booklet among the Christian community at the State House, describes the booklet as a “vessel for spiritual transformation.”“Since I became a born again Christian a decade ago, I have never read a booklet of this nature, The day I stumbled across this booklet, I have been able to understand why it is important for a Christian to live a repentant life. I believe that repentance is a gift of God to mankind.”Chimala told Abnet. "I have used this booklet often times to minister to my family members and to my Christian brothers and sisters about the Gospel of repentance. This is the booklet which I have personally recommended to my Christian community to have and read always,”

Chimala said the booklet has increased his hunger for the Word of God. “This booklet prepares Christians for the end times. It is a huge treasure for every Christian, who is keen to live life in accordance with the dictates of the kingdom.”

The booklet is also being distributed thorough a chain of bookshops, run by the country’s influential literature ministry, Christian Literature Association of Malawi (CLAIM). 
Rev. Silas Kamangira who is responsible for the distribution of literature at CLAIM said Take the Repentance Route has ignited hunger and thirst among the Christian community in the country. “We have had this booklet distributed in our bookshops lately. Its impact on Christians need not to be over emphasized. This booklet is able to minister to individual Christians irrespective of language barriers, because of its availability in major languages spoken among Christians,” said Kamangira. “The impact of this booklet or book on people’s lives is measured by its high rate of demand. This booklet is highly being demanded by scores of Christians across the country, and this is a clear indication that it is having a far-reaching impact on people’s lives.”

And in an effort to enrich the spiritual lives of nursing students in Christian colleges in the country, Christian Hospitals Association in Malawi (CHAM), an umbrella body of all Christian hospitals and nursing colleges in the country has distributed the booklet in all its hospitals and colleges across the country.
“We have distributed the booklet among nursing students and patients in our colleges and hospitals respectively in order to nourish their spiritual lives. We believe that repentance should be at the core of every Christian. We believe that as nurses their fear in the Lord will motivate them to serve the sick with compassion, humility and a forgiving heart,” he said.

Rev. Titus Thomas of the Assembles of God in Malawi who has distributed the booklet among his faithfuls said he is overwhelmed by the level of impact that the booklet is having on people’s lives.
“I have taken the booklet to my followers and what I have seen is a major spiritual breakthrough among believers. This is a must-have booklet for every Christian in Malawi and elsewhere. We need this booklet among all believers,” said Rev. Thomas.

African Broadcasting Network Team Leader, Jamal Prince Jamal said he was compelled to translate and distribute this booklet among the country’s Christian community in order to enforce a culture of repentance among the Christian community.
Since 1994, there has been a growing wave of prosperity gospel in the country. A lot of pastors are propagating the Gospel of prosperity, leaving out the Gospel of repentance. We are therefore involved in the translation and distribution of this booklet to make repentance to be the culture of every Christian,” said Jamal.
“What the booklet has done so far is far from what we had imagined. The Lord has taken the booklet to places we would not dream of. As a media ministry, we are humbled and proud of the impact it has had on the lives of people in the country and in neighboring countries.”
Jamal said: “We are overwhelmed by requests for this booklet from both individuals and organizations, but due to financial constraints we are unable to make this booklet available to all. We are therefore appealing to people of goodwill across the world to help us in our bid to reach out to as many people as possible with the Gospel of repentance through this booklet.”

According to Jamal, Christians confined in prisons are in need of this booklet in order to renew their spiritual lives while in confinement.
“Those in prisons are hungering for the word of God, this booklet is therefore essential for those in confinement so that they should be able to embrace the Gospel of repentance,” he said.
So far, we have distributed as follows:

English: We have distributed about 4,000 copies

Local dialect:   We have distributed about 6,000 copies

Swahili :          We distributed about 2,500 copies

Praise God !! Praise God! All GLORY to You, Lord !


To preserve our Liberty in Christ you and I have to put His Word into practice. The purpose of our latest NDR repentance project is to do just that: to follow His Word so that He will apply His Solution in 2 Chronicles 7: 13-14 to the catastrophic drought in the Western USA. He has allowed that catastrophe so that we will repent and return to Him.
NDR has expanded its Ending Drought God's Way project to cover five States: California, Nevada, Oregon, Arizona and New Mexico. You can join as an intercessor even if you're not a resident of those States. Of the 57 milliion residents we're seeking initially 570 believers in His Solution. Are you one of them???? Please join us:

God bless you.

Pastor Jeff Daly
National Day of Repentance
"The Gift of Repentance" a half hour TV program can be seen on Saturday mornings 9:30 Pacific. This was a recent show:

Do you see repentance as vital for our times? To our knowledge National Day of Repentance is the only Christian ministry focusing solely on personal and national repentance in every nation and applying it in our lives.

No church, no denomination supports us, only YOU! Though we work as volunteers, costs and requests for food pour in each day far beyond our capacity to fulfill these requests. Currently, six people support us monthly. Would you consider being the seventh? Our goal is to reach 100, even if it's only $10 per month. That would cover our costs.

Would you please pray for us? And then give from a cheerful heart as the Lord leads? THANK YOU--whatever the amount you give, you'll receive a blessing--- 2 Corinthians 8: 2-4 and Luke 8:3--- and Fruit that will abound to your spiritual account, Philippians 4:17.
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