Dear Partner People*
With hearts full of both tears and thanksgiving, we write to let you know that Rev. Daniel Erlander died quietly and peacefully early this morning - Sunday, August 28, 2022.
Last night his wife, Karen, read the last chapter of Dan’s book “Pointless People” to him where he tells the story of being with his mother in her final days at Knollwood Convalescent Hospital, renaming it the “Knollwood School of Theology." In his mother’s room Dan learned once again of the richness of the baptismal waters where “God whispers: It is not what you gain. It is whose you are. You don’t need points. You don’t need points.” (Pointless People, page 28)
One of Dan’s favorite names for God’s Partner People is the Pointless People—the people who do not keep score, but frolic in God’s grace. Today’s gospel from Luke 14 is so perfect . . . Jesus’ parable about seating arrangements at the banquet table.
We lift up in prayer Karen, their extended family - and all who mourn. We give thanks to God for the creative, poignant, and delightful ways that Dan so generously shared the Gospel.
A memorial service is being planned for some time later this fall. When details are available, they will be widely shared. You are invited to post your remembrances and stories on his CaringBridge website ( where Karen can continue to read them. Karen sends her grateful thanks for all of your prayers and support.
Cards of care and condolence may be sent to:
Karen Erlander
6850 Woodlawn Ave NE Apt 302
Seattle, WA 98115-5666
* “Partner People” is one of Dan’s favorite names for God’s people, as used in Manna and Mercy.
Thank you to Revs. Susan & Red Burchfield for their writing assistance as we share this news.
Thank you to Karen for permission to use Dan's art.