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"Prayer for UPCI Board Meetings"

The UPCI Executive Board will meet on March 4, 2024 and the UPCI General Board will meet March 5 – March 7, 2024 at the Renaissance St. Louis Airport Hotel in St. Louis, Missouri. Please pray for the great success of these 2024 Midwinter Executive and General Board meetings.


The Word of God exhorts us to consistently pray for those in authority. “I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour” (I Timothy 2:1-3). Therefore, your prayers for our board leadership and board meetings are significant.


Pray for all UPCI leadership on every level and petition for God's divine anointing and empowerment to rest upon them. Ask God to help our board leadership to effectively fulfill their leadership and ministerial responsibilities. Pray for God’s knowledge, understanding, and wisdom to flow through them, and that He would direct and guide them in all decisions. Intercede that the Lord would greatly impart to them supernatural power and ability as needed. Pray that all the finances and necessary resources would be provided for the work of God.


Pray that God’s blessings be poured out upon all leaders and their families, including the work(s) that they oversee. Pray for the will of God to be done in every aspect. Consistently pray Spirit-led prayers for all that God desires to accomplish within the UPCI for His glory!


Flo Shaw


World Network of Prayer

"Praying for UPCI Leadership"

Prayer for UPCI Leadership is essential! Our leaders are chosen by God to help advance His kingdom, and faithful, focused intercession helps to support His work. Among great opportunities, leaders also have tremendous responsibilities and face many challenges as they endeavor to fulfill the call, purpose, and Biblical mandate of God. It is vital that, through prayer, we lift up the hands of those who lead so that we may see God bring the victory (I Timothy 2:1-3, Exodus 17:8-13)!


  • God, help all leaders foremost to cultivate a greater relationship with You.
  • Lord, we pray that all leaders seek Your will and direction in all key areas. Help them to maintain a consistent, uncompromising, and steadfast course.
  • God, empower each leader with the fruit of the Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit. Give each divine anointing, strength, and ability to do their work.
  • We pray for “favor with God and man” for all leaders. Help each to walk in the Spirit, pleasing to You, being obedient to Your voice and to Your Word. 
  • Lord, help leaders to perform optimally, demonstrate excellence in all of their work, and to receive the best results in all of their decision-making.
  • Lord, we pray that Your vision be cast effectively by our leaders, and that those commissioned to lead would effectively carry out that vision and your agenda.
  • God, grant divine health spiritually, physically, and mentally… to each leader. We pray for their whole spirit, soul, and body, and for their overall well-being.
  • Bless our leaders with the necessary provisions, resources, and finances needed for Your work. Meet all of their needs according to Your will.
  • Lord, use our leadership to take the church to a higher dimension that would lead to greater revival, harvest, and restoration wherever needed.
  • We pray each leader will pursue love, truth, and accountability; unity and not competition, humility and not superiority, cooperation and not defensiveness.
  • Many pressures exist in the home of a full-time leader, so pray that God protects the family fabric, eases frictions, and brings a peaceful and loving atmosphere into their homes.
  • Satan has targeted every leader, so Lord, we implore you for a covering of protection over each one. We pray against negative distractions and defeat.
  • We pray the armor of God on every leader and that no weapon formed against them would prosper. We pray Spirit-led prayers and Biblical success in all they do.
  • God, send angels to minister to, and guard, our leaders, their families, and property. Put a hedge of protection around their going in and coming out.
  • God, we pray You raise up the masses, worldwide, to pray more for our church leaders, and that You would use each leader mightily for Your glory!


“I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” (Philippians 4:13).


Flo Shaw


World Network of Prayer

If you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms of depression, prayer is an exceptional tool. Jesus loves when we come to Him with our sorrows! However, don't hesitate to reach out to a professional, in addition to the spiritual leaders in your life. We have each other for a reason! For those battling suicidal thoughts an additional resource includes:

National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 800-273-8255

The World Network of Prayer Presents 

24/7 WATCH: A Year-Round Initiative for 24/7 Prayer

As of January 1, 2023, WNOP has continued the 24/7 prayer and fasting chain worldwide. It has been such a great success in 2022 that it was requested again. Each week WNOP is posting a prayer focus as daily prayer for the entire week. Also, weekly a video is posted on the WNOP Facebook Page of a prayer leader and/or minister leading in periodic prayer.

Many people throughout the world have signed up by committing in their hearts unto God that they will consistently join together in united prayer and fasting. WNOP also has partnered with those in local churches who are already a part of a current 24-hour prayer chain. All of these hours of consecration are culminating to help provide a complete mass prayer covering over the entire Church body and to help bring greater success in all that we do in Christ! Together, let’s “watch and pray” and behold great and mighty things in the kingdom of God! Let’s prevail over the enemy with victory and declare, “Not on My Watch!”

Flo Shaw

WNOP Director

March 24/7 Families (WEEK 1)

Families: Family Unit

Following is the “24/7 Watch” daily prayer focus for this week. Join us in consistent prayer & fasting.

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Hotel Information Here!
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Book Hotel Here!

Access Challenged Nations

Join the World Network of Prayer and Global Missions in praying for these nations which need a stronger missionary presence. We will focus on one nation each week.

Hospital Chaplains

WNOP Events

  • 24/7 WATCH (January 1 – December 31)
  • 30 Days of Prayer (January 2-31)
  • **SoCal District Summons (January 4-6)
  • **Hawaii District Prayer Conference: INOP (January 17-20)
  • **ENA Regional Prayer Conference, Amman, Jordan (January 25-27)
  • **New York Metro District Summons (January 25-27)
  • **North Central Jersey District Prayer Conference (February 9-10)
  • Fivefold Ministry Discovery Conference (UPCI) (March 21-23)
  • UPCI Ministers International Day of Prayer & Fasting: Purim (March 23-24)
  • National Day of Prayer (May 2)
  • **Rocky Mountain District Prayer Conference (May 17-18)
  • Global Day of Prayer/Pentecost Sunday (May 19)
  • 2024 WNOP International Summons, St. Charles, MO (June 13-15)
  • *AYC (YM) Washington DC Trip (June 17-24)
  • *AYC (YM) New York City, NY Trip (July 8-15)
  • *AYC (YM) Alaska Trip (July 15-July 22)
  • *AYC (YM) Long Beach, California Trip (July 22-29)
  • **Maine District Prayer Conference (August 2-3)
  • *New England Territory Summons: RI (Host), MA, CT, NH, VT, & ME (August 15-17)
  • UPCI Day of Prayer (September 25)
  • UPCI Prodigals Day of Prayer (October 6)
  • *San Diego “TNT” Prayer Conference (October 17-20)
  • Day of Prayer: Persecuted Church (November 3)
  • **Georgia District Prayer Conference (November 7-9)
  • **South Carolina District Prayer Conference (TBD)
  • **Arkansas District Prayer Conference (TBD)
  • **Oklahoma District Prayer Conference (TBD)
  • **South Texas District Prayer Conference (TBD)
  • *New Orleans Regional Prayer Conference (TBD)
  • *MAP Conference: ABI/ABC, St. Paul, MN (TBD)
  • Ontario Sectional Prayer Summons (Various Dates)
  • **Florida District Prayer Conference (TBD)
  • **Wisconsin District Prayer Conference (TBD)
  • **Detroit Metro District Prayer Summons (TBD)
  • Operation Turkey (TBD)
  • *Operation Taiwan, Singapore, and Indonesia (TBD)
  • YM + WNOP Summons (Rescheduled Dates TBD)
  • **Northwest Regional Summons: RMD, AK/YT, BC, OR, WA, ID (TBD-2025)

Note: *Pending Executive Board approval. **Some events are International/District Board approved, but promoted by WNOP. Also, more 2024 event dates will be added to the WNOP Calendar later as approved by the Executive Board or submitted (District). For more info, please contact WNOP at 636-229-7986.

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WNOP Personal Prayer List

To join WNOP in praying for the personal needs submitted by email, phone and website, please click the button below.

You may submit requests by email at [email protected].

"If you received an answer to prayer or have a victory report, post it on WNOP's Facebook page. We would like to hear from you." 
WNOP Prayer List

World Network of Prayer | United Pentecostal Church International

36 Research Park Court, Weldon Spring, Missouri 63304

636-229-7986 | | [email protected]

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