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The Fire That Makes the Difference

“He shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire” (Matthew 3:11).

As Pentecostals we understand the part—“ with the Holy Ghost”—but what about the fire?

More than 300 times fire is mentioned in the Bible. It is often a symbol of God, His judgment or His acceptance. The angels, as ministers of God, are compared to fire. At His second coming, Jesus will appear in fire. The Holy Ghost is compared to fire. Fire and sacrifices are often linked together.

Abraham took fire with him to Moriah. (Genesis 22:6) Peter warmed by a fire in the temple courtyard. (Matthew 14:54) Paul helped build a fire on the island of Melita. (Acts 28:2-3) Nadab and Abihu offered strange fire in the tabernacle. (Leviticus 10:1) However, there is one fire that makes the difference—the fire of God’s holy, manifested presence and power!

“And there came a fire out from before the Lord, and consumed upon the altar ... which when all the people saw, they shouted, and fell on their faces” (Leviticus 9:24).

“Now when Solomon had made an end of praying, the fire came down from heaven … and the glory of the Lord filled the house … and when all the children of Israel saw how the fire came down … they bowed … and worshipped …” (II Chronicles 7:1,3).

In both these instances, there had been much planning, work, activity, and sacrifice from the people. However, it is when they had waited before the altar that the fire of God fell and the people were affected.


The fire that makes the difference comes on those who tarry at the altar of prayer and sacrifice. There is no substitute for the fire of God. The “strange fire” offered by Nadab and Abihu is clearly man’s attempt to act in the things of God without seeking the mind of God! Death is the result of this careless spirituality!


A new day is open before us. The most important thing we can do is to wait at the altar of prayer until the fire of God, His manifested presence and holiness, comes in its fullness of power. And if we do, when we do, He will come, and the people will bow and worship.

As the royal priesthood of the New Testament Church, we need to be aware of our responsibility to the altar.

“And the fire upon the altar shall be burning in it; it shall not be put out: and the priest shall burn wood on it every morning … The fire shall ever be burning upon the altar; it shall never go out” (Leviticus 6:12-13).

Prayer is the priority to preaching, studying, organizing, working, planning, singing, and shouting. Paul wrote “… first of all ... prayers …” (I Timothy 2:1).


God’s house shall be called a house of prayer, but what have we made it? (Mark 11:17) The maximum or minimum results of all our efforts will be determined by the ministry of prayer. It will be the fire that will make the difference!


Thetus Tenney

The Pentecostals of Alexandria

Who is That God?

In Daniel Chapter 5 there is a phrase that has arrested my attention; it is when the king asked the three Hebrews, “Who is That God” that shall deliver you out of my hand? It would be easy to discuss the call to compromise, to grapple with the difficulty of Daniel’s helplessness or the danger of disobeying the king’s command. But the real focus of our attention should be upon the King who was so sure that His hand was stronger than the one he had never seen in action. 


So many in our day have seen what man’s hand has been able to accomplish with limited ability and strength. But when faith was placed in the fire, the fire became a platform to reveal the presence of “That God” who was able deliver His faithful ones in the fire, through the fire, and after the fire.


When we take time to ponder how we should pray for those in times of crisis, perhaps these points can be taken from the fifth chapter of Daniel to guide us.



  • that what they believe about “That God’s” delivering power will become stronger.
  • that they will have the courage to stand for “That God,” when others fall away.
  • that their confidence will not be in the circumstance, or the outcome, but in “That God.”
  • that they will believe that “That God” was with them in the crowd and in front of the King, and that He will not forsake them in the fire.
  • that they will know that when they stand up for “That God,” that He will not only stand up for them, but He will stand with them.
  • for them to know that it is their unwavering faith in “That God” that sustained them and brought the victory.
  • that they will be able to see those who opposed them and that their total trust in “That God,” will cause them to confess that “This God” is the only one that can deliver from the hands of men.

Reverend Wilson Hudson 

District Prayer Coordinator

West Virginia District

The World Network of Prayer Presents 

24/7 WATCH: A Year-Round Initiative for 24/7 Prayer

As of January 1, 2023, WNOP has continued the 24/7 prayer and fasting chain worldwide. It has been such a great success in 2022 that it was requested again. Each week WNOP is posting a prayer focus as daily prayer for the entire week. Also, weekly a video is posted on the WNOP Facebook Page of a prayer leader and/or minister leading in periodic prayer.

Many people throughout the world have signed up by committing in their hearts unto God that they will consistently join together in united prayer and fasting. WNOP also has partnered with those in local churches who are already a part of a current 24-hour prayer chain. All of these hours of consecration are culminating to help provide a complete mass prayer covering over the entire Church body and to help bring greater success in all that we do in Christ! Together, let’s “watch and pray” and behold great and mighty things in the kingdom of God! Let’s prevail over the enemy with victory and declare, “Not on My Watch!”

Flo Shaw

WNOP Director


Government: Congress

Following is the “24/7 Watch” daily prayer focus for this week. Join us in consistent prayer & fasting.


Registration is free. You don't want to miss this!

HOPE CONFERENCE ‘23 ... OCTOBER 6-7, 2023 


HOPE Prayer Conference: For prodigals, those with prodigals, and those who love them

Conference Speaker: Rev. Jason Sciscoe 

Conference Location: Pentecostals of Alexandria, LA 

Registration: OPEN

Please share and help spread the word!


Don & Dy Anne Long

HOPE Ministry Directors

Access Challenged Nations

Join the World Network of Prayer and Global Missions in praying for the nations that currently do not have an apostolic work. We will focus on one nation each week.

Hospital Chaplains

2023 WNOP Events

  • 24/7 WATCH (January 1 – December 31)
  • 30 Days of Prayer (January 2-31)
  • **SoCal District Summons (January 5-7)
  • **Hawaii District Prayer Conference: INOP (January 18-20)
  • **New York Metro District Summons (January 26-28)
  • **North Central Jersey District Prayer Conference (February 10-11)
  • Fivefold Ministry Discovery Conference (UPCI), Kansas City, MO (March 23-25)
  • Northwest Region Summons: ID (Host), AK/YT, BC, OR, WA, RKY MTN (April 13-15)
  • National Day of Prayer (May 4)
  • Global Day of Prayer/Pentecost Sunday (May 28)
  • AYC (YM) Baton Rouge, LA Trip (June 5-12) 
  • WNOP Leadership Retreat (June 21-23). Cancelled and rescheduled for 2024
  • New England Territory Summons: RI (Host), MA, CT, NH, VT, & ME (August 17-19)
  • Operation Switzerland (September 6-14)
  • **South Texas District Prayer Conference (September 7-9)
  • UPCI Day of Prayer (September 13)
  • Prodigals Day of Prayer (October 1) 
  • **Wisconsin District Prayer Conference (October 13-14)
  • San Diego “TNT” Prayer Conference (October 19-21)
  • MAP Conference: ABI/ABC, St. Paul, MN (October 25-27)
  • First New Orleans WNOP Regional Prayer Summons (October 26-28)
  • Ontario Prayer Summons (November 2-4)
  • **Florida District Prayer Conference (November 3-4)
  • Day of Prayer: Persecuted Church (November 5)
  • Detroit Metro Prayer Summons (November 9-11)
  • Operation Jamaica (November 12-20)
  • First Australia WNOP Regional Prayer Summit (November 17-18)
  • **South Carolina District Prayer Conference (Dates TBD)
  • **Arkansas District Prayer Conference (Dates TBD)
  • **Oklahoma District Prayer Conference (Dates TBD)
  • Operation Turkey (Rescheduled Dates TBD)
  • YM + WNOP Summons (Rescheduled Dates TBD)
  • SoCal District WNOP Regional Summons (January 4-5, 2024)
  • New York Metro District WNOP Prayer Conference (January 2024, Dates TBD)
  • WNOP International Summons: Restoration Church, St. Charles, MO (June 13-15, 2024)

Note: **Some events are District Board approved, but promoted by WNOP. Also, more 2023 event dates may be added to the WNOP Calendar later as approved by the Executive Board or submitted (District). For more info, please contact WNOP at 636-229-7986.

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WNOP Personal Prayer List

To join WNOP in praying for the personal needs submitted by email, phone and website, please click the button below.

You may submit requests by email at [email protected].

"If you received an answer to prayer or have a victory report, post it on WNOP's Facebook page. We would like to hear from you." 
WNOP Prayer List

World Network of Prayer | United Pentecostal Church International

36 Research Park Court, Weldon Spring, Missouri 63304

636-229-7986 | | [email protected]

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