PRAY for those in Authority

Billy Graham, Governor Harris and Ted at the Governor's Breakfast that led to a press conference attended by NY Times, CNN, ATL Jounal Constitution, Wall Street Journal, etc. in Ted's office- 'Was Jesus a Democrat or Republican?'

Hello Ted,

What a challenge!!! The votes are in and as I write this. I’m guessing I will not be pleased with some results…& neither will you!

But what about someone in authority that you don't like or disagree with for varying reasons including-

  • the issues they stand for
  • their personality 
  • their political party
  • their skin color
  • their gender
  • their socioeconomic background
  • their location or home state

What does God’s word say about our response should be toward those in authority?


“I urge . . . that petitions, prayers, intercessions and thanksgiving be made for all people—for kings and those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.” 1 TIMOTHY 2:1-7

A REAL TEST (in bullet form)

In 1982 after 3 months of soul searching and heavy prayer with Tudi and friends, I accepted the job to become the President of the Atlanta Convention and Visitors Bureau

I left a wonderful job as President of the Phoenix Convention and Visitors Bureau. Many of my friends in the Convention/Tourism industry thought I had made a huge mistake.

Why? Atlanta was known as the murder capital of the world because of the national and international coverage of the Wayne Williams Murdered and Missing Children Episodes.

The fallout of this reputation for the city of Atlanta:

  • major conventions/trade shows were canceling their meetings
  • occupancy in hotels was suffering
  • The City’s Image was negative and morale was at a low point 

As president of the sales and marketing arm of Atlanta, improving the city's image was my goal and was quite a challenge.

  • Obviously our sales people continued to sell large and small convention business, including major trade shows.

  • The rest of the staff (50+) including me started a marketing campaign to take Atlanta on the road. We took our ROAD SHOW to New York, Chicago. Washington DC. and to other cities that were home to our clients. A typical evening would include a banquet for 500 with a 32 projector multi media presentation including lasers and smoke. Next, short speeches from Atlanta and GA dignitaries touting the city and state, then guests would be bussed to a renown Broadway Show like CATS, Dream Girls, etc. or to watch the Atlanta Symphony perform.

  • Our-spectacular FAM TOUR called “Look at Atlanta Now” was hosted by the entire hospitality industry and marketed to hundreds of our convention planner clients. We also marketed attractive destinations like Saint Simon's Island, the Bahamas and Savannah as pre or post Atlanta convention sites.


Another strategy we implemented was to convince the city and state leadership that we “needed” a major political convention to choose Atlanta because a convention would bring 13,000 members of the worldwide media to our city and state. Media would obviously write daily articles about the convention, but also highlight the host city and their attractions in their stories. We would supply each member of the media an elaborate press kit proclaiming all the virtues of Atlanta and Georgia and nearby areas.

I gave my POLITICAL CONVENTION â€śVISION” to 18 business and government leaders, then I stood before them and waited for their response.

Negative comments were immediately made by some of the influential group assembled:

  •  â€śOur image is so poor that the Republican and Democratic Conventions would never consider us”
  • “Our facilities are not big enough to properly host either political party”

Generally a very negative response to my proposal filled the room.


As the meeting was coming to a close in desperation I said “WHERE NO OXEN ARE THE STABLES ARE CLEAN. The footnote in my Bible says “no manure no milk- there is a price to accomplishment” PROVERBS 14:4

There was silence in the room for 20-30 seconds. Finally, a greatly respected leader of the business community, Dan Sweat started laughing and said “Ted is right! Every bidding city will have strengths and weaknesses…let’s go for it!”

To this day I credit Proverbs 14:4 as the springboard to our marketing success in getting the big 3 to our area!

SUCCESS in getting the "BIG 3"

Atlanta got the Democratic Convention!

The hospitality community provided elaborate press kits, clipping services, tours, etc. The result was more than $100 + million in positive articles.


The successful hosting of the DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION paved the way to get the SUPER BOWL (Our Super Bowl team: the Governor, Mayor, head of the GA World Congress Center, ACVB key staff. I was the presenter to the NFL owners, coaches and executives. Thanks to Billy Payne, the visionary and Andy Young, our world renown mayor plus a cast of hundreds, we got the Olympics! As Board members of the bidding city Tudi and I were privileged to be in Tokyo when the President of Olympic Committee said “IT’S ATLANTA!!!!!”


I gave my life fully to uniting the city and area under the banners:

“Unless the Lord builds the house they labor in vain who build it" Psalm 127:1


“Pray for those in authority“ 2 Timothy 2:2


Black and White people were at odds.

Black political power ruled the local government.

White business power ruled the business community.

When I first came to Atlanta after a couple months on the job a well known BLACK LEADER PUBLICLY LABELED ME A RACIST. I was shocked but not defeated. The local press were all over the story !

I prayed for wisdom about what to do about the negative onslaught. So I walked the streets of Atlanta and met with black leaders suggesting we start a weekly Black & White Bible study in downtown Atlanta.

I met with John Lewis, Andy Young, Coretta Scott King and Jesse Hill, Jr. Without exception they endorsed the B & W Bible Study vision but also expressed some doubts it could be successful.

Psalm 127:1 says, “Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain.”

As we started the B & W Bible study 2 men joined me in co-leading our weekly gathering: PASTOR GERALD (black) and ATTORNEY PHIL (white)


That weekly meeting led to planning an Annual Leadership Breakfast called PRAY FOR THOSE IN AUTHORITY. For 6 years we had 750 -1,200 attend.

Most often 3 speakers would testify of their faith in Christ (a combination of Black and White men and women mostly from the Atlanta area.)

Our head table would include the Governor, Lt. Governor, Mayors, Civic leaders, etc. representing B & W leaders in business. At least 30 leaders each year sat at the head table.


For 9 years we saw tremendous growth in the convention tourism industry. 1991 was the very best year of my 25 year career

BE CAREFUL with success …often there comes unexpected challenges. The challenges led to the Board of Directors not renewing my contract!


I began consulting for a few years with Bill former President of the LA Convention and Visitors Bureau...we had approximately 60 different city destinations as our clients. Then, after “much” prayer Witness Breakthrough was formed.

It's now been 20 years since I started the Witness Breakthrough ministry!


Currently Atlanta desperately needs Black White prayer emphasis and healing.

UNFORTUNATELY I’M NOT ABLE TO BE INVOLVED- because it seems my time is past in the city!?..


As my good friend Pastor Gerald (Black minister in downtown Atlanta) told me

“There's nobody with your vision in downtown Atlanta right now.- BUT now no one except me in downtown Atlanta knows who you are!”


MY TIME SEEMS TO BE PAST in downtown Atlanta, but that’s why it's the perfect time for me to complete this book about “PRAYER without ceasing“! Please note Chapter titles at the end of this email

MY PERSONAL PRAYER IS THAT SOMEONE WILL RISE UP WITH THE SAME VISION based upon these scriptures- and rally the people to commit to PRAY FOR THOSE IN AUTHORITY!

...obviously I will continue to daily pray unceasingly...what a privilege to pray the verses below my name...Please make them your own as you escape self and pray for others


“Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭127‬:‭1‬ ‭

“I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus,”

‭‭1 Timothy‬ ‭2‬:‭1‬-‭5‬ ‭

Weekly Prayer Topics:

Week 1- Pray Scripture to pray more wisely and draw closer to God 

Week 2- Pray "Your will be done" (when you really just want to say "no!")

Weeks 3 & 4- Pray “HELP “ when faced with major health and/or financial issues

Week 5- Prayer In the Business World- Don’t waste 80% of your Life

Week 6- Pray for your children/grandchildren (this week!)

Week 7- Pray for your church to be a house of prayer /outreach

Week 8- Pray with your spouse daily

Week 9- Pray via zoom with and for your family 

Week 10-Pray for God’s open doors to witness

Week 11- Pray often for all leaders, locally and nationally

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