PRELUDE! 2023: December Edition

Happy holidays! We can’t believe that the year is almost over. Fall semester has ended and we’re just steps away from 2024. It will be summer before we know it.

Our December edition is all about alumni! Read through alumni testimonials, an alum spotlight, and learn how to become a BUTI alumni ambassador.

Plus, read a note from Nicole with warm wishes, a few goals, and a little bit of application/audition advice.


Alumni Testimonials

Have you ever wondered what our students say about their summers at BUTI? Now is your chance to know. Enjoy some mid-winter BUTI magic as you cozy up with these inspirational alumni stories.

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Applications OPEN!

Don’t forget! Applications are open and are due on January 25th, 2024. There is an application to fill out, auditions to schedule or record, and only a month left to do it. Don’t wait, get started today!

Apply Now

BUTI Ambassador

Do you love BUTI? Do you want everyone to have the same life-changing experience you had? Become a BUTI Ambassador! Take over the Insta for a day, give a pitch, or any other idea you may have.

Let Us Know

Alumni Spotlight: 2024 YoungArts Winners

Congratulations to the BUTI alumni who are winners of this year’s YoungArts National Competition! There are 9 winners who are from BUTI’s most recent alumni including three from the Young Artists Vocal Program alone!

All YoungArts award winners receive cash prizes between $250 and $10,000. In addition to monetary awards, all winners receive a medallion, a lifetime of creative and professional support, and access to YoungArts Post—a private, online portal for YoungArts artists to connect, share their work and discover new opportunities.

BUTI has a unique relationship with YoungArts that advances our alumni from the most recent summer to the final round! The YoungArts winners from BUTI 2023 are: Catherine Cheng, flute; Jack Damon, composition; Oriana Huang, flute; Kwanchi Loo, cello; Joe Maiocco, trombone; Andrew Gellen, voice: tenor; Jaxson Glowacki, voice: baritone; Michael Temesi, voice: baritone.

See the List of Winners

Join me in cultivating a culture of care and giving back at BUTI. Student scholarships and financial aid are reliant on YOU, and the more of us who are engaged, the better we can do to make BUTI possible for every deserving student. If you are in a position to contribute (even just $10!), please help transform someone’s life this upcoming summer. Thank you!

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