Issue # 1, January 2020
Precision Medicine at UCSF –
Six Questions for
Keith Yamamoto, PhD

What is a “knowledge network?” How will it accelerate research and clinical practice at UCSF? What are some common misconceptions about precision medicine? And who benefits? 

Keith Yamamoto, PhD, Director of UCSF Precision Medicine, explains how the integration of data across disciplines will fuel the future of biomedicine and improve health care for all.

At next week’s Precision Medicine World Conference, 31 UCSF researchers will demonstrate the wide-reaching impact of this work.
Precision Medicine in Action
Bridging Precision Medicine Research and Patient Care
“There are so many different elements to creating a full picture of a patient that we need to consider. Getting data in front of a clinician in a way that makes sense, can be reproduced, and can be compared across patient populations is a unique challenge.” 

-Kate Rankin, PhD

A Multi-Scale Open Knowledge Network for Precision Medicine 
A new project funded by the National Science Foundation will give physicians unprecedented patient care insights and researchers the tools for deeper biomedical inquiries and new drug discovery. 

Marcus Awards in Precision Medicine

The Marcus Program in Precision Medicine Innovation (MPPMI) Awards have been announced.

January 21-24, 2020
February 5, 2020
Elements of PM