Precious Heritage Updates!

Dear Beloved Partners and Friends,

May this new year bring you more blessings, good health, peace and happiness to you and your family!

We are so grateful for your partnership and for your heart in helping those in need. Because of you, we were able to reach-out and touch people around us. May this new year be full of great joy for you and your family!

We thank the Lord for everyone who contributed to our Christmas fund drive for the homeless families in Manila. On the eve of 24 December 2022, because of your generosity and kindness, we were able to distribute 150 gifts and food packs to children and homeless families scattered around the streets of Metro Manila who are begging for food and sleep with empty stomach. We thank God for all who participated in sharing God’s love in order for them feel the wonderful love of God during this holiday season.

During Christmas day, we also visited the children that are informal settlers in Barangay San Luis and gathered 120 kids and distributed gifts and food packs. In the same day, Precious Heritage team proceeded to Higher Ground Antipolo and distributed 150 food packs and toys to the children and some parents who were around to assist us. We are truly blessed in seeing their faces thanking God for the gifts that they have received from us through your generosity. But beyond that greatest happiness and laughter we have witnessed, we are more than thankful to you for making us your hands in extending your blessings to the underprivileged. Truly, “there is nothing more beautiful than someone who goes out of their way to make life beautiful for others. And there is no greater joy, nor greater reward than to make a fundamental difference in someone’s life.” Praise God!

Precious Heritage was able also to share blessings to the less privileged children and families around our community. Our children at Precious Heritage Children's Home themselves voluntarily packed the gifts. Truly, Christmas is a time for sharing and showing the love of God to everyone

Precious Heritage Children’s Home conducted simple Christmas and New Year’s Eve celebration through prayers and simple eating fellowship, thanking the Lord for His goodness and continued favor and provision to us. We are always grateful to God for using this ministry as a channel of blessings to show His wonderful love to these lovely children and families whom God brought in our care.

Lastly, from the bottom of our hearts, we thank everyone who, in one way or another, contributed to make the season joyful for the less fortunate kids and families we minister to. We hope for your continued partnership with us in transforming the lives and shaping the future of the children.

Thank you for playing a vital part in our journey of serving the Lord by helping others. Your partnership means a lot for us. We will surely remember you in our prayers.       

"...being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.” Phil. 1:6


In the Lord’s Service,


Founding Director

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