Proclaiming the Gospel; Equipping the saints; Mobilizing the Church

"For He rescued us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins."

Colossians 1:13-14

July 2022

Dear WMO family,

Shalom and blessings in the Lord, our Lord.

Thank you for praying for the meetings in San Antonio, Texas.

During the month of June, we led seminars on Jewish evangelism at various church locations to equip church members, and to encourage them to step up and share hope with their Jewish friends. We call this personal evangelism. Please pray for wisdom as we continue this work in obedience to Romans 1:16. God honors obedience to His Word. We are excited to trust God in bringing hope to America! There will be more seminars at the beginning of 2023 and we have set the date of September 9, 2023 for the San Antonio Jewish Outreach. We trust that many believers will bring their Jewish friends to this special event, to hear of the hope found only in the Son of God, Messiah Jesus. We really appreciate prayers for this outreach. Preparations are very important for each evangelistic outreach the Lord allows us to do around the world, and your prayers make a difference.

New York

We made it! All the way from Southern California to Upstate New York. We drove the truck, towing the trailer, across the USA ministering in churches along the way – proclaiming, equipping, and mobilizing the body on evangelism. We trust the Lord that many believers were encouraged to go out and share the Gospel of hope in Jesus with others. We had many wonderful divine appointments in gas stations, restaurants, and RV campgrounds. Several people came to Jesus, and they have been encouraged to find a local church for further growth. There is a spiritual vacuum in the hearts of people across the country and we pray for a harvest of souls to be saved here in the USA. 

Among the many testimonies, we would like to share that of Charles. One night, we were unable to get to the RV park we were booked at and needed to find a place to park. We ended up at a motel in a pretty rough area at about 9pm. At the motel, we met two men who were doing drugs in the stairwell. There was a man on either side of the stairway and it was a very uncomfortable situation. We then realized how dangerous this area truly was. Darlene went straight up the stairs between the two men, one of whom was asking me what brought me there (with some curse words attached). It was God’s divine plan that this man would ask me this question. I replied, “The Lord God brought me here, to bring hope in Jesus to you.” I turned it around right away to show these men that God loves them. The man asking the question ran away, but the other man stayed and asked me about the hope. I explained the Gospel of Jesus (John 3:16-19) and Charles said, “I have gone to church and I got baptized, but I don’t know Jesus.” By the Holy Spirit’s conviction (John 16), Charles prayed and surrendered his life to Jesus as Lord and Savior. I promised to give him a Bible the next morning at breakfast and there he was at 7am waiting to get his Bible. He received it with joy, believing God will use him to be a future minister of the Gospel of Jesus in America. Please pray for Charles! IIt is challenging to share the Gospel in America because there’s peer pressure coming from all directions pulling people away from Jesus, but inside, their hearts are melting, tender, and looking for the love that only Jesus can give. Although many people we share with look scary or potentially dangerous, the Lord is always with us and He is faithful.


We were on schedule to speak at the Leadington Baptist Church on June 29th and were able to encourage the members on evangelism with an emphasis on missions. The church was encouraged on the great commission in Matthew 28:19. After the service, the members of the church went out to pray over our truck and trailer. We thank God for you, and many friends like you from all over, who donated toward this truck and trailer; bringing hope to the USA in the Gospel of Jesus. God used this particular Missouri church to dedicate the RV to God for the purpose of the Gospel going out to America. Thank you for your support as we continue to pay off the truck and trailer. 

Crown Point, New York 

On July 10th we ministered with the Word of God at Crown Point Bible Church. There were many young people whom we encouraged to step up and shine Jesus, especially in this age of confusion. After the service, we met an elderly Catholic woman nearby, named Terry. We shared with her the Gospel by faith alone in Christ alone and she asked many questions. She was confused because she believed that when she died she would go to purgatory. The Holy Spirit revealed the truth to her and she came to understand the Gospel of grace by faith in Jesus; not by works as taught by religion and tradition. Jesus did it all. She made a profession for Jesus. Terry told us her son and daughter-in-law are born again, and we are sure they have been praying for her. Thank you for praying for Terry to grow in her new faith. We also appreciate prayers for Crown Point Bible Church who would love to do an evangelistic outreach with WMO in their area. Please pray for such an outreach in the future. We would love to see many of the churches in the area be involved. Pastor Woods is very active and desires to see this town come to know Jesus. Thank you for your prayers!

Hope to Spain (July 30-August 7)

God willing, we are taking a team from the USA, Mexico, and Costa Rica to Spain to do an outreach at the annual summer event known as, “El Camino de Santiago” or “Jacob’s Road.” Thousands upon thousands of people from around the world walk toward the Santiago de Compostela temple, looking for a miracle. We will be stationed at the El Peregrino house, which is right by the “Road” where an average of 1000 people walk by per day. We expect God to use our team to lead many to Jesus. We thank you for your prayer and financial support to meet the needs of this ministry to be on the front line with His love and Gospel.

May the Lord bless you and your family. May you be in the center of His perfect will. Together we are accomplishing much for the Kingdom of God. All for the glory of Him who is worthy!

Love in Him,

Henry and Darlene

Ways you can give

To support WMO ministry, please mail checks to the following address. All gifts are tax deductible and a tax receipt will be mailed to you at the end of the year.  Thank you for your financial gifts that keep us on the frontline.

All support for tax receipts mail to:
World Mission Outreach
Boeckmann & Associates, C.P.A.
53 S. Pu'unene Ave., Unit 108
Kahului, Hawaii 96732

Safely donate online:
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-Or Text giving: Text “GIVE” to +17029194448

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World Mission Outreach, Inc. is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization

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