Autumn Sunshine
My prayer at age 65


"He is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End,

the First and the Last."  Revelation 22:13

       Dear Lord, may you ever be the Preeminent One in my life, even more than my prized possessions. May nothing of this earth's treasures be more of a prize to me then Your hand in mine and mine in Yours.


       Precious Savior, may you be foremost over any and all of my friendships. May I be determined that You shall be above all, even if it means I must stand deserted and alone in the midst of this world and the church.


       Abba Father, be thou exalted above any and all of my comforts. May nothing be a substitute, a displacement or a temporary pleasure in place of You.


       May You be more important than my reputation. May I be ambitious to please only You even if as a result I must sink into obscurity and my name be forgotten.


       May my security be found in You, not in my retirement accounts, my country property or my Medicare.


       May I be determined to allow only You to rise into Your proper place of honor, above my ambitions, above my likes and dislikes, above my family and friends, my health and even my life itself. May my life be found in You and You alone!


       From the heart,



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                                                 Jim & Sally Hohnberger
                                              Empowered Living Ministries