That the government in the Philippines eradicate corruption, establish justice and peace, and work effectively for the wellbeing of all their people; victims of violence, torture, drug and human trafficking, and human rights violations, that those responsible might be held accountable; all those affected by earthquakes, tsunamis, and other natural disasters, and for the rebuilding of communities afterwards; ecumenical and interfaith cooperation to bring justice, peace, and sustainability
Sierra Leone
The churches, for their evangelism and social outreach, faithful witness and action in times of conflict, and for interfaith cooperation with others; the majority of the people who are still impoverished, that adequate services and policies will be provided that enable them to live with dignity and good health; more just governance, free of corruption, accountable to the people, and that manages resources in ways that benefit all
An end to the war in Ukraine; for protection and that there would be peace; for restoration and renewed hope; for the families, especially, the children living through the horrors of war and the upheaval and tribulation it brings
United States
Churches facing new challenges, that they may continue to witness boldly to the gospel in evolving multicultural, multireligious and secular contexts; new immigrants, that they will continue to be welcomed; government leaders that they would advance justice, human rights, and peace for all; the end of racism, sexism and other forms of discrimination; those without health insurance and the lack of access to healthcare; an end to the Covid-19 pandemic
South Africa
A breakthrough in the current violence in South Africa; an end to the Covid-19 pandemic; staff and students in Lott Carey-supported programs; critical skills need: Development Director, Social Workers, Counselors, Facilitators, Volunteers, Churches, and Church and Business partnerships
The peace of Nigeria, which is on the edge of civil war; the safety of pastors, who are sometimes attacked as they travel on mission; schools and the safety of students from abduction, an increasing occurrence in Nigeria
Support for orphans in school fees or school supplies; Support for widows; construction of semi-permanent churches; construction of a vocational Bible institute on the Koitaburot church plot; digging of wells; purchase of another five acres for coffee; purchase of four motorcycles and 20 bicycles for pastors and laymen; expansion of church work in Bor, South Sudan
Families of students and staff to have their financial needs met; financial support through grants, scholarships for students, donations of educational supplies and materials for Lott Carey-supported schools; illegal encroachment of Lott Carey-supported school property; agriculture farm that supports schools and training for students
Those devastated by disasters, that their lives, communities and eco-systems might be rebuilt; the strengthening of all who faithfully witness through word and deed to the gospel; all those affected by crime and addictions; good governance and smooth transitions between political leaders
A stable economy that enables all people to prosper and live in justice and peace; effective measures to improve the health and life expectancy of all; the biodiversity and animals, and measures to preserve them; the herders and farmers who continue to raise cattle and food, despite droughts and desertification
Those who struggle to overcome grinding poverty; Christians and others who selflessly work in the community, their efforts at ensuring the rights of all citizens, and their collaborative work; efforts to build understanding and harmony among peoples across religious, caste and ethnic identities; peoples’ movements struggling for the rights of women, Dalits, Indigenous peoples, and the integrity of the earth; leaders to keep priority on the wellbeing of the people and the earth itself amid demands for economic growth.
All affected by Covid-19 and other diseases; employment opportunities for young people; political stability and the integrity of political leaders; end of systemic racism undermining the fabric of the nation; unity in a divided nation; social Justice; stop to police brutality meted out disproportional to people of African descent; end to domestic violence
The Tigray Region and other areas where thousands of people are affected and devastated by conflicts; the leaders as they discern ways towards resolving the current crisis by rejecting the temptation of continuing violence; leaders across the country to engage in dialogue as a path to peace, stability and wellbeing of the people; people that have fled and now classified as refugees and internally displaced people; ecclesial churches in Ethiopia to remain prophetic in their engagements toward peace, healing, reconciliation and restoration
The strengthening of all who faithfully witness through word and deed to the gospel; those devastated by earthquake and other disasters, that their lives, communities, and eco-systems might be rebuilt; all affected by Covid-19 and other diseases; all who are affected by crime and addictions; political stability after the assassination of the Haitian president; good governance and smooth transitions between political leaders.