September 29, 2022 | Issue 308| View as Webpage

Hurricane Ian!! Wow what devastation for so many caught in this destructive storm. We are praying and thousands are serving in so many ways as they help and show a lot of love and kindness. As I write this letter, the storm is yet to come ashore in South Carolina and we are hoping and praying for all - especially on the coast. By the time many of you read this, we will know a lot more. Right now, we are certainly praying as reports still come in every minute. It is tracking straight through South Carolina and, even though it seems it may lessen considerably, no one needs to underestimate this storm.
This past week has been nothing short of inspiring as we have celebrated missions. What joy to have been around incredible people who answered the call to serve the Lord as missionaries. Last Sunday night’s banquet in the dining hall was really inspiring. It was packed out and filled with such joy, conversation, great food and an inspiring message. Our friends from Neema Church really blessed us with their singing and we all left there so enthused and ready to give, go, and serve the Lord Jesus. God is doing amazing things through missions at FBS, and we are all a part of this.
Now we keenly anticipate this Friday evening as Celebrate Recovery holds their revival at The Bridge. I hope you can join us there despite the rain. The Youth Revival with Clayton King starts at 5:00 PM on Saturday evening at the Hangar. So many wonderful people have volunteered to be there, and Seth Phipps and the team of students and adults have done an excellent job of getting everything prepared for action. It will be a grand time for our students and I know you are praying and planning to be there if at all possible. Pray for the salvation of many. Pray for Clayton as he brings the Word of God. Pray for Sunday morning as he preaches in Celebration and Genesis at 9:00 AM and then at Genesis again at 10:30 AM. For a while, we were concerned about the weather, but it seems all reports indicate conditions will be just fine for the evening. Most of all please pray seriously for the salvation of many. And please invite your friends and family members to come with you. All some need in order to come to Jesus is an invitation to come and hear the Good News.
I love you all so very much and cannot wait to see you with your Bibles in hand.

Your friend and pastor,
Please pray for our Pastor Search
and Spiritual Advisory Teams

Pastor Search

John Warner
Chip Foster
Mickey Sobeski
Chris Gardner
Bill Stewart
David Wise
Kristen Foster
Rick Mathis
Neal Williams
Christina Cleland
Kyle Shuler
Lesa Banks
Deneen Griffin
Robert Moore

Spiritual Advisory

Debbie Sobeski
Dr. Michael Latzka
Jim Barrett
Hal Foster
Larry Fike
Leann Greene
Larry Irvin
Lauren Morris
Ruthi Neely
Joanna Swanson
Join us in Prayer
Come spend an hour every Tuesday from noon to one in our Sanctuary to pray or be prayed for. You are welcome to stop in when you like and leave when you like.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:6-7
September Prayer Focus
Pray for our Global MPACT Celebration (GMC) going on now. A fantastic celebration of the different affinity groups where our workers have served or are currently serving. Pray for our workers serving locally, nationally, and globally. Pray for the many events planned during the celebration and how you can participate. Pray for the GMC leadership team as they finalize plans. Please pray that every church member and attender would know their part to play in fulfilling the Great Commission.
The Bridge is a great place to volunteer! 
Visit our website at and look for the Orientation video to learn how you can join The Bridge Volunteer Team.
Learn about Foster Care
Consider attending one of these seminars for families considering the ministry and mission of Foster Care. Sign up for one of the 3 locations across South Carolina to gain insight to this opportunity! This is a joint focus of Family Ministry and MPACT. click here for more details.

Ways to Worship on Sunday
In person is best, but we have online opportunities to worship
in addition to the Sanctuary and Hangar.
Interact with us at 9 and 10:30 on our YouTube Stream, FaceBook Live or Livestream - Plus you can watch on WSPA TV-7 at 11 AM
Watch, Like and Share last week's 
Services on Facebook
For the friends you want to invite to Worship, share last week's video and invite them to church this Sunday!
Invite a friend to watch the Genesis Service online, or live in theHangar this Sunday
See what God is doing in the FBS Student Ministry on Wednesday Nights!
Spread the Encouragement from our pastor this week!

The full story from Roy and Deneen Griffin.
A powerful testimony of faith! Don't miss it!

What's happening this week at First Spartanburg!
The Vision 2020 Story
Vision 2020 Launch and Fly Through Video CLICK TO SEE

During the fall season, we often think of the harvest and 2 Corinthians 9:6, “The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.” Thank you for sowing bountifully through your generous giving so that more people can be reached with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
With our online giving, it is easy to keep current on your tithes by setting up an auto recurring gift or making a one-time gift. You can also give your tithe during the service on Sunday, place it in one of the many giving boxes around the church or send it to the church by mail if you are unable to attend the service. Thank you for your commitment to maintain your faithful stewardship in every area of your life – time, talent, treasures and testimony.
Yesterday’s Teens is back!!! Hope to see you there!
Stay informed via Text
For general TKD reminders text @tkdupdates to 81010 
For MPACT Kids reminders text @mpactkids to 81010

We Are Senior Adult Ministry
Jesus is here for us all.
We are here for you all.
Because we love you, our ministry team is committed to walk with you through this challenging time.  We are here to:

  1. Listen 
  2. Pray
  3. Share Jesus
  4. Talk
  5. Encourage

Feel free to call us anytime at 864-583-7245.  You may also connect with live prayer lines at 1-877-443-2273 or visit our website at

Join us in praying for more
to accept Jesus as Lord.

Thus far in 2022, over 14,300 people have called, texted or emailed for prayer and 248 people have given their lives to Jesus through the broadcasts of The Encouraging Word!

Receive the Daily Encouraging Word, catch us on Social Media, or Request Prayer! 
Click the links below to discover more:

CLICK HERE For Daily Bible Study 
Dr Wilton's Encouraging Word daily devotional is available free of charge in a number of ways! Each morning via email at It is also recorded Monday through Friday and can be listened to at 864.764.1462 . Or if you would like a copy of the quarterly magazine, call 1-866-899-WORD (9673).
All proceeds go to The Encouraging Word.
Thousands of neighbors are being prayed for by members of our church! Don't miss the blessing, sign up by clicking HERE
Members who need your prayer
Spartanburg Regional Hospital
Danielle Whitaker

Spartanburg Regional Hospital - Mary Black Campus
Alison Hunt Walker 

Members in Rehab

Spartanburg Rehab Institute (SRI)
Tony McMillan

White Oak Northgrove
Mildred Graves (Darlene Williams’ mother)

White Oak Estates - Webber Rd.
Sandra Anders (Debra Key’s mother

Post Acute Care Greenville
Rebecca Steadman

Belle Smith (Rick Smith’s mother)

Members in Hospice Care

Mannie Horton - Upstate Community Hospice - Landrum
Paul Horne (Gina Williamson’s brother - SR Hospice House

Special Prayer Requests

(Due to the many requests for prayer, we try to leave names on this list for 30 days. Please feel free to request a name to be listed again.)
Tim Morris, Jessi Moore, Randy & Mary Manning (Christie Guest’s family), Haley (Van & Susan Maxwell’s family), Juanita Lewis, Randy Mahaffey, Mandy Hoyle, Frances Delcalzo. Don Faehnrich, Sandra Hodges, Bobby G. Martin, Margaret Cothran, Billy Bersagli (Becky Morris’s brother), Lula Armstrong (Johnny McCraw’s granddaughter), Alan Roberts, John Boseman (Patti Boseman’s brother-in-law), Annalise, Jenny Johnson’s niece and newborn baby, Jenny Johnson, Norma Lynn Phillips, Wayne Grigg, Keith Ledford (Susi Smith’s cousin), Edward Anthony (Jo Ellen Clubb’s father), Wendi Robinson (Annette Miller’s niece), Stanley Lyda, Rebecca Steadman, Cassie Dorsey, Merle Shields, Frank Sistare, Shanda Guyton, Marlene Carey (TEW), Joe & Marsha Goodwin, Martha Gribble (Russ Gribble’s mother), Hortense Bunt, Mona & Don Ezell, Martha Gribble (Russ Gribble’s mother), John Anthony Taylor (Chester & Carolyn Lawson’s grandson), Brenda Mullinax, Barry Jennings, Stephanie Smith, Carroll Tipton, Jerry & Darlene Holden (Rosea Zoellner’s parents)(TEW viewers), Donna Garrison, Jean Lowery, Jim and Elaine Mann, Debbie & Roy Smith, Jr., Charlie Lowery & Lynn Lowery (Jean Lowery’s children), Kevin Lagerholm (Norma Jean Lagerholm’s son), Mike Garren (Norma Jean Lagerholm’s nephew), Leon Harvey, Mike & Mary Crawley, Shirley O’dell, Dan Miller (Brian Miller’s brother), James & Frances Paslay

Christian Sympathy is Extended to:
Family of Teresa “Terri” Edwards (Ken Kirby’s daughter) who passed 8//24
Family of Vicki Austin who passed away 8/24
Family of Reynic Compton (Kathy Kade’s sister-in-law) who passed away 8/30
Family of Kent Holt who passed away 8/31
Family of Bob Pall who passed away 8/31
Family of RaeJean Lipscomb (Amanda Brewington’s mother) who passed 8/31
Family of Glenn Greer who passed away 9/1
Family of Charlotte Seaman (Mickey Sobeski’s aunt) who passed away 9/1
Family of Walter Ackermann who passed away 9/3
Family of Thomas B. “Tommy” Cooksey who passed away 9/4
Family of Peggy McIntyre who passed away 9/7
Family of Emily Stump (Cynthia Hicks’ mother) who passed away 8.21
Family of Murlene “Merle” Shields who passed away 9/13
Family of Mark Cox (Rena Rasor’s brother) who passed away 9/20
Family of David Breitenbach (Johnny Breitenbach’s father) who passed 9/22
Family of Anne High Allen (Meredith Priest’s grandmother) who passed 9/22
Family of John Terrell Lipscomb, Sr. (Amanda Brewington’s grandfather) 9/25
Family of Faye Sue Foster Brown (Sara Hall’s sister) who passed away 9/26
Family of Robert Delcalzo (John Delcalzo’s brother) passed away 9/27
Family of Reba Warren (Dean Warren’s mother) who passed away 9/27

Pray for our missionaries who have birthdays or anniversaries in September
Elliot (SIL) 9/16      
McCall (PGH) 9/18
Annabeth (PGH) 9/22 
Bundrick anniv (SSA) 9/24
Ward anniv (CA) 9/27  

Pray for our ladies and gentlemen serving in our military

Lt. Caleb Robinson, US Navy - Guam
SGT. Luke Redding, US Army - Ft. Bragg, NC
Brandon Duke, US Air Force -
PFC Joshua Ruff, US Marines - Camp Lejeune, NC
Lt. Jake Moore- US Army - Ft. Benning, GA
To add an active duty service lady or gentleman please contact
At Home Neighborhoods

Members in Asst. Living /Nursing Facilities as Residents

Ashlan Village
Miriam Vickery

Brushy Creek Cottages in Greer
Martha Turner

Cascades Verdae - Independent Living
Len & Kay Carroll

Chandler Creek Village
Norma Jean Lagerholm

Eden Terrace
Peggy Biggerstaff
Gerald Emory
Mildred Fridy
Betty Gillespie
Jim & Elaine Mann
Barbara Shepherd
Suzanne (Suzi) Smith
Grady Stewart
Jack Tyner
Joyce Ward

*Easley Nursing Home
Carolyn Crowe

Fairhaven of Forest City
Carolyn Morgan

The Gardens at Eastside - Greenville        
Margaret Kirby

Greenville Glen - Greenville, SC
Steve Satterfield, Sr.

Lakewood Senior Living - Boiling Springs
Betty Heatherly

Lakewood Senior Living - Independent Living
Betty Medford

Magnolia Manor Inman
Samuel Lee Perry

Physical Rehabilitation & Wellness (PRW)
Rhonda Fisher

Rolling Greene - Greenville
Sally Hutcheson

Ruby McDowell
Betty Toney

Rosecrest - Independent Living
Loretta Cassell

Richard Smith

Summit Hills Asst Living
Rachel McMillan
Lib Woolbright

Summit Hills - Independent Living
Linda Arnold
Henry H. Hamilton

Summit Hills NH
Peggy Gilliland

The Waterford at Columbia
Jane Littlejohn

Wesley Court Asst. Living, Boiling Springs
Helen Young

White Oak Asst. Living Webber Rd
Jo Ann Adams

White Oak - Independent Living
Harriet Baughman
Sara Hall
Jim Miller
Bill Osteen
Pat Tate
Lou Ann Walker
Eula Williams

White Oak, Northgrove
Mirth Bolton
Louise Keesler

White Oak Manor - East Pearl Street
Sara Duncan

Woodbridge Senior Living of Spartanburg
Donna Garrison
Our FBS "At Home" Residents enjoy your care through cards, calls & visits. Please contact the church office if you have any updates. 864-583-7245 or by email to

This list contains members who are residents in nursing & assisted living neighborhoods. Please let us know when someone is in the hospital or a facility for rehab so they can be added to the "Let Us Pray" list. If someone is living "At Home" independently they will be listed through their Life Groups and Deacons.
Minister on Call:  For assistance, call 864.583.7245 - option 6 
We are excited to share inspiration and information every day from FBS both online and on our Social Media. You will find Encouraging Words from Dr. Don on Instagram, Facebook and our Website around noon each day! 
Details at with even more opportunities to stay connected! 
Follow us and join the conversation all week long!
Encouraging Complete and Courageous Living in Christ

First Baptist Spartanburg
(864) 583-7245