Tools for Success
Help yourself achieve your personal best in school and
health with these valuable lessons...
Find A Quiet Place To Study
Seek solitude and meditate. Clearing your mind from term papers, exam stress, and even social obligations centers your mind and
balances your emotions.
Relax as Intensely as You Play
Whether cramming for exams or frequenting "day-longs"; burning the candle at both ends wears down your immune system and disrupts hormone levels that affect thought, mood and energy. Re-energize your body through massage. Immediately improve your mood and reset your sleep pattern. Take a weekend, come home and get a
Think Outside the Box!
Acupuncture and herbal medicine can address health issues from acne to allergies, addiction to obesity. It's not just needles...cupping for example can reduce pain and inflammation while promoting relaxation.
Reprogram Your Body
Osteopathic physical therapy is a hands-on approach to wellness that addresses organs, fascia, muscles as well as joints and bones. This whole body treatment restores physical balance and alleviates pain; from migraines to heel spurs and everything in between!
Call us at 941-727-1500 to make an appointment