Prayers needed for Fr. Fred...

Fr. Fred is the founder of the Queen of Apostles Academy in Uganda, one of our Global Solidarity Partners.

On January 29, Fr. Fred was traveling from Uganda to Kenya for a meeting at the headquarters of his community, the Apostles of Jesus. The bus he was on was involved in a very bad accident. 17 people died and more than 50 were injured.s.

Fr Fred survived but suffered injuries that required hospitalization. He was transferred to a hospital in Nairobi for treatment.

Please keep Fr. Fred and his fellow travelers in your prayer

Messages for Fr. Fred can be sent to:

Fr. Fred Nkwasibwe

2408 SE 16th Ave

Portland, OR 97214

February 11, Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

“Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.” 1 Cor 11:1


Annual Parish Appeal Campaign Kick Off, February 10 and 11

Our faith calls us to reach out and make a positive impact. Join us in the Annual Parish Appeal “One Heart, One Church” campaign and let your giving become a source of inspiration and change.


Please see Fr. Larry’s column in the February 11, 2024 bulletin to learn more about how the Annual Parish Appeal helps our parish.


We invite you to prayerfully consider your level of giving and make a pledge or contribute with a one-time gift.

Contributions can be made online through Faith Direct:

Parish Appeal 2024 Brochure

Decorating for Lent at St. James, Saturday, 10,

after the 4 pm Mass

Volunteers are needed to help decorate St. James Church for Lent.

Please consider staying or coming after the 4 pm Mass to help prepare the church space for the Lenten season.

As always, many hands make light work!

Ash Wednesday, February 14

A direct and compelling headline

RSVP Online
Flyer with RSVP Form

Scan QR Code

Prayer & Faith Sharing, especially during Lent

We invite you to visit the prayer page on our website for daily reflections, videos, and more.

We also invite you to consider participating in the Faith Sharing opportunities in our parish to enrich your spirituality and find community.

Monday: Camino Young Adult Group, 6:30 pm

Wednesday: Brown Bag Lunch & Prayer, 12 pm, St. James Chapel

Thursday: Bible Study with Fr. Matthew, 7 pm, Zoom

Prayer and Faith Sharing Information

Saturdays: Adoration and Confession at St. Bede

from 9:30 to 10:30 am.

St.Mary Magdalene Parish Blood Drive, Saturday,

February 24, from 9 am to 1:30 pm, St. James Chapel

Parishioners, family, and friends are invited to participate in the parish blood drive.

To make an appointment:

  • Sign -up before weekend Masses at every church.

  • Schedule your appointment at

and enter Blood Drive Code: UG0040285.

  • Call 1.877.25vital (1.877.4825)

Our Parish Pantries: February - Soup

Soup is requested by our Social Ministry Center during the month of

February. Donations can be placed in the containers at all our churches, dropped off at the Ministry Center, 723 Rebecca Avenue in Wilkinsburg, or left on the porch of the Parish Office.

Thank you to all who are making this a part of your monthly support

for our parish pantries. The need is great, and every donated item is a help!

St. Bede Church

509 South Dallas Avenue

Pittsburgh PA 15208

Mother of Good Counsel Church

7705 Bennett Street

Pittsburgh PA 15208

St. James Church

718 Franklin Avenue

Wilkinsburg PA 15221

Children's Bulletin