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 Reins of the Heart

David said in Psalms 26:2, “Examine me, O Lord, and prove me; try my reins and my heart.”  As a horse is governed by its reins, so our hearts are controlled by whoever holds our reins. In John 14:30 in the Amplified version Jesus stated, “I will not talk with you much more, for the prince (evil genius, ruler) of the world is coming. And he has no claim on Me.” [He has nothing in common with Me; there is nothing in Me that belongs to him, and he has no power over me.]  


If we have something in common with Satan, he can pull on our reins and control us. If we have disdain in our hearts towards authority, Satan can ride in on that spirit, because he is chief among those who disdain authority. He can cause you to talk about your husband, pastor, boss or government official without any remorse or contrition.   


I believe that Satan has had a master plan for this endtime that he has been executing for years. It was to plant seeds of disdain for authority figures in the hearts of men and women from their childhood on. Such as fathers who leave their families, men who mistreat and abuse women, boys and girls being molested as children. If Satan can fill a generation with contempt for authority, he can have control over those who allow that spirit to remain in their hearts.


Pray that God will forgive you for a spirit of disdain towards authority. Pray for a revival of respect for the authority God has given. Pray the Lord will forgive through you―those who have hurt you. Jesus prayed “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34 a).


Repentance is the key to repairing the breaches in our lives. Proverbs 25:28 says, “He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls …” Perhaps we need a time on our knees for repairs. There is nothing more powerful than applying the blood of Jesus to our hearts and lives through confession and genuine heartfelt repentance. (I John 1:9) His blood can seal any breach; it is a heavenly mortar that must be applied to build up the walls of our internal (soul) city. Once the blood of Jesus is applied through repentance, we have the authority to bind and loose. We take the reins of our hearts out of the enemy’s hand and place them in God’s hand.


Prayer example: Heavenly Father, please forgive me for allowing a spirit of disdain to dwell in my heart. I forgive offenders for the mistakes they have made, and the pain they have caused. I bind myself to Your mind, Your will, Your purpose and Your love and I loose myself from the spirit of disdain and bitterness. In Jesus’ name I pray.


If you or I have pride in our hearts, if we are self-satisfied with the work of our own hands, if we take credit for ourselves when something turns out well, instead of giving God the glory, then we have something in common with Satan. Pride is a thick blindfold―if we choose to wear it.


Busyness does not necessarily mean we are doing God’s business. I see men and, especially women, competing (talking about) how busy they are, as if exhaustion had a prize attached to it. Remember, “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God” (Romans 8: 14).  Bro. T.W. Barnes always told me, “Only what is accomplished by the leading of the Spirit, do we get credit for in heaven." (see also I Corinthians 3:9-14)


Pray that God will forgive you for pride and glory stealing. Pray that God will clothe you with His humility and then submit yourself to His righteousness. (Romans 10:3) Pray to be led by His Spirit all day … every day.


There is another spirit that I see taking over our world. It is the spirit of boredom. If you allow it to take hold of you, you will find yourself seeking the things of the flesh and the pleasures of this world. Boredom is a feeling … a spirit, and it needs to be repented of and rebuked. What an insult to God, to be bored with His work and Kingdom.  


Pray that God will forgive you for entertaining an attitude of boredom. Pray to hunger and thirst for righteousness and to desire and seek the deeper things of the Spirit. Prayer against and press beyond the feeling of boredom and rebuke it! We have some in the younger generation who are being seduced by a spirit boredom. 


Pray that God takes control of the reins of every heart!


Kathie Wellman

Pastor’s Assistant to Mark Hattabaugh

The Pentecostals of Cooper City

Cooper City, Florida

Come Away My Beloved

The spirit of prayer is wooing us to rise up from slumbering and complacency and to come away, My beloved, with Me (God) into a deeper dimension of prayer. (Song of Solomon 2:10) Are we willing to pay the price from the business of life, the demands of life, the anxieties of this age (Mark 4:19), and the pleasures and seduction of this untoward generation? As long as we are content with mediocrity, the approval and praises of men, and the esteem of others alone, we will not have the desire to rise up and come away with the Lord. 


God extended the invitation of the Spirit to prayer with intimacy to Moses. God directed Moses … come My beloved up to Me, Moses, in the mountain and just wait for Me. Just be there, practice lay, lingering and listening. Empty yourself and get quiet before Me. (Exodus 24:12-16) Moses came and waited on God for six days. There, Moses practiced getting spiritually intimate with God, getting his spirit tender, soft and sensitive. He meditated on God’s character, preeminence, and personal ways. Moses learned patience and self-control. An impatient person cannot discern spiritual things.


In essence, God was saying, "Moses, be there. Pay the price and I will come to visit with you." Moses was willing to pay a price in his busy schedule to entreat the spirit of prayer. On the sixth day, God finally speaks. (verse 16) Can you wait this long in prayer for God to speak to you? God gave Moses the Ten Commandments and laws written by His finger. God put a powerful intercessory spirit in Moses. (Exodus 32:7-14) Moses took on the heart of God for a stiff-neck people. This is the spirit of prayer. 


God continues, "Moses, I will give you of My heart and of My Spirit, through the spirit of prayer." Moses rose up to come away with God while the people he led got off track. They worshipped the golden calf. Moses could have panicked and cut his prayer time short to deal with the rebellious Israel. Moses refused to allow the anxieties of the age to pull him away from the spirit of prayer. Consequently, God revealed Himself to Moses in a very powerful way. Moses took heed to the call to come away. 



  1. for Pastors, District and National officials, and all leaders and ministers to experience the coming away with God, and to lead and guide the people they serve, even in the midst of incredible pressures, weights, and responsibilities.
  2. that God would manifest His power, authority, and healing strength from local church intercessors willing to pay the price to “Come away and be with God.” 
  3. that our Global Missionaries and North American Missionaries would “Come away to be with God,” to receive divine direction for facing impossible circumstances. 
  4. that the Church would help to reap a great harvest and that in the middle of chaos, trouble, and warfare, that God’s people will make time to seek His face and not His hand. 
  5. that God speaks from a spiritual Mt. Sinai of “coming away’” to the fivefold ministry to impact the world, including government community leaders. Pray that they would receive favor and influence for the Word of God to reach these leaders and the masses. 


Pastor Don Rogers 

The Pentecostals of Wisconsin 

WNOP North Central Region Prayer Coordinator 

Wisconsin District Prayer Coordinator

The World Network of Prayer Presents 

24/7 WATCH: A Year-Round Initiative for 24/7 Prayer

As of January 1, 2023, WNOP has continued the 24/7 prayer and fasting chain worldwide. It has been such a great success in 2022 that it was requested again. Each week WNOP is posting a prayer focus as daily prayer for the entire week. Also, weekly a video is posted on the WNOP Facebook Page of a prayer leader and/or minister leading in periodic prayer.

Many people throughout the world have signed up by committing in their hearts unto God that they will consistently join together in united prayer and fasting. WNOP also has partnered with those in local churches who are already a part of a current 24-hour prayer chain. All of these hours of consecration are culminating to help provide a complete mass prayer covering over the entire Church body and to help bring greater success in all that we do in Christ! Together, let’s “watch and pray” and behold great and mighty things in the kingdom of God! Let’s prevail over the enemy with victory and declare, “Not on My Watch!”

Flo Shaw

WNOP Director


HEALING: Emotional Healing

Following is the “24/7 Watch” daily prayer focus for this week. Join us in consistent prayer & fasting.

Hotel and registration info here!
Access Challenged Nations

Join the World Network of Prayer and Global Missions in praying for the nations that currently do not have an apostolic work. We will focus on one nation each week.

Occupational Chaplains

2023 WNOP Events

  • 24/7 WATCH: WNOP Facebook Worldwide Prayer Initiative (January 1 - December 31)
  • Fivefold Ministry Discovery Conference (March 23-25)
  • Northwest Region Summons (April 13-15)
  • National Day of Prayer (May 4)
  • World Day of Prayer/Pentecost Sunday (May 28)
  • New England Territory Summons (August 17-19)
  • UPCI Day of Prayer (September 13)
  • **Wisconsin District Prayer Conference (October 13-15)
  • Ontario District Prayer Summons (November 2-4)
  • Day of Prayer: Persecuted Church (November 5)
  • Operation Jamaica (November 12-20)
  • WNOP Leadership Retreat (TBA)
  • *Detroit Metro District Prayer Summons (TBD)
  • **Arkansas District Summons (TBD)
  • YM + WNOP Summons (Rescheduled Dates TBD). Location: TBD
  • WNOP “Operation Prayer Evangelism: “Switzerland” (Rescheduled Dates TBD)
  • WNOP “Operation Prayer Evangelism: “Operation Turkey” (Rescheduled Dates TBD)


*Pending Executive Board approval. Note: **Some events are District Board approved, but promoted by WNOP. Also, more 2023 event dates may be added to the WNOP Calendar later as approved by the Executive Board. (For more info on these specific listings, please contact WNOP at 636-229-7986)

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WNOP Personal Prayer List

To join WNOP in praying for the personal needs submitted by email, phone and website, please click the button below.

You may submit requests by email at [email protected].

"If you received an answer to prayer or have a victory report, post it on WNOP's Facebook page. We would like to hear from you." 
WNOP Prayer List

World Network of Prayer | United Pentecostal Church International

36 Research Park Court, Weldon Spring, Missouri 63304

636-229-7986 | | [email protected]

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