Congratulations to Associate Director, Dr. Andrea Cuéllar and Perry Stein with the City of Lethbridge on receiving a University of Lethbridge SSHRC Explore Award for the project “Food security: An urban planning and community of practice approach.”
This project will explore the relationship between food security and land use as a dimension of the City of Lethbridge (COL) Land Use Bylaw (LUB) renewal project. While having broader community-wide implications, the project will address the problem through the perspective of postsecondary students. The project will be executed as part of a collaboration between the Prentice Institute (PI) at the University of Lethbridge (UL), the Lethbridge College (LC), and the COL, the main component of which, is a Policy Innovation Lab (PIL) in May 2024. The PIL is an intensive work-integrated learning (WIL) program where students will work towards, a. a preliminary characterization of the nature and scope of food insecurity in the student population; b. an examination of policy instruments available to municipalities as they relate to food security; and c. the development of a research report that outlines the ways in which the LUB renewal project can address food insecurity through land use regulations. By focusing on structural factors driving food (in)security in urban contexts and through the application of an equity framework to the examination of land use, this project contributes an alternative to the more common focus on “alleviation” mechanisms—it also resonates with a framework for food security that targets the social body instead of individuals, and in doing so acknowledges the uneven impact of land regulations within an urban population.