First week of Lent, February 18-24

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Dear Johnny,

The entry into Lent this year seems to have us already taking steps toward Calvary. We see the violence and injustice inherent in Jesus's suffering and crucifixion made visible in the destruction and genocide taking place in Gaza; in the fear and trembling of Israeli hostages; in the trauma and death of children sacrificed on the altar of the gun lobby; in the bruised and battered dignity of people braving borders in flight from oppression. This Lent isn't a journey toward the Cross; we are already there, whether nailed to it or as mourning witnesses at the foot of it.

We invite you then to look around you and see how together as community we can find the deep compassion, bold nonviolence, and prophetic risk-taking of Jesus that his disciples are called to today. Each year, I take both courage and solace in being part of this community of disciples, the Pax Christi USA community, in order to continue to walk this way of discipleship in the face of such grief, agony and even despair.

As you make your way through this Lent, as people of peace, compassion and justice, I hope you will find the resources and accompaniment you need in our shared community. Whether reading Frida Berrigan’s stories and insights in this year's Lent booklet with more than 3,000 others, or attending to prayer, study and action through the suggestions of emails like this one, I hope that together we'll spend these days of Lent deepening our commitment to witness to the God of nonviolence and love.

Below is the PSA for this first week of Lent, starting on Sunday, Feb. 18. A few days prior to each week throughout the season, we'll send a new PSA lifting up ideas for prayer, study and action that you can take individually, with your families, in your local groups, or share with your extended community.

May this Lent lead us, through the experience of the Cross, to a renewed world and a resurrected life.

In peace,

Johnny Zokovitch

Executive Director

Pax Christi USA


Even ashes can rise

by Tom Cordaro, Pax Christi USA Ambassador of Peace, inspired by Maya Angelou

I said,

“They will burn it all down.”

“They would burn this nation to the ground

  before they would relinquish 

  even a small part of their entitlements and privilege.

They would burn our children to ash 

  before they would outgrow their macho fantasies

  and relinquish their guns.

They would burn every tree and creature to dust 

  before they would unclench their greedy hold

  on their ill-gotten profits and their bought-off politicians.

They would burn every one of us at the stake 

  before they would let go of their comforting ignorance, 

  their familiar fears and their tribal hatreds.”

I replied,

“I know something of this burning,

but there are those 

who live their entire lives under fire:

  under surveillance and under suspicion;

  underpaid, and under-resourced;

  under occupation and under the thumb.”

When I feel the heat of the arsonists of democracy; 

when I am tempted to capitulate in the face of burnout;

I hear the words of Dr. Angelou,

in defiance of the torch-lit mobs,

in a language of hope beyond reason;

   "You may shoot me with your words,

   You may cut me with your eyes,

   You may kill me with your hatefulness,

   But still, like air, I’ll rise."

I said,

“They may burn it all down,

but even ashes can rise.”

>> Join us throughout Lent every Monday for a short Lenten prayer service with the Pax Christi USA national community over Zoom. Service lasts 30 minutes and includes reflection, readings, prayers of the faithful, music, and more. First prayer service is this Monday, February 19 at 8:30pm ET. Click here to register.

>> Order a print or digital version of the Lenten reflection booklet to accompany you with daily Lenten reflections throughout the season. Click here to order. Booklets are $2.50 for print; $3 for download.


Interfaith peacemakers cannot remain neutral on Gaza

by Mohammed Abu-Nimer, Abdul Aziz Chair for Peace and Conflict Resolution at American University and president of the Salam Institute for Peace and Justice

in America Magazine

The war on Gaza is about to complete its fourth month of brutal and massive bombardment. As of late January, this campaign of destruction has killed over 25,000 people (two-thirds of them women and children), destroyed tens of thousands of homes and displaced over 1.5 million Palestinians, squeezing them into a small southern corner of Gaza. On the Israeli side, 1,139 people were killed in the Oct. 7 attack by Hamas, and the war on Gaza has caused over 125,000 Israelis to evacuate their homes and settle in hotels or temporary houses.

The war on Gaza has reverted the Israeli-Palestinian conflict back to 1948, when the dynamics of hatred and displacement, especially the dehumanization of Palestinians, became a normal expression within the Israeli and many Western governments. Recently, there has also been an increase in expressions of antisemitism and Islamophobia around the world. And for the first time in the history of this conflict, the International Court of Justice, at the request of South Africa, has begun deliberations on whether the Israeli military and government have committed genocide against the Palestinians.

There will be no clear victory for Israelis or Palestinians. This war has, in many ways, made victims of all of us: Palestinians, Israelis and everyone around the globe...

Click here to read the entire article.

>> Read yesterday's reflection for Ash Wednesday, written by Joyce Hollyday for our Lent booklet in 1991.

>> Read Pope Francis's message for Lent, Through the Desert God Leads Us to Freedom.

>> Register for the March 8th webinar, "Synodality, Black Catholic Spirituality & the Racial Divide," offered by Daryl Grigsby, the March entry in the National Black Catholic Conference's 2024 webinar series.


Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimage

Pax Christi USA is one of the endorsers of the Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimage: A Via Dolorosa of Solidarity. These pilgrimages are being endorsed by a network of autonomous Christians groups with shared convictions who are engaging in a prayerful show of solidarity in cities around the world, where people during Lent will walk the length of the Gaza strip. We are encouraging our local groups and members across the country to consider hosting or joining one of these pilgrimages.

Find more information about hosting or joining at this link.

It has been a tradition for Pax Christi USA local groups to undertake the practice of "The Way of the Cross" during Lent, especially on Good Friday. One possibility is to connect your local "Way of the Cross" action with these pilgrimages by incorporating aspects of the pilgrimage into your observance. If you are planning a "Way of the Cross" for Good Friday (or at another time in Lent), please fill out this form so we can publicize your efforts. Find out more about the Good Friday Way of the Cross actions on our Lent 2024 webpage here.

Additionally, Pax Christi USA is a sponsor of the Pilgrimage for Peace, a coalition of faith leaders, artists, and activists who left Philadelphia yesterday on a pilgrimage to demand a ceasefire in Gaza. Pax Christi USA members and national staff will join for the last leg of the walk, Feb. 21, to the White House in Washington, D.C. to urge President Biden to call for an end to the war in Palestine. Find out more about the Pilgrimage for Peace at this link and consider joining if you are close to the route between Feb. 14-21.

>> Join the Daniel Berrigan Collective TONIGHT for a conversation with Frida Berrigan, author of Pax Christi USA’s 2024 Lenten reflection book, “A Fast That Matters.” Click here to register.


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work for peace with justice, we'd be so grateful! 

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Pax Christi USA

Weaving Threads of Peace for OVER 50 Years

202-635-2741 | 415 Michigan Ave NE, Suite 240, Washington, DC 20017

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