Everything the early church did revolved around the name of Jesus. The name of Jesus is not effective among us until we proclaim it and use it. There is power in proclaiming and demonstrating the revelation of the name of Jesus and of the one true God (Colossians 3:17). Knowing one God, in the identity of Christ, helps us to realize who we are in Christ. We cannot truly realize who we are, until we realize who He is…and “who He is in us and through us!”
The name of Jesus is the highest name. Jesus has all power and, as believers, we have access to that authority and power through His name and His Word, and sonship in His kingdom (Matthew 28:18, Ephesians 1:18-23). All are subject to His name (Philippians 2:10-11). With such authority and power we can defeat satanic forces…which will result in great salvation, deliverance, and restoration. The miraculous and the glory of God will manifest as the sovereign dominion power of God prevails in the Church and amid a destitute humanity (Matthew 11:12).
As we submit ourselves under God’s authority and ordained biblical authority (divine covering) then, as “sons of God,” we have access to His delegated authority (Matthew 8:8-10, John 1:12). To have authority, one must be under authority. Jesus gave us His authority to trample upon the enemy (Mark 1:21-22, Luke 4:36-37; 10:18-19, Ephesians 6:10-18). However, authority which is granted (imparted) but not used…is not possessed, and ultimately is left idle (unused), which is like possessing no authority at all! For example, a judge sitting in a courtroom has influence, but a judge who is mandating a legal sentence to a guilty criminal…is exercising authority. As Christians, we may have some influence in this world, but if we are not using the authority that Jesus gave us, then we do not have authority at all. Inactivated authority is no authority!
The purpose of operating in God’s designated authority is to allow the kingdom of God to be manifested upon this earth (I Corinthians 3:9).This activated or sanctioned authority then may be exercised by speaking His Word (Rhema/Logos), in the name of Jesus, that would release His authority to accomplish His divine will (Luke 10:17). As we pray and speak in Christ’s stead, then this exercised authority (divine consent to act) transforms into dominion power (divine ability to act) that is discharged and manifested with the purpose to help establish and further advance the kingdom of God in this world (Mark 6:7, Luke 10:1-9).
As the Church exercises authority and dominion power, then God’s Word will be confirmed with signs following. As believers endeavor to fulfill the great commission in order to reach a mass harvest, God indeed will empower us to obtain triumphant victory (Mark 16:15-20, Ephesians 3:20-21). If you are Spirit-filled, you can realize Who is inside of you. Christ is in you, so be confident knowing that ONE-GOD, JESUS-NAME, AUTHORITY AND DOMINION POWER is available to work in His kingdom for His glory! Amen.
Flo Shaw
World Network of Prayer
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The Dominion of a Holy God
Revelation 4:1-11
Revelation chapter 4 is a powerful expose’ of the finality, apex, and climax of the kingship of Jesus Christ. It denotes many different teaching points that empower our faith in the saving blood and name of Jesus Christ.
There are ten salient teaching truths to extract from Revelation chapter 4 that exalts the supremacy of Jesus Christ listed below. These ten points should be our passion as the Spirit and the Bride says, “Come, Lord,” in this end-time hour.

  1. It shows us the submission of the human will to Lordship.
  2. It reveals our deliverance from evil.
  3. It shows us the reverence and fear of the King.
  4. It reveals that Jesus is recognized for full power and authority.
  5. It teaches us an ultimate appreciation for His redeeming love by casting crowns at the feet of Jesus.
  6. It shows all creation is put on notice of the dominion of Jesus to all creatures, all demons, and the heavenly host.
  7. It signifies complete victory over sin.
  8. It shows the finality of the mission and purpose of Jesus Christ.
  9. Robes of white raiment were worn to signify they went through the blood of Jesus to come into this atmosphere of worship.
  10. A progressive and greater hour was given from Jesus giving crowns to people and people throwing them down at His feet.

Let us pray:

  • that the dominion of Jesus is manifested in our homes and local congregation for healing and deliverance.
  • and tarry for the manifestation of cleansing worship that produces repentance in the local church.
  •  that this kind of dominion worship draws sinners and backsliders into the local church for salvation.
  • for the dominion of Jesus to manifest a renewing of fresh holiness living in the local church that we may have the courage to defend God’s honor and His kingdom in the midst of darkness.
  • for this kind of kingship worship to increase the fear of God in the leadership of the local church.
  • for this dominion worship to spread the renowned name of Jesus to foreign soil to unchurched heathen nations.
  • for kingship worship to manifest the gifts of the Spirit and apostolic miracles among the wounded and hurting.

Pastor Don Rogers
The Pentecostals of Wisconsin
Wisconsin District Prayer Coordinator
WNOP North Central Regional Prayer Coordinator
World Needs:

  • Pray for the Lord to provide relief and support to Haiti's earthquake efforts where at least 304 people have died after a 7.2 magnitude earthquake hit the country.
  • Continue to pray for the Lord to send relief for wildfires that are raging across America. California’s Dixie Fire destroyed 44,000 acres between August 4 - 5, which is equal to burning all of Washington DC. Meanwhile, in Greece, 586 wildfires are burning during the country’s worst heat waves in decades. 
  • Continue to pray for the Lord to protect the Harvest and His Bride against Covid-19, Delta, Lambda, and all other possible variants. Coronavirus cases are believed to have increased nine fold since the beginning of July, and hospitalizations are at the highest rate since February. Further, it is believed some new variants may be resistant to vaccines. The Lambda variant has been designated by WHO as a “variant of interest." Approximately 94,000 cases among children were added in the US in the past week. China is challenged with controlling the Delta outbreak, and New South Wales, Australia have extended their lockdown as Sydney recorded its highest daily case count.
Access Challenged Nations

Join the World Network of Prayer and Global Missions in praying for the nations that currently do not have an apostolic work. We will focus on one nation each week.

2021 WNOP Events

  • New England Territory Summons (August 19-21) Tiverton, Rhode Island
  • South Texas District Summons (August 19-21) Houston, Texas
  • UPCI Day of Prayer (September 29)
  • Oklahoma District One-Day Prayer Summons (October 2) Sperry, Oklahoma
  • International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (November 7)
  • Ontario District Summons (Dates TBD) Ontario, Canada
  • Canadian Plains District Summons (Dates TBD) Alberta, Canada
  • Detroit Summons (Rescheduled Dates TBD) Wayne, Michigan
  • YM + WNOP Summons (Rescheduled Dates and location TBD)
  • School of Prayer (Rescheduled Dates TBD) Ijamsville, Maryland
  • Advanced Prayer Seminar (Rescheduled Dates TBD) Del Valle, Texas
  • Ministry And Prayer Seminar (MAP) (Rescheduled Dates and Location TBD)
  • “Operation Switzerland” (Rescheduled Dates TBD)
  • “Operation Turkey” (Rescheduled Dates TBD)
  • “Operation Jamaica” (Rescheduled Dates TBD)

*Pending Board approval. Note: Events and schedule subject to the restrictions and impact of the ongoing pandemic. Also, some 2021 event dates are pending and more will be added to the WNOP calendar later as approved by the Board throughout the year.
Consider supporting WNOP with a tax-deductible donation. Give the gift that keeps on giving:


WNOP Personal Prayer List

To join WNOP in praying for the personal needs submitted by email, phone and website, please click the button below.

You may submit requests by email at [email protected].

"If you received an answer to prayer or have a victory report, post it on WNOP's Facebook page. We would like to hear from you." 
World Network of Prayer | United Pentecostal Church International
36 Research Park Court, Weldon Spring, Missouri 63304
636-229-7986| | [email protected]