Upcoming Dates/Events
Diocesan Collection - Catholic Relief Services - March 27
First Saturday 9:00am Mass @ABVM - April 2
Spring Cleaning,@ABVM - April 9, 10am - 1pm
Palm Sunday - April 10
Reconciliation Monday - April 11
Easter Sunday - April 17
Joan Sexton Memorial Women in the Church Lecture @StB
- April 24, 12:30pm
Outdoor Coffee Hour @StB - April 24
Baptism Sunday - April 24
Outdoor Coffee Hr @StB - May 1 following 11:15am Mass
Concert @StB - May 8, 3pm
Mass of Rededication- (Feast of St. Boniface), @StB - June 5, 11:15am
Vespers & Lecture @StB - June 5, 3pm