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August 7, 2023

Christian Science Churches of Southern California

Summer masthead

Based on the teachings of Christ Jesus & the power of the Christ to inspire and heal.

This week's Sentinel Watch podcast 

View from a mountain top

Getting a God's-eye view

August 7 to 13

Guest: Bill Warrick

This week’s guest has been thinking a lot about the kind of vision that is fundamental to seeing God’s creation—including us—more clearly. Please join us as Bill Warrick shares some experiences that show the benefit of looking at the world through a spiritual lens.

Listen now
Sentinel Watch


Call 1-323-805-8700, Press 3

Ernest prayer in 100 degree weather

Drought conditions

and earnest prayer

As I prayed, the sky became overcast and it began to rain.

I have had many healings through the study of Christian Science, and although they included gaining freedom from severe physical challenges, the real healing was in the spiritualization of thought - in attaining the higher understanding that God is infinite Mind and governs the universe in perfect harmony. Knowing this, I reasoned that drought was no more real than any sickness I had dealt with. If all that is real is Mind’s creation, then harmony has to be universal. 

Read on JSH-Online
Rain on windshield

Check out our one-stop "Events" page on for local and online events and podcasts!

You will find inspiring events and online audio and video programs from the Christian Science Monitor, the Mary Baker Eddy Library, and The Mother Church (The First Church of Christ, Scientist in Boston, MA).

Temecula & Ventura County, CA - Web Talk - Spiritual perception heals - August 20, 2023 at 7:00 PM - 12-minute talk by Alex Fischer

More talks

Special events

Boston, MA - Watch a replay of the Annual Meeting of The Mother Church - and other inspiring Annual Meeting weekend events.

San Diego, CA - Festival of Books - August 19, 2023 - Booth sponsored by Christian Science Churches of San Diego.

Master calendar

View a recap of all events you will find throughout our website, including SoCal talks, special events, church services, youth activities, regional committee meetings, care facility events and more! 

All events

Church Services

  • Our SoCal churches offer services in person, online and via phone on Sundays and Wednesdays. Check with individual churches for times of services.

  • If you are new to Christian Science, you will find our church services a quiet atmosphere for healing prayer and spiritual growth.

Young people in church service
Church Near Me
Spanish Zoom Service

Enjoy inspiring ideas from this week's Bible Lesson


August 7 to 13


He hath delivered my soul in peace from the battle that was against me: for there were many with me. Psalms 55:18


"Spiritual living and blessedness are the only evidences, by which we can recognize true existence and feel the unspeakable peace which comes from an all-absorbing spiritual love." Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures 

He hath delivered my soul


via phone

Listen to the Bible Lesson and audio podcasts each week by phone 24/7.

Call 323-805-8700

Press 1 - Bible Lesson

Press 2 - El Heraldo

Press 3 - Sentinel Watch

Press 4 - Daily Lift

Lesson at Sunday service

This Bible Lesson will be the focus of Sunday church services at all Christian Science churches this Sunday.

Weekly Bible Lens

Find out more about this Bible Lesson in the "Bible Lens" section of this week's issue of the Christian Science Sentinel at any Christian Science Reading Room or go to JSH Online if you subscribe to the periodicals online.

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