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The Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) will begin conducting random audits of continuing education (CE) credit hours for real estate professionals this month. The audit will cover CE required during the license cycle of November 1, 2012 to October 31, 2015.

Good News!
LARA and Michigan Realtors® have partnered to bring you and your agents a FREE, convenient and easy-to-use tool at your fingertips to help you track your continuing education courses and ensure compliance with the regulations.

Additional Benefit for Brokers:
CE Marketplace was created as a free tool to assist licensees and brokers in tracking continuing education and help to ensure compliance for audit purposes. As a broker, you have the additional benefit of viewing the continuing education status of each of your agents.

What You Should Do:
Visit CE Marketplace today and log in to see which of your agents are keeping their continuing education records updated. It's fast, easy, and FREE! You will need your real estate license number (Permanent ID No) to register, so please have that handy.

This is also a great time to remind your agents to always verify that the completion of any course is recorded. It will help them stay on track for compliance, and reduce their risk of being audited. As a bonus, it will help you know whether they are up-to-date on their education and offering the best possible services to your clients.

For more information about the continuing education requirements, please see MCL 339.2504a.

For questions about using CE Marketplace and how to track your continuing education requirements,, write to, or call 844.642.6633.

Visit the CE Marketplace Website

Benefits to CE Marketplace Certification

CE Marketplace Calendar

Press Release: Continuing Education Grant to assist Michigan Realtors with Certification of Real Estate Sales Persons, Brokers



The National Association of Real Estate Brokers ( NAREB®) was founded in 1947 nearly 70 years ago making it the oldest minority trade association in America! It was founded out of the need to secure equal housing opportunities for all people. 
Our purpose remains the same today in a covertly racially and economically discriminatory America, but we are more focused on economic opportunity than civil rights. Although composed principally of African Americans, the REALTIST© organization embraces all qualified real estate practitioners who are committed to achieving our vision, which is "Democracy in Housing".  

Members of NAREB® are referred to as REALTIST®. Each local chapter continuously accepts new members to join and actively become community real estate leaders. 

Realtists service the home buying needs of African Americans and others through our 90-chapter network located in 33 states. Network with the appraisers, developers, financial services professional, asset managers, housing counselors, mortgage brokers, real estate agents and brokers all working together to make home-ownership affordable, sustainable and attainable for our nation's home-buyers.

Click the video below to learn more about the history of NAREB®.  

NAREB History

NAREB's initiative under the administration of President, Ron Cooper is "2 Million New Black Homeowners in 5 years".  Visit to learn more!
The Greater Detroit REALTIST® Association  (GDRA)  is a trade association and local chapter of NAREB®.  When you become a member of GDRA, you are a member of NAREB. Our mission is to build a supportive infrastructure in the Detroit Metropolitan Real Estate Market. We represent a unified voice for minorities and other under-served population in hopes for equal and fair housing opportunities for all people!  We have a special charge to ensure; Education, Inspiration, and Empowerment to Realtists, Realtors, Clients, and the Communities in which we live and serve. 

In short, we stand strong in advocating for "Democracy in Housing".   The mission and vision of GDRA  is to "ACE" it!  Hence; Advocate for the communities in which we live and serve. Collaborate with like minded organizations and Educate for the betterment of our members, clients and communities.

If you serve anywhere in the real estate profession and are interested in joining GDRA in this vital movement, your membership is more than welcome!

Sincerely,  Rebecca J. Daniels

Rebecca J. Daniels, President 
Greater Detroit Realtist® Association
A Chapter of NAREB ®
"Guardians of Our Communities"

"All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence."

-Martin Luther King Jr.

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