Hello Andrew,
Have you adapted your process to keep the growing demand for small loans profitable? 🤝
Last week American Banker reported on the shrinking size of the average SBA loan, resulting in part from SBA initiatives to encourage a wider dispersal of SBA funding.
We predicted this renewed focus on small loans last year in our 2022 Mid-Year Lending Report, as all signs pointed toward the SBA encouraging a wider dispersal of funds through more small loans.
This trend was always expected. That's why we built and fortified ACCEL: our dedicated, tech-enabled underwriting branch for loans <$500,000.
ACCEL was created to make the small loan underwriting process:
✔ Scalable
✔ Efficient
✔ Borrower-friendly
In other words, ACCEL makes small loan underwriting ready for the 2024-landscape and beyond.
Book a demo of the ACCEL platform at the link below: