Worship with us this Sunday!

January 19, 2025

9 & 10:40AM

Livestream available starting 9AM


Sermon Series

"The Intention of the Heart"

Matthew 15:1-20

Pastor Mike Kenyon

This week we recount a confrontation between Jesus and the Pharisees, where they criticize His disciples for not following traditional hand-washing rituals. Jesus responds by teaching that true defilement comes from the heart, not external practices, emphasizing that evil thoughts and actions are what truly make someone unclean.

As Christians, this passage encourages us to focus on inner purity and spiritual integrity rather than merely following external rituals, reminding us that our hearts and motives are what matter most to God.

FREE JOURNALS! If you haven't already picked your Matthew journal up, they're available at the entrance to worship on Sunday. Make sure and ask an usher.

Sermon Reflection Questions available on the Small Groups page of the website Friday evening.

Highlighted Events

Winter Prayer

Let's begin 2025 in prayer!

An opportunity for everyone to pray daily to support and move forward our vision and mission. We also encourage you to continue to invite friends and neighbors, that don't have a home church, to engage at Trinity. Pick up a prayer card, along with a star sticker, in the back of the services and stick it in a place that will remind you to pray.

Reunion Night of Worship:

Mexico Home Build Edition

Sunday, Feb 2

5:30PM Dinner | Backyard

7:30PM Worship & Testimonies | Fellowship Hall

A special evening with yummy tacos, amazing worship, and a time to hear incredible stories from our Mexico home build. RSVP for dinner.


Registration required for some activities. Sign up online or on the app.


Healing Prayer on the Patio

THIS SUNDAY, Jan 19 | 10AM

Have a heavy burden? Our prayer team is available to pray with you.

Don't Miss These Adult Classes Happening Now

The Gospel of Matthew Sundays, Jan 12 - Apr 13 @10:40AM | Register here.

Our Identity in Christ Tuesdays, Jan 14 - Feb 11 @6:30-8PM | Register here.

Women's Bible Studies Happening Now

Women in the Word Mondays @9:15AM & 6:30PM | Register here.

Soul Work Wednesdays Wednesdays @9AM & 6:30PM | Register here.

Men's Bible Study: Ascent

Tuesdays, begins Feb 4 @7-8AM | Room 505 A/B

A study to help you grow as a Christ-centered leader in every area of life—home, work, in your neighborhood, and within your circle of influence. Through dynamic teaching, engaging table discussions, and practical takeaways, you’ll be equipped to apply biblical principles that make a real difference in your life. Together, we’ll explore what it means to follow Jesus more closely, embody His character, and lead with integrity and purpose in today’s world. No registration needed - just show up. Taught by Pastor Mike.

Men's Precepts: A Study on 1 & 2 Kings

Tuesdays, begins Jan 28 @7-8:30PM | Room 505 A/B

Learn teaching tools on how to study the Bible through observation, interpretation, and application. These books recount the history of Israel and Judah from Solomon's reign to the fall of both kingdoms, highlighting the rise and fall of monarchs, the dangers of idolatry, and the consequences of disobedience to God, while teaching the importance of faithful leadership, the perils of turning away from God, and the lasting impact of choices on a nation's spiritual health. Register here.

Science & Christianity: Are They Incompatible?

Wednesday, Feb 12 @7-8:30PM | Sanctuary

We'll explore questions like, "Are Christians 'anti-science'?" and examine the relationship between faith and scientific discovery. Come ready for an evening of insightful conversation and discovery! Speaker is J. Warner Wallace.

J. Warner Wallace is a Dateline featured cold-case homicide detective, popular national speaker, and bestselling author. He continues to consult on cold-case investigations while serving as a Senior Fellow at the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. He is also an Adj. Professor of Christian Apologetics at Talbot School of Theology, Biola University, and a faculty member at Summit Ministries.


Trinity MomCo & Trinity MomCo at Night

AM: Every other Thursday @9-11:30AM | Next Meeting: Jan 30

PM: Third Thursday of Each Month @7:15-9PM | Next Meeting: Feb 20

Motherhood can be messy. Come just as you are and be part of our mom's group that meets for a bite to eat, speakers, and friends! Options for morning or evening. Childcare available for the AM only. Register for AM here. Register for PM here.

Women's Retreat

Friday, Feb 28 - Sunday, Mar 2 | The Retreat Center at Rancho Capistrano

Enriching talks, uplifting worship, and uninterrupted time with God. This weekend will strengthen your faith and deepen your relationships. Meaghan Grider, from Saddleback Church, speaks on Unshakeable: Holding Firm in Christ. Register here.

Join Choir for a New Season of Singing

Open to everyone! No audition. No fee.

Visit the Music page or contact Sandy with questions. Register here.

Kinder-5th Grade: Wednesdays @4PM

6th-8th Grade: Wednesdays @5PM

Chapel Choir (High School-Young Adult): Sundays @1:30PM

Chancel Choir (College-Adults): Thursdays @7PM

Looking for Future Elders and Deacons!

Trinity’s Nominating Committee is soliciting names from the congregation for future leadership. Contact Karen McBrien.

Men's Basketball Open Court

Saturdays @6-8AM | The Center

Men, ages high school and older, are welcome to join in on some pick-up games. Invite your friends and let's play ball! No registration necessary - just show up.


Home for Refugees Home Team

THIS SUNDAY, Jan 19 @9 & 10:40AM

Join a team that will assist a refugee family find stability in Orange County. Contact Dave Ujifusa for more details.

Serve Day at Community Action Partnership

Saturday, Feb 8 @7-9:15AM | Santa Ana

CAP provides meals and services to Santa Ana residents in need. This family-friendly event will serve breakfast. Contact Steve Woesner with questions.

Souper Bowl Food Drive

Collecting Canned Soup & Crackers until Super Bowl Sunday, Feb 9

Help tackle hunger by bringing canned soup and crackers to the shopping cart on the patio or Church Office. Food will be distributed to our Community Ministry Partners.

Celebrate Recovery

Mondays @6:30PM Dinner | 7PM Large Groups | 8PM Small Groups

A safe place to be honest about your challenges without fear of judgement. Everyone is invited! You don't need to worship at Trinity to attend.

Celebrate Recovery - Women's Open Share

Tuesdays @6:40-7:40PM | 102 - 2nd Grade Sunday School Classroom

Open Share groups are a safe place for confidential sharing about struggles and/or victories with hurts, hang-ups, or habits of any kind. Bring a chair.

Orange County Rescue Mission Seeking Life Mentors

Trinity celebrates our 8th year of mentoring residents at OCRM! This is a one year commitment to walk alongside a person who was once homeless and help them find hope and restoration. Contact Bill Darlington to learn more.


King's Class

Sundays @9-10:10AM | Munzing Hall

A friendly community of adults sharing fellowship, music, worship, care, and prayer with a variety of engaging presentations. Topics include Bible teaching, Christian growth, and current mission activities. Life-long fellowship is a hallmark of the class which has been serving Trinity since 1960. The week Rev. Gary Watkins talks about Citizens of the Kingdom.


Tuesdays @10AM-12:30PM | Fellowship Hall

A fantastic opportunity for seniors to come together, enjoy good food, and engage in interesting discussions and entertainment. The combination of a home-cooked meal and varied programming makes it a welcoming and enriching experience for everyone involved. This week will feature Mary Lynn Coffee shares about the ministry, Think Together.



Contact Diane | Follow on Instagram

Sundays @9AM & 10:40AM | CLUB Tuesdays @6:30PM



Contact Chris | Follow on Instagram

Sundays @9AM | EPIC Tuesdays @6:30PM



Contact Joel | Follow on Instagram

Sundays @10:30AM | WELL Wednesdays @7PM



Contact Alex | Follow on Instagram

Sundays @10:10AM | YAC-K Thursdays @7PM

13922 PROSPECT AVE, SANTA ANA, CA 92705 | 714.544.7850


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