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Weekly Prayer Message

God of life and breath, you are our source of hope:

+ We give thanks for your gifts of life and love;

+ sustain us when we are feeling weary, broken, lost, or frightened;

+ open our hearts and minds to hear your word and call;

+ reform in us what needs reforming;

+ inspire us to be your hands and voice in your world;

+ strengthen us to take action to seek justice for our neighbors;

+ grant us courage and creativity to joyfully share your Good News.

We pray for your world and your people:

+ We pray for those who are hungry. Stir us to action to lift up our neighbors and seek policies that support them. We give thanks for our Synod Hunger Team (meeting this week) and our partnership with ELCA World Hunger - helping us collaborate our efforts, find sustainable solutions to end hunger, and provide nourishment domestically and abroad.


+ We lift up all in our communities who provide emergency services - those who respond first to bring aid: emergency medical workers, firefighters, community volunteers, and police. Grant them encouragement, wisdom and safety in their work.


+ We pray for the safety and well-being of those impacted by war and violence; we pray for peace, wisdom, justice, repentance and reconciliation. We give thanks for the assistance provided by Lutheran Disaster Response, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, and our partners and companion churches. (Support our new neighbors - Lutheran Community Services NW - lcsnw.org/ and Lutheran Immigration & Refugee Service - lirsconnect.org/get_involved/action_center/siv)

+ We pray for those places, people, animals, and land affected by the devastation of natural disasters: drought, flooding, earthquakes, fire, and storms. Grant safety in the midst of chaos and fear; grant strength to those affected as they recover and rebuild. We pray for the safety of firefighters, first responders, members of the National Guard, disaster response volunteers, relief agencies, and neighbors who respond to individuals and communities in times of severe weather and natural disaster. Help us to be generous partners with Lutheran Disaster Response and encourage our mindful work in disaster preparedness with our regional partners at www.region1beprepared.org.

We pray for those who are grieving:

+ Gracious God, wrap your arms of love, peace, and hope around all who are experiencing any kind of loss, disconnection, or brokenness.

We pray for all who are in need of healing and strength:

+ We pray for those who are facing ongoing health concerns: Loved ones who are receiving palliative care or hospice care; Abi Griffith (daughter of Rev. Eric Griffith); Deacon Nan Beth Walton; Rev. Ron Melver.

+ As Domestic Violence Awareness Month comes to a close, we continue to pray for our neighbors who are fearful or in danger in their relationships. Empower us to help sustain those who protect, support, and advocate for people who are experiencing domestic violence. (Reach out here for help: https://wscadv.org/get-help-now/)

+ We give thanks for school counselors, social workers and psychologists who care for students and their diverse needs. We pray that all children and youth will have access to affordable, effective and supportive mental health services.

We pray for your church:

+ As this Clergy Appreciation Month comes to a close, we give thanks for those who deacons and pastors who answered your Spirit's call to serve the church. We celebrate the many and varied gifts they bring to our communities. Sustain and  enliven them in this work. Guide us to show our gratitude and care for them.

+ We pray for programs and partners of the ELCA churchwide organization that support young adults as they grow in faith and discover who God is calling them to be in the world, including ELCA Young Adult Ministry, Young Adults in Global Mission, Young Adult Justice Network, Campus Ministry, and Outdoor Ministries.

+ From our prayer calendar, we pray for these ministries and their rostered leaders: 

-- Gloria Dei Lutheran Church and Preschool (Lynnwood) and Rev. Gail Rautmann and Deacon Dustin Hamren;

-- Trinity Lutheran Church and Schools (Lynnwood) and Rev. Hector Garfias-Toledo and Rev. Jenna Bergeson;

-- our Companion Synod: The Evangelical Lutheran Church in European Russia;

-- the Upstate New York Synod and their bishop, the Rev. Lee M Miller II.

+ We give thanks for the many years of many year of service of our retired pastors & deacons. This week we celebrate these retired ministers: Rev. Michael Clifford, Rev. Donald Cornell, and Rev. Russell Creydt.

+ We pray for ministries and leaders in transition.

-- we pray for the leaders who are guiding ministries in a time of transition: transition teams, call committees, transition ministers, care pastors, congregational staff and lay leaders, and our synod staff;

-- we pray for all who are in discernment and/or awaiting call.

May our prayers rise before you as incense.

+ Your mercy is everlasting and your faithfulness endures from age to age;

+ Sustain, uplift, and encourage us as we live into your calling;

+ Trusting in your mercy and grace, we lift our prayers to you.


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Please note: direct permission is needed prior to inclusion. 

Email susan@lutheransnw.org if you have a prayer petition or update.

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Northwest Washington Synod / ELCA
5519 Phinney Avenue North
Seattle, WA 98103
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