National Day for Truth 


     Preparing for September 30th

The ongoing humanitarian support True North Aid commits to is a direct result of the tragic legacy of residential schools in Canada, resulting in the socioeconomic inequities experienced by Indigenous communities across Canada. 

As we prepare for September 30th, we recommit to Truth and Reconciliation by supporting Indigenous self-determination through practical aid and meaningful relationships.

We invite you to join us in this reconciliatory effort by contributing to the good work of True North Aid.

Art by Mance Granberg, a two spirited Abenaki Artisan

"Find a Call to Action and do something about it,

something that appeals to you [...] Community-based programs

will give way to reconciliation."

-Justice Murray Sinclair

Honour the Day

Resources for Download

We welcome you to download the following resources and images &

encourage you to start a peer-to-peer fundraiser

True North Aid Brochure
Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Toolkit
Image sized for IG stories
Image sized for Twitter
Image sized for Instagram
Image sized for Facebook

“Let us find a way to belong to this

time and place together. Our future, and the well-being

of all our children rests

with the kind of relationships we build today.”

– Chief Dr. Robert Joseph

Your gift has an impact.

Give where it is needed most by donating to True North Aid's General Fund.


Don't know what to say? Let us help.

You know your audience best. Whatever you say, let it be from the heart.

Use appropriate hashtags, for example:

#orangeshirtday #residentialschool #CallsToAction #NationalDayForTruthAnd

Reconciliation #Reconciliation #everychildmatters 







Ensure your language is appropriate.

Do not use possessive language (such as “Our Indigenous” or, “Canada’s Indigenous”).

Be respectful.

Become an active ally. 

  • Learn the history of current tensions experienced by Indigenous Peoples
  • Diversify your news feed by following Indigenous voices
  • Engage your peers in conversation about what you are learning
  • True North Aid has provided specific visuals that you may download and share

Copy & Paste:

Match My Message / Match My Donation

“(Today) On September 30th, I (we) will honour the children's families and communities affected by the residential school system. I (we) will remember and honour those who did not return home. 

I (we) acknowledge the truth, that Indigenous communities challenged by poor socioeconomic outcomes are a direct result of residential schools and their intergenerational legacies.

True North Aid is a practical aid organization that serves northern communities and commits to Truth and Reconciliation by supporting Indigenous self-determination through practical humanitarian support."

[Match my message by copying and pasting on your social media feeds.]

[Match my donation and contribute to the good work of True North Aid. Visit]

Mental Health Supports

Former residential school students can call 1-866-925-4419 for emotional crisis referral services and information on other health supports from the Government of Canada.

Indigenous peoples across Canada can also go to The Hope for Wellness Help Line 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for counselling and crisis intervention. Call the toll-free Help Line at 1-855-242-3310 or connect to the online chat.

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