Prepare for Worship
July 4, 2021
Homer United Methodist Church
Current Sermon Series
In Person Worship
Our hybrid in-person and online worship service is at 11 am. If you are participating from home, the service will be live-streamed on Facebook at 11 am and the video will be posted on YouTube by 4 pm.

If you are worshiping in person, please wear your mask at all times while in the building, and sit with your family group or bubble spread out from others.

What you will NOT experience at church for now:
  • congregational singing
  • coffee time / potlucks

What you WILL experience at church:
  • joyful worship
  • big smile under our masks
  • congregational prayer
  • beautiful music
  • thoughtful sermons
  • the communion of saints gathered far and wide!

The in-person worship service may not look quite like it used to, but that's ok! We have been adaptive and flexible all year. Let's keep up that spirit of adventure.

If you are feeling unwell, showing symptoms of COVID, or have close family or friends with COVID, please stay home and worship with us online.

I ask for your prayers and patience as we work out the technology to show hospitality to both our online and in-person congregations
Resources for Children

Are you connecting any of Sunday's scripture lessons to what you are doing from the Summer Church School at Home lessons? Email us a description or a picture to share.

Click here for today's Children's Bulletins and here for the answer sheet.

Prayer Requests

  • Talbott and Miekle families: death of Grace
  • The Mullikin family: loss of Don Mullikin
  • Rich Sonnen and family grieving loss of his brother
  • Cindy and Marty Dye: healing, patience
  • Mary Sanders: healing. Send cards to General Delivery, Conrad, MT 59425
  • Gary Kosto: strength and healing
  • Alaska Conference prayer focus: Nome Community United Methodist Church, Bertha Koweluk, Pastor

Please reply to this email with your prayer requests!

Ways to Give
Thank you for your consistent giving! Your generosity allows us to continue our ministries with people in need in our community. There are many ways to give:

Give Online
Click here for our church donation page.

Send a Check
Homer United Methodist Church
770 East End Road
Homer AK 99603

Donate Automatically
Use the "bill pay" or "auto draft" options of your bank or credit union. Contact your bank to learn more.

Text Your Offering
Safely text your donation through the Give+ app. Learn more here.

Click here to select Homer UMC as your charity on Amazon.
Spiritual Wellness Resources
Exploring Spiritual Practices

We practice spiritual disciplines so that when difficult times arise, we have tools to keep us grounded in peace, hope, joy, and love. Click here to watch Pastor Lisa's YouTube channel, Raven Fed.
Pastor Lisa's Current Schedule

Work Days: Tuesday-Sunday
Day Off: Monday
Filming Day: Friday

Please contact me any day, any time if you have an emergency. Otherwise, please respect my day off. You can leave a voicemail or email, and I will respond to you on Tuesday. On Fridays, my phone is on airplane mode most of the day as I film, but I do check it regularly, so leave me a message, and I'll get back to you.

Over the course of the week, if you are in need of comfort and worship, "visit" some of the other Alaskan United Methodist churches to watch their worship services. Click here to see the list of churches offering online worship.

Contact Us
770 East End Road
Homer, AK 99603