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It is with expectant faith that we approach our 17th International Leaders' Conference to be held October 5-8 in Pittsburgh, PA. Our founding leaders knew the importance of a personal visitation. The Magnificat handbook indicates that at least two members of each Chapter attend in order to experience the special sisterhood and fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Many have told us what a tremendous impact the worldwide conference has had on their life. Forty-two years later, we are still benefitting from the wisdom of our early CST. We pray that all in attendance next month will experience a personal Pentecost. We hope to leave transformed and empowered to do God's Holy Will. Magnificat exists to evangelize, so we must strive to be effective servant leaders in order to help bring others to the Triune God. Over and over, the Lord has said, "Be not afraid!" Let us emerge united in mission to Magnify the Lord! Remember, the victory is ultimately His!

Please keep our Conference in your prayers.

Donna Ross, Coordinator
Central Service Team (CST)

Padre Pio, pray for us!
Pope's Intentions
For people living on the margins
We pray for those persons living on the margins of society, in inhumane life conditions; may they not be overlooked by institutions and never considered of lesser importance.

For the Synod
We pray for the Church, that she may adopt listening and dialogue as a lifestyle at every level, and allow herself to be guided by the Holy Spirit towards the peripheries of the world.

For the Pope
We pray for the Holy Father; as he fulfills his mission, may he continue to accompany the flock entrusted to him, with the help of the Holy Spirit.
Liturgy of the Hours
A book of prayer and contemplation

Taken from the Feast Day of the Birth of Mary
September 8th

Antiphon 1:
We commemorate the birth of the blessed Virgin Mary, a descendant of Abraham, born of the tribe of Judah and of David's see.
Read: Psalm 63; 2-9

Antiphon 2:
When the most holy Virgin was born, the whole world was made radiant; blessed is the branch and blessed is the stem which bore such holy fruit.
Read: the Canticle in Daniel 3:57-88

Antiphon 3:
Let us joyfully celebrate the birth of blessed Mary so that she may intercede for us before Jesus Christ the Lord.
Read: Psalm 149

Isaiah 11:1-3a
A shoot shall sprout from the stump of Jesse, and from his roots a bud shall blossom. The spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him: a spirit of wisdom and of understanding, a spirit of counsel and of strength, a spirit of knowledge and of fear of the Lord, and his delight shall be the fear of the Lord.


Let us glorify our Savior, who chose the Virgin Mary for his mother, Let us ask him:
Refrain: May your mother intercede for us, Lord.

Sun of Justice, the immaculate Virgin was the white dawn announcing your rising,
– grant that we may always live in the light of your coming. (R)

Eternal Word, you chose Mary as the uncorrupted ark of your dwelling place,
– free us from the corruption of sin. (R)

Savior of mankind, your mother stood at the foot of your cross,
– grant, through her intercession, that we may rejoice to share in your passion. (R)

With ultimate generosity and love, you gave Mary as a mother to your beloved disciple,
– help us to live as worthy sons and daughters of so noble a mother. (R)
Register Today !
Experience the fullness of Magnificat as we celebrate our 42nd Anniversary in Pittsburgh. Invite your Magnificat sisters, family, and friends!
Come and be renewed in the Holy Spirit!
Last date to register is September 27th!
Click on the picture to register today!
2023 Conference Daily Prayer Intentions

As we prepare for the Conference, let us be united in prayer. One of our CST Advisory Team members, Kay Burkot, has written daily intercessions for all of us to say leading up to this extraordinary gathering. You can visit Facebook to find these daily prayer intentions or click here to conveniently print them out. We invite you to join with the entire ministry as we prepare for our Conference in October. Come, Holy Spirit! Come!
Chapter Visitations
Region 1
Walnut Creek, CA
Region 3
Central Arkansas, AR
Cherokee Village, AR
Correction from Summer Edition - Las Cruces, NM
Region 6
Stark County, OH
Huron, OH
Greensburg, PA, Pittsburgh, PA, Morgantown, WV
Region 6 & 7
Buffalo, NY, Rochester, NY & Toronto, Canada
The CST visited Niagara Falls and EWTN
Doug Keck, President and COO of EWTN interviewing Donna Ross, CST Coordinator
A stop at Niagara Falls while in New York
CST with Jim and Joy at EWTN
The Seven Sorrows of Mary:

1. The Prophecy of Simeon (Luke 2:34-35)

2. The Flight into Egypt (Matthew 2:13-21)

3. The Loss of Jesus for Three Days (Luke 2:41-50)

4. The Carrying of the Cross (John 19:17)

5. The Crucifixion of Jesus (John 19:18-30)

6. Jesus Taken Down from the Cross (John 19:39-40)

7. Jesus Laid in the Tomb (John 19:39-42)
Seven Promises to those who meditate on Our Lady’s Seven Sorrows:

The Blessed Virgin Mary grants seven graces to the souls who honor her daily by meditating (i.e. mental prayer) on her seven sorrows (dolors). The Hail Mary is prayed seven times, once after each meditation.  

1. "I will grant peace to their families."

2. "They will be enlightened about the Divine Mysteries."

3. "I will console them in their pains and I will accompany them in their work.”

4. "I will give them as much as they ask for as long as it does not oppose the adorable will of my Divine Son or the sanctification of their souls."

5. "I will defend them in their spiritual battles with the infernal enemy and I will protect them at every instant of their lives."

6. "I will visibly help them at the moment of their death. They will see the face of their Mother.”

7. "I have obtained this grace from my divine Son, that those who propagate this devotion to my tears and dolors, will be taken directly from this earthly life to eternal happiness since all their sins will be forgiven and my Son and I will be their eternal consolation and joy."
Magnificat San Angelo, TX, Our Lady of Fatima Chapter                         
By Elvira Gonzalez, Historian

Our Magnificat Prayer Meal was held on April 22, 2023 at St. Margaret’s parish hall with around 140 women gathered to honor our Blessed Mother Mary. Holy Mass was celebrated, prayer and breakfast. Fr. Josh Gray, pastor at St. Margaret’s gave a lesson on the Sign of the Cross.

Bridget Costello from Fort Worth was our main speaker. Bridget is actively involved in the Pro-life movement, conducts pilgrimages, mission trips and conferences. She is a contributing author for Church Pop, has been featured by EWTN, and is a full-time missionary.
Bridget Costello, Speaker
Praise and Worship
Praise and Worship
Praise and Worship with banners
Nashville, Tennessee Celebrates 1st Magnificat Meal
By Evie Clausen, Chapter Communications

Mother Mary, pray for us. On Saturday, August 19th, more than 390 guests attended Nashville’s 1st Magnificat Meal hosted by Our Lady of Good Success Magnificat Chapter of the Diocese of Nashville. All were blessed by an impromptu visit from Nashville’s Bishop Mark Spalding, who shared that “It was a wonderful experience for women to gather and affirm their faith.”

Chapter Coordinator, Rosemary Geiger expressed the excitement in her opening statement: “This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24. Following spiritual advice she received 5 years ago to “get out of the boat” and follow God’s prompting to head to Nashville, she saw her obedience come to fruition. Under the guidance of the Nashville Chapter’s Spiritual Advisor, Fr. Emmanuel Dirichukwu, the Nashville, TN Magnificat Chapter team prayed over the smallest details to make the Meal special for each of their guests.

The Holy Spirit was fully present in the Ascension Auditorium at the Nashville Diocese Pastoral Center. The hall was filled with joyous conversations as old friends gathered and new friendships emerged. Donna Lee, 3-time Unity Award winning artist, encouraged all to sing praises of gratitude to God with her captivating worship music. Those familiar with the Magnificat Ministry were excited to witness the beginning of this new Chapter, while curiosity piqued the interest of those unfamiliar.

Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC, a convert to Catholicism and member of the Congregation of Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception, was the special guest speaker. Though his schedule is incredibly full, Father honored his promise made to Rosemary years ago, to attend the Chapter’s first Meal. Fr. Calloway’s godless journey and radical conversion after reading about the Virgin Mary, offers a glimpse of the greatness of God and His Mother Mary’s love for all of us.
Nashville Service Team (L to R): Evie Clausen, Communications, Patty Bolger, Secretary
Kathleen Collins, Asst. Coordinator, Ginger Hitchings, Historian, Rosemary Geiger, Coordinator,
& Helen Rupert, Treasurer.
Fr. Donald Calloway, Guest Speaker
Fr. Emmanuel Dirichukwu, Spiritual Advisor
L to R: Elise Botch, RCST, Evie Clausen, Communications, Patty Bolger, Secretary, Helen Rupert, Treasurer, Kathleen Collins, Asst. Coordinator, Ginger Hitchings, Historian, Jackie France, CST, Rosemary Geiger, Coordinator, Yvonne France, daughter-in-law, Donna Lee, Musician, Sara Ford, CST
Praise & Worship
Donna Lee, Musician
Rosemary Geiger, Coordinator, Fr. Don Calloway, Kathleen Collins, Asst. Coodinator
Our Lady of Good Success
Magnificat Mother of Mercy Chapter Hosts
Thank You Tea                    
By Janice Neyer, Secretary

On Saturday, April 29, the Fort Myers Mother of Mercy Chapter
Service Team hosted a Thank you Tea for our Chapter's many helpers who work hard behind the scenes to make our beautiful meals a reality. Their dedication is stunning roses offered to Our Mother out of love and desire that all should come to know the love of the Godhead! Also invited were any Meal attendees interested in playing a more significant role in the Magnificat Ministry.

The lovely home of our Service Team Asst. Coordinator, Cristina Martinez, was chosen for its welcoming openness. Our Service Team put their chef's hats on and provided a selection of savory, salty, and sweet options along with our tea and coffee.

Approximately 25 women joined the Tea Party. Our program was one of gratitude, recognizing our Registers, Greeters, Table Hostesses, Floral Hostesses, Prayer Intercessors, and Book Hostesses. Our Meals would not happen without so many willing hands! Additionally, each Service Team member explained and described their Service Team position. The Service Team positions are Coordinator - Felice Gerwitz, Asst. Coordinator - Cristina Martinez, Treasurer - Peg Mengle and Secretary - Janice Neyer. Felice took a few moments to encourage us to take to heart the principle objectives and tenants of holiness in the book Magnificat Spirituality.

On September 9, 2023, we welcomed Guest Speaker Barbara Rygiel, and on November 4, 2023, Fr. Ananda Anki Reddy, Parochial Vicar of St. Andrew's Catholic Church will be our Speaker.
Sharla Prejean Joins the Central Service Team!
Sharla Prejean, of South Louisiana, and her husband Kenny live in Hathaway, Louisiana where they raised their 3 children and are now grandparents to 10 grandchildren. She received her associate degree in paralegal studies working in the legal field for 6 years. She retired after 27 years from an electric cooperative as administrative assistant / payroll / IT and then as office manager. She enjoys following their grandchildren’s school and sporting events and gardening. Sharla has been involved in the Charismatic Renewal since 2000 and Magnificat since 2012.

She is a past Coordinator and Treasurer for Magnificat Lake Charles Chapter and a member of the Region 4 Regional Service Team in leadership and later in finance. She has been involved in prayer teams for the local Catholic Charismatic Renewal (CCR) and the Magnificat International Conference.

Sharla is also a two-time survivor of breast cancer in 2000 and in 2020. She credits the Lord for the outpouring of His healing and believes that God used the cancer to make her the person she is today. She now allows the Lord to guide her path and believes that the Lord has called her to be a part of the CST serving as Historian.

Welcome Sharla! Thank you for your "Yes!"
Our Lady of Mercy and Hope, “Come and See”
By Mary Rients, Region 2 - Regional Rep
On Saturday, August 26, 2023, Magnificat’s new Chapter in Sioux Falls, SD, met at St. Lambert’s Catholic Church in Sioux Falls, for a “Come and See”. The morning began with Mass at 8:30, prayed by Father King, the Chapter’s Spiritual Advisor. After Mass, a social hour was held in the parish social hall. Fresh fruit and pastries were served.  This provided the opportunity to get acquainted, discuss Magnificat and answer questions.

One of the guests, Marion Amberg, is an author who has written a book titled 'Mary’s Miracles.' She is often asked to speak at parishes. After the hospitality hour, everyone moved into a conference room to learn about Magnificat.

On each chair, the Service Team placed a paper which told the guest that they had prayed for whoever would be seated in that chair. They prayed through the intercession of Blessed Mother for the guest’s peace of soul, the refreshment of their body, and renewal of their spirit. They prayed that God would bless them with love, give them a sense of His presence and that He would comfort them with His mercy and grace.

The session began with a decade of the Rosary, led by Erin Szabo, Assistant Coordinator. After the Rosary decade, Coordinator, Julie Cady, used a slide show to provide visual information about the things she was presenting about Magnificat.  Julie explained the history of Magnificat, its objectives, the importance of praise and worship, and testimonies.

Father King, the Chapter’s spiritual advisor, gave a beautiful short talk about the Magnificat of Blessed Mother and how Magnificat is the embodiment of Mary’s charity toward Elizabeth. He related King David moving the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem, dancing before the Ark with Blessed Mother being the Ark of the Covenant and baby John the Baptist dancing before the Ark of the Covenant in the womb of Elizabeth.

Danika Dunlap, Historian, gave her beautiful testimony and shared how lonely she was when she moved to Sioux Falls. She prayed for the Holy Spirit to lead her to a group of like-minded women in her parish with whom she could make friends. She said that when she encountered the Magnificat women, she felt that she had come home. Those women became her spiritual sisters. They were able to meet for prayer, share their needs and discuss Blessed Mother. She shared that they decided to dedicate each month to a different title of Our Lady. At their monthly meetings, she felt God filled her with his love and grace and Mary’s love.

Then Erin shared that she and her daughter had attended a Magnificat in Lincoln, NE. At that meeting, the Lincoln Chapter put a different statue of Our Lady on every table. A deceased member of the Lincoln Chapter had collected all of these statues, and her family donated them to the Lincoln Chapter. At the end of the Meal, guests were invited to purchase the statues. Erin said she purchased the statue at their table for her daughter who was thrilled because it was the first time she had her own statue of the Blessed Mother.

Erin spoke about what goes into planning a Magnificat Meal and what help is needed. She asked for volunteers to sign a sheet that she passed around indicating what things they would like to do to help prepare for a Magnificat.

Guests were encouraged to attend the Omaha, NE Chapter’s Meal in September. Information was passed out about the Meal and transportation to attend as a group.

Guests were also made aware of Our Lady of Mercy and Hope’s first Meal being held in November at St. Lambert’s parish. Guests lingered to talk with team members after the presentations about Magnificat. There was an atmosphere of excitement in the room.
Service Team: (l-r) Danika Dunlap - Historian, Mary Zimmer - Secretary, Sarah Impecoven - Treasurer,
Erin Szabo - Asst Coordinator, Judy Cady - Coordinator.
Fr. King, Spiritual Advisor
Marian Amberg, Author of Mary's Miracles with Judy Cady -Coordinator.
Guests of Come and See
Broward County, FL Hosts Spring and Summer Meals
By Mary Valladares, Historian 
On April 22, 2023, Deacon Michel De Chaussee a permanent deacon, currently assigned to St. Bartholomew Parish in Miramar, Florida was our guest speaker. He had the audience laughing and moved by the story of his personal relationship with the God that he summarized in a short, life-long game of hide-and-seek and tug-of-war. In addition to a wonderful testimony given by Deacon Michel, we enjoyed lively Spirit-filled praise and worship music and a delicious breakfast catered by Juliana Findley, our Chapter’s Treasurer. This was held at All Saints Catholic Church in Sunrise, Florida.
Deacon Michel De Chaussee
Kathy Corona, Sherri Little, Diane Mendez, Mary Orfino, Avonda Kramer, Beverly Orfino, Lilith Mackiewicz
On August 26, 2023, Monique Moussot was our guest speaker. Her witness was powerful, inspiring and hope-filled. She shared her experiences of how living a new life and learning how to say ‘yes’ led to unexpected miracles. Her moving testimony was well received by all 78 attendees from over 14 different parishes. This event was held at Nativity Catholic Church in Hollywood, Florida.
Monique Moussot, guest speaker, and Fr. Paul
Ondria and Mary Valladares
Praise and Worship
Magnificat Antelope Valley Chapter Meal
By Linda Reynolds, Assistant Coordinator

Our Magnificat Women’s Ministry of the Antelope Valley Meal was a delightful spirit-filled event. This lovely day encouraged all present to open their heart and soul and invite the Holy Spirit to shower them with His grace.
Our guest speaker, Arlene Reina, shared with us her life-long journey of faith and how she was led by the Holy Spirit to work for the church and God’s people. Arlene and her husband minister to the poor and to youth groups.

Deacon Dale Reynolds presented a meditation focused on our Lady and the Holy Spirit. We rejoiced in the Lord during Praise and Worship with our beautiful choir in songs to the Holy Spirit.

New first-time guests received a warm welcome by all. These lovely ladies and their friends that invited them to the Meal received their choice of a book from our book table. They also received Membership cards and joined our Magnificat Chapter.

Everyone present at this Meal received a complimentary copy of the Magnificat magazine. This is fashioned as a prayer book/missalette that includes the daily order of the Mass, spiritual essays, meditations; and timeless art featured at the end of each issue.

Our prayer teams prayed over many of the ladies after the Meal and asked for healing, strength, family and spiritual wellness.
Daria Onsing praying over Arlene Reina, Speaker
Arlene Reina, Speaker
Claudia Perez, Hostess
Baton Rouge, LA Hosts Meal
By Gwen Gillis, Coordinator
What an awesome and blessed Magnificat Meal we had Saturday, August 26, in Baton Rouge. We were privileged to hear Joshua Zelden, son of Judy and Mike Zelden, share with us his long journey to the seminary and his soon to be ordination to the priesthood. His mother and father gave a touching introduction. What a wonderful priest he will be if yesterday was any indication. There were many twists and turns to follow and difficult mountains to climb. But, oh the joy, when Josh said yes to the Father and did what the Father asked of him.

Thank you, Joshua, for sharing your faith journey with us. You have renewed us in our prayer for our priests, that their vocations will be holy, and for the blessing of many new priestly vocations. You are a blessing to us!
Judy and Mike Zelden introducing Joshua, their son!
Joshua Zelden - Guest Speaker
(l-r) Estella Champion, Joshua Zelden, speaker, Gwen Gillis,
Fr. Al Davidson, Spiritual Advisor and Theresa Henderson
(l-r) Kathy Simoneaux, Paulette Renaudin, Julie Orr, Nancy Skok

Magnificat Store
Did you know there is a wonderful shopping opportunity just waiting for you? Explore our shopping cart for rosaries, apparel, books, jewelry, statues, CDs and much more.
To find great gifts for family, friends and YOU, we invite you to visit
Marerro Westbank Chapter Hosts a Life in the Spirit
By Cindy Deiger, Coordinator

The Magnificat Westbank Chapter held a Life in the Spirit Seminar on Friday, July 14 and Saturday, July 15, 2023, co-sponsored by the Catholic Charismatic Renewal Westbank, at St. Joseph Parish Auditorium in Gretna. The seminar was coordinated by the Chapter Treasurer, Marina Romero using the model and prayers of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal. Music was provided Friday night by Margarita Guy, and Saturday by Jamie Diliberto Trio. The presenters were Marina Romero, Reyna Murillo, Msgr. Rareshide, Fr. Steve Leake and Fr. Lance Campo who all gave powerful and Spirit inspired talks. There were about 35 attendees each day, some of whom had never been to a Life in the Spirit Seminar. The Holy Spirit was definitely present and moving among us. Many rested in the Spirit after being prayed over by Fr. Campo, Director of the Center of Jesus the Lord in New Orleans. One of the attendees, a Transitional Deacon, testified at a prayer meeting the following week that the seminar was the first he had ever attended and that it changed his life. Praise God!
Fr. Steve Leake
Marina Romero
Reyna Murillo
Jamie Diliberto Trio
Margarita Guy
Palm Desert, CA Hosts a June Meal
By Louise Erickson, Asst. Coordinator

Our Lady's Desert Roses Magnificat Chapter in Palm Desert, CA. held their quarterly Chapter Meal on June 10, 2023 with Speaker Cindy Rippee. Cindy is Coordinator of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the North County San Diego Chapter, in Escondido, CA. She gave an effective, passionate, and most holy testimony. Those in attendance held on dearly to her every word. Her theme was "come hear how the Lord has protected her and enabled her to have peace and grace in her daily life and how He can help you have your own strength."

L to R: Louise Erickson, Asst. Coordinator, Jeanne Potter, Secretary, Noreen Fortier, Coordinator, and Donna Ross, CST Coordinator, and sitting from L to R: Linda Dughi, Treasurer, Cindy Rippee - Speaker and Cindy's friend, Marie Finn. Christina Silvas, the team's Historian, is the photographer.
2023 Giving Opportunity
Please consider supporting Magnificat in our mission to evangelize and serve Catholic women through joining our Five Star Share giving program. Your financial gifts enable the Ministry to support Chapters worldwide, develop new programs and materials for individual and community spiritual growth and development. These funds also help women forming Magnificat Chapters in new locations. 

Click on Five Star Campaign or the Our Lady of Guadalupe icon to donate.

Together, let us proclaim the greatness of the Lord to all the world!
God loves a cheerful giver! 
(2 Cor. 9:7) 
Join us this fall on Monday Oct. 16th, Nov. 13th & Dec. 11th
7:00 pm CENTRAL time.
Please join us on Facebook for Praise, Worship and Adoration.
Order your copy of 

Magnificat Spirituality


The Spanish version is here!
The new Magnificat Spirituality book brings the principles of Magnificat into one concise volume. Now, we can be informed and instructed in what it truly means to say "yes" to God like Mary and join her in proclaiming His greatness in word and deed through Magnificat membership.

“But the hour is coming, in fact has come, when the vocation of woman is being achieved in its fullness, the hour in which woman acquires in the world an influence, an effect, and a power never hitherto achieved. That is why, at this moment when the human race is undergoing so deep a transformation, women impregnated with the spirit of the Gospel can do much to aid mankind in not falling…”
– Second Vatican Council message to women

"Magnificat Spirituality is a response to this proclamation, echoing in our times, calling us back to personal holiness, community, and service in obedience to the Holy Spirit. The world needs a compelling manifestation of God's love and power to heal broken lives and institutions. With Mary, as our model and greatest intercessor, we believe Magnificat, with Chapters worldwide, has been called and equipped "for such a time as this."

– Magnificat Central Service Team
MAGNIFICAT Prayer Booklet
The MAGNIFICAT prayer booklet has been a daily companion to thousands on their spiritual journey, enriching their prayer life and helping them grow in love and knowledge of Christ and the Church. Every subscription to the MAGNIFICAT publication directly benefits our Magnificat, A Ministry to Catholic Women worldwide.

Regular Edition first subscription $49; second subscription $39; and subsequent subscriptions $35; Large Print Edition: first subscription $69; second subscription $59; and subsequent subscriptions $54. It is available in several languages.

P.O. Box 822
Yonkers, NW 10702
(866) 273-5215 

Office Depot logo
Magnificat has worked with Office Depot for several years to provide discount pricing through the use of in- store purchasing cards for our Chapters and all of their members.

Now Office Depot is also know as ODP Business Solutions. This change impacts how Magnificat Chapters, members, family and friends place their orders to get the best negotiated discounts. All updated ODP materials can be found on the Magnificat Website under STORE: OFFICE DEPOT-ODP

Magnify the Lord!

Book #3 in the Magnificat Proclaims series. Another 19 powerful testimonies to inspire and touch hearts. Available in the Magnificat Store or

A Great & Inspiring Read!
The International Conference is one of my most favorite events of being in Magnificat! It is a time to gather with all my Magnificat spirit- filled sisters from around the globe, to fellowship, praise & worship together and to truly experience the Mary & Elizabeth visitation.
I can't wait! See you there!
Did you know that you can hear great Magnificat testimonies, teachings, and encouraging words on your computer, tablet, or phone? Click on Podcast icon and enjoy listening to the variety of programs available to you. You can save programs as a favorite to your computer or phone and listen to them anywhere and anytime. Tune in regularly and don't forget to sign up for updates!

This Newsletter is brought to you by the Central Service Team

Elise Botch - Editor
Colleen D. Swiatek - Layout Page Designer
CST Communications Team

We appreciate articles/pictures of interest from our Chapters.
New submissions can be sent to [email protected]
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Type Magnificat Ministry in your App Store!

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