See what's new with Healing with Joy
Remember, YOU are enough!
Pray for Courage & Compassion
There is so much turmoil today in our nation and the world. The problems seem so insurmountable; it’s hard to stay positive. The chaos feels so overwhelming it’s hard to know where to step in and even attempt to make a difference. Many of us are struggling - fighting our own despair and feelings of anxiety and panic. How can we possibly step up and be the courageous and compassionate Spiritual Activist that I know many of you want to be?

When I think about activism I’m taking back to my own days in the 60’s when protest marches were common place. I remember the angry arms fists raised in the air and loud voices over megaphones blasting out about injustices.

Upcoming Event
Sacred Feminine Circle

The Egyptian Goddess, Hathor, and 5D Consciousness

Online Event
Saturday Jan 22, 2022 - 10 AM

Hathor is one of the oldest Egyptian Deities who embodies motherhood and love. She is the feminine deity of pleasure, dance, fertility, childbirth, and the arts. Her temple at Dendera links her to the Seven Hathors, which are also known as the Seven Pleiades. The Hathors are star or light beings embodying the energies of love, compassion, and non-judgment. Some believe they are here to help humanity evolve to 5D Consciousness. There are many curious myths and legends about the Pleiades from around the world.

Who is Hathor, and who are the Hathors?
What is 5D Consciousness all about?
What is the Connection of the Hathors to 5 D Consciousness?
What is the Egyptian connection to the Pleiades?

Guided Visualization Downloads

Check out Joy's Guided Visualizations! Treat yourself! (And they make great gifts!)

This month we are highlighting the Our Lady of Guadalupe Meditation. Love, Even When It's Hard... In this visualization Our Lady of Guadalupe invites you to open you heart to greater love. Join your compassionate heart with Hers to send love out into the world, even to those things that are hard to love.

Books by Joy Reichard ~ Available on Amazon

This month we are featuring the e-book Who is the Divine Feminine?

Who Is the Divine Feminine and Why She Matters is Part I of the book, Celebrate the Divine Feminine. In this eBook, you will learn about the sacred feminine and why she is even more important in our modern society. The book discusses how the divine feminine can aid in our explorations of the unconscious and healing past wounds. It also explores the historical (herstorical?) rise and fall of the goddess, concluding with a discussion on women’s circles.

About Joy Reichard
Transformational Life Coaching with Hypnotherapy accelerates the process of helping people become "unstuck". 

If you feel stuck, are feeling blue, or stressed and overwhelmed, are having trouble with your relationships, your performance is suffering, feel disconnected from spirit, or if your life lacks joy and passion, then contact me TODAY. 

Email me or call 415-819-8769
For more information about my services go to