April 2015 Edition
Dear beloved,

I would like to welcome you to our April Newsletter.

We have all witnessed the amazing goodness of the Lord in answering our prayers and granting us peaceful elections. I encourage us all to continue in prayer for this new government so they achieve all that is on God's Heart concerning this great nation. God instructs us in Romans 13v 1-5 to be loyally subject to the governing authorities. If we join hands in prayer we will be co- labouring with God to bring His purposes to bear.
In His Presence


Praying from the Father's Heart.


We have all been involved in a lot of prayer and fasting this year especially with the elections. Lapis Lazuli has had it's fair share of contending in the throne room, with the postponement of our Kingdom Harvest conference. However, the good thing about challenges, which the enemy never takes into account, is that, by God's grace, you come out stronger and better equipped on the other side.


Prayer in its simplest form, is a heartfelt telephone conversation with God our Father. His phone number is Jeremiah, 333 (Jeremiah 33v3). Note that all telephone conversations are two- way, so it's speaking and listening. Prayer is a bit more than lovely flowery words. It involves trying to listen to what the Father is saying, and praying from there because the Father's perspective is always so much bigger than ours and we should always be desiring the fullness of what He has for us.


In Luke 22v 31,as Jesus is speaking with His disciples after the last supper. He tells Peter that satan had asked that he be given up to him for sifting like grain, but that He had prayed especially for Peter for his faith not to fail, but to be strengthened and rise out of the challenge with the ability to strengthen the others. From our perspective, we would have thought Jesus would say no to satan, but He prayed differently from what you and I would pray, and we see the far reaching answer to that prayer down the generations. The Church was established. Jesus is usually about having our faith strengthened so it's important that we ask Jesus how to pray over issues we are grappling with, and also to ask the right questions. We read about how the disciples asked Jesus, (Luke 22v 9) the question about where He wanted them to celebrate the last supper. They didn't just assume they knew like we sometimes do. God always wants to be involved in every detail of our lives. Verse 10 gives the specific directions (answer)that Jesus gave and I find this quite detailed. I wonder about all the directions I miss, simply because I don't ask. We are often tempted to go off and do things our way, and then ask God to bless it during our prayers, rather than prayerfully listening first, and then go and do what He says.


Lazarus, a friend of Jesus was ill, so his sisters Mary and Martha sent to tell Jesus, expecting Him to rush down  

(John 11v1-45).


Jesus must have asked the Father, as He always did, for He said He came to do the Father's will ( John 6v38). Jesus delayed His going to His friend. When His disciples asked, He explained that this was to bring glory to God. By the time Jesus finally got there, He raised up Lazarus who had been dead for four days. Here again, we read about Jesus, doing what is on the Father's Heart, getting God's timing right and thereby bring glory to God. Do we often cooperate with God to get His timing on matters concerning us?


In Matthew 18v 18 -20, we read about God giving us the authority through prayer to bring the Father's will to earth, not our will. So what is already forbidden in heaven, then in agreement we forbid it here. Again, we are praying  what is on the Father's heart to take effect here on earth, or in our situations. 


A lot of the time, we can get to know the Father's will, from the Word (Bible), so we are able to pray and declare the Word which is very powerful. However, even in this case, the Holy Spirit wants to tell us which passages to use. At other times, we can with the help of the Holy Spirit, listen to our Father's heart, during our telephone conversations with God, and pray what we receive, is on His Heart. This practise draws us deeper into a place of intimacy with the Father, who appreciates the longing in our hearts for all He has to give us.  






Mina x



1.  Bethel Basic Sozo Conference 19 - 20 June, 2015
The first ever  Bethel Basic Sozo Conference in Nigeria is holding in Lagos on 19 and 20 of June 2015. Registration is now on -    click here!

SOZO is a Greek word used 110 times in the New Testament, and translated "saved (Romans 10:9), healed or delivered"

Bethel Sozo Ministry is a unique, gentle inner healing and deliverance ministry that was started at Bethel Church, Redding, USA.  It is being run in Churches on most continents in the world.  We are privileged to have the Directors for Africa, come over from South Africa and run this conference themselves . It is an amazing oppurtunity to come into more freedom ourselves, and also learn how to set this up in our churches, and help others.

The Bethel Sozo ministry is one that teaches how to minister in such a way that the truth about what God says and thinks about the person you are ministering to is discovered from God Himself by the person.This truth breaks strongholds and belief patterns that sets them free to discover their identity and become sons and daughters that Father God destined them to be through Jesus Christ, and in the power of the Holy Spirit.

2.   Voice of Apostles,
     Nashville, TN - August 10 - 14, 2015
This great event is one not to be missed.....!!!! It is organised by Global Awakening , the ministry founded by Dr. Randy Clark. Great Speakers, such as, Bill Johnson, Heidi Baker, among others are invited from all over the world and it is a five day intensive spiritual feast. There is healing and prophecies by different speakers. It can be made into a family fun holiday as children have their teaching too.
Please see the website www.voa2015.com and make your arrangements.
After making your arrangements (conference fee, airline ticket and accommodation) do get in touch with us at Lapis Lazuli Ministries as we plan to arrange a ministry time with Dr. Randy Clark, so would love to have you benefit from this as well.

Voice of the Apostles 2015
Voice of the Apostles 2015

May the Lord continue to uphold and preserve you all.

God's blessings,  


Femi and Mina Bajomo
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The message of the cross is the unchanging story of Gods amazing love for sinners.  
John 3v 16 says..for God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that who so ever would believe in Him, would not perish, but have eternal life.
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Lapis Lazuli Ministries
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3rd Floor Maku House,
109 Awolowo Road,
South West Ikoyi,
Lagos, Nigeria.
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