Technology Updates
Do your students use LockDown Browser or Respondus Monitor? Make sure they update to the latest version before they need to use it for their next exam! Screen recording is only available for exams that use both LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor and only on the most updated versions. Students using iPads for their exams will not be able to record their screen. Learn more about LockDown Browser updates on the Respondus Updates website and visit the web page screen recording for Respondus Monitor to learn more about Respondus Monitor.
If you use Respondus 4.0 Quiz importer to add test bank questions to Canvas, it is time to update your license information. Visit the Respondus 4.0 IT Knowledge Base for the new installation password. You will have to click on the Log In link in the upper right corner, then log-in with your 87 DU ID number and password to access the information.
Respondus offers several webinars each month about each of its products. Learn more about these webinars and register on the Respondus Webinars website.
McGraw Hill Connect
Do you use McGraw Hill Connect within Canvas? They are updating their Canvas integration! They are not making any changes to your existing content - the update is to improve the way that McGraw Hill Connect communicates with Canvas.
A McGraw Hill representative is happy to work with you to migrate your content to the updated application. Schedule an appointment to receive McGraw Hill migration support. You can also contact McGraw Hill Digital Technical Support if you have specific questions or issues.