Throughout 2023, we are going to Pray 17. We're not praying for 17 minutes a day. We're not praying for 17 days in a row. We're not praying 17 weeks in a row.

We're praying John 17. In John 17, Jesus enters into a lengthy prayer for his followers. In John 16, Jesus promises us that if we ask God for the desires of his heart, then God will answer those prayers. Jesus' prayer in John 17 gives us a clear picture of some of the desires of Jesus' heart. We know that if we pray for the very things for which Jesus prayed in John 17, then God will answer those prayers.

Each day this week, you'll receive a Pray 17 Prompt in your email. The prompt will include a verse from John 17, a question to consider, and then some guidance for praying. If you are single, you can consider the question reflectively or with friends. If you are married or have children at home, you could consider the question together before praying together.

John 17:21...

"May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me."

Consider ...

In John 15, Jesus uses the word abide/remain to describe our relationship with him and his relationship with us. How does, or how can, our faith family abide in Jesus and how does Jesus abide us in?

Pray ...

Father, let us abide in you and Jesus so that you may abide in us. We want you to abide in us so that people will see Jesus and believe in Jesus because of what he is doing in us. Help our faith family abide in you by ___(fill in with some of the things you listed above)___. In Jesus' name.