It has been a busy few weeks at church and at home. Both Frank daughters have had a full schedule of school events and other activities. Andrea's work, like the work of many of us, ramps up noticeably at the end of the year. And, well, I have a couple of sermons to preach in the next few days, and a Candle newsletter to write.
All of this came together this year in a way that knocked our family out of our usual tradition of lighting the Advent wreath, singing a carol, and having family Advent devotions every night.
We have all missed them. My hope is that we pick them up next year. At the same time, it has been a reminder to me that even much-appreciated and helpful traditions don't last forever in our families or anywhere else for that matter. Advent and Christmas come every year, but the way we mark the time and with whom we mark it changes.
It is okay to acknowledge and even mourn the changes while we celebrate the season. I even think it is part of how we prepare our hearts for Jesus. After all, our Christmas hope is not in our ways, families and relationships, but His coming.
“All flesh is like grass
and all its glory like the flower of grass.
The grass withers,
and the flower falls,
but the word of the Lord remains forever.” And this word is the good news that was preached to you" (1 Peter 1.24-25).
Friends, the Word (Jesus) and his good news (Gospel) remains, no matter what else has changed in our life one Advent and Christmas season to the next. Hold on to it as we all prepare are hearts for Jesus.
God Bless,