“Free Time on Your Hands”
Americans were excited when the time came, and a certain historical freedom was established through the “Declaration of Independence” with all of the benefits associated to that agreement; and many in society celebrate the “Fourth of July” annually. What a milestone to experience a great political and natural freedom! That’s amazing! But, what’s more amazing is to experience the spiritual freedom that we have in Christ, and the benefits that accompany His covenant with Christian believers. John 8:36 says, “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.” Romans 8:2 further declares, “For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.”
We are bought with a price as we glorify God in our bodies and our spirits, which are His (I Corinthians 6:20). Although we are free moral agents of free choice, God desires that we choose and use our time wisely as we serve Him as the Body of Christ. We are His Hands, His Feet…His Body. Realistically, we take the time out or “free up the time” to do whatever we really have a strong desire to get done. In choosing, it sometimes becomes a matter of preference, passion, and priority. Have you or someone you know ever been in an emergency or a life or death situation, and you felt that God rescued “just in the nick of time?” We often say, “He’s never too early, never too late, but always right on time!” Well, what quality “time” do we really give God in our communication and relationship with Him? He shows up on time for us, but do we show up on time for Him? Put time on your hands! I’m not talking about the watch on your wrist, secured slightly above your hand, which we often watch closely, because we are so conscious of time, in order to fulfill other temporal and less valuable duties on our schedules. Take off the watch; clasp your hands in prayer…there is “free time on your hands.” It’s a mindset…you are free to pray…you are free in do have free time to pray!
When you look at your hands, imagine using them to turn over an hourglass filled with the “sands of time” and allowing it to be a simple reminder of how time flies, and let it give you the incentive to take a timeout to use your time wisely to pray. Ecclesiastes 9:10 states, “Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.” In light of eternity, we really have “all the time in the world” allocated to seek the face of God and things pertaining to His kingdom! We often get caught up with the hustle and bustle of life and the demands of a fast-paced society. But, don’t be so busy “making an earthly living,” that you forget about “making an eternal life.” Value the time you have before you…Yesterday is the past (gone), tomorrow is the future (unpromised), but today is the present (tangible). There is no time like the present! Psalm 69:13 declares, “But as for me, my prayer is unto thee, O LORD, in an acceptable time:” Prayer is our lifeline to God, especially in this troubled world and these last days we live in. Remember, time is of essence! I came across the following statements regarding “time” that I want to share:
To realize the value of ONE YEAR, ask the student who failed a grade.
To realize the value of ONE MONTH, ask the mother who gave birth to a premature baby.
To realize the value of ONE WEEK, ask the editor of a weekly newspaper.
To realize the value of ONE HOUR, ask the family in the hospital waiting room.
To realize the value of ONE MINUTE, ask the person who just missed their airplane flight.
To realize the value of ONE SECOND, ask the individual who just avoided the fatal accident.
To realize the value of ONE MILLISECOND, ask the athlete who won a silver medal in the Olympics instead of the gold.
Value every moment of time, and realize we are not in a “crunch time” for prayer. We can use time wisely, and pray! We sing the song “I Am Free,” know this too, “Through you (Jesus) my heart screams, I am free; I am free to run; I am free to dance; I am free to live for you; I am free; I am free;” but…you also have FREEDOM TO PRAY! So, let me ask that question again. Regarding prayer, do you have “free time on your hands?” I believe the answer is, “Yes!”

Flo Shaw
World Network of Prayer
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Prayer for the Kingdom, Power, and Glory of God in Our Midst
“Force, Freedom, Liberty, and Mastery”
According to the scriptures, the Kingdom of God is full of power and glory. Since the Kingdom of God comes with power, no wonder the scriptures warn us to turn away, in the last days, from a form (a semblance or formula) of godliness, which denies (contradicts, refuses or rejects) the power thereof.
Let us pray fervent, Holy Ghost, powerful prayers binding end-time forces that would seek to reduce us to mere religious formality. Let us earnestly seek for the Kingdom of God to come into each and every church service, each and every home, and each and every life of our fellowship worldwide.
Pray the Word:
  • Matthew 22:29 – Lord, don’t let us be in error not knowing the scriptures or the power of God.
  • Luke 4:14 – Restore to us a lifestyle of fasting and denying ourselves that we may resist the enemy and come forth in the power of the Spirit to reach our world.
  • Luke 4:32 – Let our teaching and preaching be with power (force, freedom, liberty, and mastery).
  • Luke 5:17 – Wherever we go, and in every service, let the power of the Lord be present to heal.
  • Acts 26:18 – May the power of God that deliver sinners from the power of Satan be consistently with us.
  • Romans 1:4 – Lord let us with purity, sacredness, and blameless lives be conduits for Your mighty power.
  • Ephesians 1:18-23; 6:10 – Thank you, Lord, that You have called us to power and glory. Help us to be strong in the Lord and in the power of Your might.
  • I Peter 1:5 – Let the keeping power of God be in every church.
  • Jude 25 – May we be true representations of our only wise God and Savior, Jesus Christ, full of glory, majesty, dominion, and power.
  • Pray in the Spirit.
For thine is the Kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.
JulieAnn Reynolds
New Life Austin
Austin, Texas
World Needs:

  • Pray for the Lord to prepare His bride for His coming as we see death with the sword and hunger. Pray for situations in America, including numerous mass shootings, buildings collapsing, hot air balloon crashes, knife attacks in Wuerzburg-Germany, wars and rumors of wars as is the case with airstrikes in Tigray, Ethiopia, Russia/UK/America, and the Black Sea presence, as well as US drone strikes in Afghanistan.
  • Pray for all who were affected by the Florida Condo collapse that has families mourning and in limbo over the loss. Currently, 9 people have died, and 152 people are still unaccounted for.
  • Pray for Hungary and Malaysia that the Lord will help them in their endeavor to uphold the passing of recent legislation banning all educational materials and programs for children that are considered to promote homosexuality, gender reassignment, or similar concepts. 
  • Pray for Afghanistan as the US troops withdraw. The Taliban is rapidly regaining control, and the group has now taken control of at least 50 of the country’s 370 districts.
  • Pray for the peace of Israel and the return of their land.
  • Continue to pray for the current Coronavirus season throughout America and our world and vaccine requirements in some colleges and by some employers. Currently, 10% of the world’s population is fully vaccinated. The average age for death by Covid-19 has shifted younger. The US Embassy in Kabul’s Covid-19 outbreak is now at 159 cases with several people on oxygen. It also is believed that states such as Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Wyoming that have high unvaccinated rates are at risk of spreading the more contagious Delta variant. And there is a slightly different version of the Delta variant called the Delta plus variant which is believed to be possibly more contagious and has approximately 200 cases in 11 countries.
 POA HOPE Prayer
Spring ’21 90 Day Prayer Journey 

We are all familiar with the Good Samaritan parable in the Bible.  There are similarities between the character of the Good Samaritan and the Father in the story of the Prodigal Son.  Both depict the love of Jesus.  

In the story of the Good Samaritan, we would have expected a Jew, a Priest, or the Levite to be the one who would have been the hero, not the Samaritan.  However, perhaps we can go back to II Chronicles 28 where the prophet Oded convinced the Samaritans who were the outcasts, to assist their Judean captives to show compassion.  

In the story of the Prodigal Son, the Father showed great love toward his son.  His son did not deserve the beautiful mercy bestowed upon him. Compassion won.  

Prayer wins.  Compassion wins.  Love wins...every time.  

As we enter into our thirteenth 90 Day Prayer Journey for our beloved prodigals and we who love them, we pray for hearts of love and compassion toward them.  We pray for the heart of the compassionate Samaritan and the heart of the loving Father. When we pray with brokenness, not with anger, condemnation, judging, we will then minister in love with our actions. 

Seeds of compassionate prayer reap mighty blessings. Faith rises.  HOPE awakens.  Love flows. We receive answers to prayers we’ve been praying for months or even years.  

We invite you, your churches, youth groups, small cell groups, families, couples, and singles to unite with HOPE Prayer, a ministry of The Pentecostals of Alexandria, for those with prodigals to pray for our beloved prodigals. This will be our 13th prayer journey praying the book by Dr. James Banks, 90 Days of Prayers for your child. God has performed miracles in the past. He will do it again. 


  • We encourage you to take advantage of these tools 
  • Prayers For Prodigals, 90 Days of Prayers For Your Child, Dr. James Banks 
  • Available @ POA White Steeple Book Store (1-888-443-2113) and on Amazon 
  • Daily prayer call with Partners In Prayer, Billie Jean Bishop, Founder 
  • 10 AM CST USA teaching, testimonies, prayer (sharing encouraged...will remain posted daily after each session)
  • FB Billie Jean Bishop, Donald Long, HOPE2HOPE15
  • Daily posts(sharing encouraged)

One mind, One accord Fast Days...Day 1, Day 45, Day 90 

Don and Dy Anne Long
FB: Don Long, Donald Long, HOPE2HOPE15, Messenger 
IG: Don Long, sdyannelong, HOPE2HOPE15 

Prayer wins.  Compassion wins. Love wins...every time.   
Dr. David K. Bernard
General Superintendent of the UPCI
Access Challenged Nations

Join the World Network of Prayer and Global Missions in praying for the nations that currently do not have an apostolic work. We will focus on one nation each week.

2021 WNOP Events

  • New England Territory Summons: Regional (August 19-21) Tiverton, Rhode Island
  • South Texas District Summons (August 19-21) Houston, Texas
  • UPCI Day of Prayer (September 29)
  • Oklahoma District One-Day Prayer Summons (October 2) Sperry, Oklahoma
  • International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (November 7)
  • *Ontario District Summons (Dates TBD) Ontario, Canada
  • *Canadian Plains District Summons (Dates TBD) Alberta, Canada
  • Detroit Summons (Rescheduled Dates TBD) Wayne, Michigan
  • YM + WNOP Summons (Rescheduled Dates and location TBD) 
  • School of Prayer (Rescheduled Dates TBD) Ijamsville, Maryland
  • Advanced Prayer Seminar (Rescheduled Dates TBD) Del Valle, Texas
  • *Ministry And Prayer Seminar (MAP) (Rescheduled Dates and Location TBD)
  • “Operation Switzerland” (Rescheduled Dates TBD)
  • “Operation Turkey” (Rescheduled Dates TBD)
  • “Operation Jamaica” (Rescheduled Dates TBD)
*Pending Board approval. Note: Events and schedule subject to the restrictions and impact of the ongoing pandemic. Also, some 2021 event dates are pending and more will be added to the WNOP calendar later as approved by the Board throughout the year.
Consider supporting WNOP with a tax-deductible donation. Give the gift that keeps on giving:


If WNOP has been a blessing to you, consider giving “$25 for 25 years.” As we celebrate our 25th anniversary, $25 a month representing 25 years of service would help us to continue to provide the best prayer products and services worldwide! Thank you in advance for any contribution that you make. We are here to serve every church and individual in the ministry of prayer! Consider becoming a partner in prayer with a one-time or Monthly $25 or more donation

You can give at the GIVE link above, located on our website (, or with either method below:

Mailing Address: WNOP, 36 Research Park Court, Weldon Spring, Missouri 63304
Text-To-Give: text "give to WNOP" to 41444

WNOP Personal Prayer List

To join WNOP in praying for the personal needs submitted by email, phone and website, please click the button below.

You may submit requests by email at [email protected].

"If you received an answer to prayer or have a victory report, post it on WNOP's Facebook page. We would like to hear from you." 
World Network of Prayer | United Pentecostal Church International
36 Research Park Court, Weldon Spring, Missouri 63304
636-229-7986| | [email protected]