Fourth Sunday in Advent - December 22, 2024

Prepare the Way

It has been a busy few weeks at church and at home. Both Frank daughters have had a full schedule of school events and other activities. Andrea's work, like the work of many of us, ramps up noticeably at the end of the year. And, well, I have a couple of sermons to preach in the next few days, and a Candle newsletter to write.

All of this came together this year in a way that knocked our family out of our usual tradition of lighting the Advent wreath, singing a carol, and having family Advent devotions every night.

We have all missed them. My hope is that we pick them up next year. At the same time, it has been a reminder to me that even much-appreciated and helpful traditions don't last forever in our families or anywhere else for that matter. Advent and Christmas come every year, but the way we mark the time and with whom we mark it changes.

It is okay to acknowledge and even mourn the changes while we celebrate the season. I even think it is part of how we prepare our hearts for Jesus. After all, our Christmas hope is not in our ways, families and relationships, but His coming.

All flesh is like grass

and all its glory like the flower of grass.

The grass withers,

and the flower falls,

but the word of the Lord remains forever.” And this word is the good news that was preached to you" (1 Peter 1.24-25).

Friends, the Word (Jesus) and his good news (Gospel) remains, no matter what else has changed in our life one Advent and Christmas season to the next. Hold on to it as we all prepare are hearts for Jesus.

God Bless,

P.S. Epiphany's Christmas Gift this year has been announced. Learn about our plan to stock the Department of Computing and Technology at Uganda Christian University so that they can give their students a better hands-on education in last week's newsletter available here.

THANK YOU: Stewardship Update

Thank you to all who offered their 2025 stewardship pledges. So far, we have received 62 pledges. Last year, we received 61 pledges in total. If you have not yet pledged, there is still time. Place your filled-out pledge card in the offering plate this Sunday or on a coming Sunday. Extra pledge cards and stewardship packets are available on the table in the entryway.

12th (11th) Night Party January 4

We will be getting together to have a fun, child-friendly party on the evening of January 4 from 6-8pm to welcome the Feast of the Epiphany and the coming of the Wise Men.  We will have King Cake, crown an Epiphany King and Queen and have games for Epiphany’s kids and adults.  Please sign up online or using the Church Center App.

Finding the Foundation of God's Peace

Christmas Eve and 

Lessons and Carols at Epiphany

Epiphany will gather for Christmas Eve worship at 5pm and 9pm on December 24.  The 5pm service will be updated from past years with more involvement from Epiphany’s young members and our contemporary musicians.  The 9pm service will be a traditional Christmas Eve service with the choir, organ and bell choir.  The Service of Nine Lessons and Carols will be on December 29.

Sign-Up for Adult Education in January

We are offering two classes beginning January 5.  Sign-ups for both classes are on the Church-Center App or online!  

The Gospel and The Kingdom for Beginners: Mr. Richard Rash will take his class through the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew chapters 4 - 8. He will focus on how Jesus fulfills Moses place and offers a new moral vision for God’s new people. This class will begin on January 5 at 9:15am and continue for the next four Sundays. Sign-up here.  

Epiphany and Anglicanism 101: Fr. Peter will be offering an introductory class on the Anglican branch of Christianity and our purpose and mission here at Epiphany. This class is a great starting point for those who are interested in being formally received into the Anglican Church by Bishop Chris when he visits us on January 26 this year. The class will begin on January 5 at 9:15am and continue for the next two Sundays. Bring your questions! Sign-up here.

Free Liturgical Calendars Available

Most days are a holiday on the Anglican Liturgical Calendar. You can follow along through 2025 by picking up a free copy of this basic guide to the Christian church year in the entryway on Sunday.

Giving Envelopes and 2024 Gift Deadline

Thank you for your generous giving in 2024. As a friendly reminder, pledges to be counted towards tax year 2024 must be made by December 31, 2024 if using the Church Center Giving App or PayPal. If checks are being mailed in, they must be postmarked and sent by December 31, 2024. Also, beginning this Sunday, Giving envelopes are available in the fellowship hall in packs of 52 and 12 for those who find them helpful.

Stand in the Gap

The Stand in the Gap ministry is one of the ways we pray for our leaders (clergy, staff and Vestry) of our church. It is time to sign up once more for a four month period to pray for our Vestry and Staff from January-April. Thank you to those who have participated in the last four months. Will you consider signing up again to pray, or perhaps you have taken a break and it is time to come back to this ministry. Perhaps you have never participated in this program - consider trying it for this next session. There are no meetings and you pray wherever you are.

If you have any questions or would like to sign up, please contact Brad Johnson at or call/text 703-599-2709. Our leaders really need your prayers.

2025 Epiphany Pilgrimage to Turkey 

Interest Meeting is this Sunday

The Meeks will host an interest meeting in the library on Sunday, December 22 after the second service where they will share information about the pilgrimage they are leading to Turkey October 9-19, 2025. Even if you are vaguely interested, come hear the details and be ready to ask your questions. We will have at least one more meeting in January (date TBD).

Tellers needed

We're looking for a few dedicated volunteers to assist with counting our weekly offerings. This would be after communion. If you're able to volunteer monthly or occasionally to help ensure accuracy in our financial records, please contact Amie Boncher at 703-593-3366.

This Week At Epiphany

Epiphany Calendar

Dec 20 - Dec 29

Friday, Dec 20

9:00am Morning Prayer

Saturday, Dec 21

9:00am Band of Brothers

Sunday, Dec 22

Fourth Sunday in Advent

8:00am Worship with Holy Communion

9:00am Junior Choir

10:15am Worship (Youtube livestream)

3:00pm - 5:30pm Centerpointe Worship

Monday, Dec 23

9:00am Morning Prayer

Tuesday, Dec 24

Christmas Eve - Church Closed

Wednesday, Dec 25

Christmas - Church Closed

Thursday, Dec 26

St. Stephen's Day - Office Closed

Friday, Dec 27

Office Closed

8:30am Friday Morning Men's Bible Study in Library, Zoom

9:00am Morning Prayer

Saturday, Dec 28

Sunday, December 29

First Sunday of Christmas

8:00am Worship with Holy Communion

10:15am Nine Lessons and Carols (Youtube livestream)

3:00pm - 5:30pm Centerpointe Worship

If you have an Epiphany event to add to the calendar, please contact Jimmy Crawford at

Church of the Epiphany | 3863 Centerview Drive | 703-481-8601


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