Wrapping up Week 2 and Preparing for Week 3

We hope you have settled into the term nicely as we finish with week 2.

With the new requirements to use Canvas for your courses, you may still be revising exams, creating assignments, and setting up online accommodations. OTL Instructional Designers are here to to help you with this process. Our Instructional Designers work directly with many units on campus and are available to meet with you for 1:1 consultations:

College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences: Jeff Schwartz, Dr. Vince Tango
Graduate School of Social Work: Dr. Vince Tango
Graduate School of Professional Psychology: Amelia Gentile-Mathew
Josef Korbel School of International Studies: Jeff Schwartz
Natural Sciences & Mathematics: Christine Hood
Ritchie School of Engineering & Computer Science: Amelia Gentile-Mathew
Sturm College of Law: Christine Hood
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and Accessibility: Paula von Kretschmann

If your college or department is not listed, please feel free to to book consultation time with any of our Instructional Designers!

For 24/7 Canvas support, you can always reach out to Canvas Help, which is directly supported by Canvas employees. The chat is the fastest option!
OTL Faculty Fellow Position

The OTL Faculty Fellow of Teaching and Learning will engage in activities to support change processes, build community, and lead efforts that advance DU’s university-wide initiative to move the institution beyond the use of student evaluations as a primary mode of evaluating teaching performance for merit, promotion, and reappointment. 

Please contact otl@du.edu with any questions.
Heart of Higher Education Conversations

The Heart of Higher Education Conversations are back! The Heart of Higher Education (HOHE) is an opportunity to gather as a DU community to share the challenges and opportunities of transcending the institutional, professional and personal choices that tend to separate core identity/integrity from day to day actions. The meetings are open to all faculty (of any rank) and staff (of any title). The Conversations are facilitated by Dr. Paul Michalec, Clinical Professor in the Morgridge College of Education. The Heart of Higher Education Conversations create a positive and constructive space where staff and faculty can explore ways of re-connecting calling with professional responsibilities.

Our next session is Wednesday, September 29. Please feel free to bring a lunch!

Wednesday, September 29
12:00 - 1:00 p.m.
OTL Conference Room (Anderson Academic Commons 345)
Re-Engaging Internationalization: Grant Opportunities for Faculty

All DU faculty are invited to reconnect with colleagues, learn more about DU's global engagement initiatives, and see how Internationalization Grants can support faculty with international/intercultural curricular and research activities. Hosted by the Office of Internationalization with updates from the Senior Vice Provost for Research and Graduate Education, the Vice Provost for Internationalization, and past faculty recipients.

Friday, October 22, 10:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Community Commons 1700 or Zoom
Join Canvas Experts for InstructureCon

InstructureCon is a free virtual professional learning conference hosted by Canvas for every level of educational technology user. The full-day conference includes keynote speakers, educator-led breakout sessions, roundtable discussions and interactive networking experiences.

If you would like to join the OTL during the event for in-person networking, email otl@du.edu. We have limited capacity for in-person opportunities and would like to accommodate our ed-tech friends throughout the day. In-person opportunities might include: projecting the keynote speakers in our conference room, DU networking hour, or collaboration during hot topic breakout sessions. For more information, reach out to the OTL
Upcoming Events

Faculty Q&A Sessions

The COVID Response Team is hosting several Faculty Q&A sessions over the next few weeks. You can join these sessions using the links below.

Wednesday, September 29, 12:00 - 1:00 p.m.

Wednesday, October 6, 4:00 - 5:00 p.m.

Canvas Coaching

Thursday, September 30, 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
OTL Conference Room (Anderson Academic Commons 345)

Monday, October 4, 2:00 - 3:00 p.m.
OTL Conference Room (Anderson Academic Commons 345)

University College Hosted Events

University College is hosting several workshops throughout the term as part of their Teaching Excellence Program. These are open to all faculty who would like to attend and feature presenters from across campus, including Megan Haskins and Alex Martinez from the OTL!

Wednesday, September 29, 12:00 - 1:00 p.m.
Facilitated by Pam Watson Korbel, University College Adjunct Faculty

Thursday, October 7, 4:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Facilitated by Dr. Karen Kaminski, University College Adjunct Faculty

Friday, October 8, 12:00 -1:00 p.m.
Facilitated by Alex Martinez, Office of Teaching and Learning, and Nicolas Pares, University College Teaching and Learning Specialist

Tuesday, October 12, 12:00 - 1:00 p.m.
Facilitated by Megan Haskins, Office of Teaching and Learning

Respondus is also hosting several training webinars throughout the month.

Visit our OTL events calendar to discover other events coming up!
Accessibility Tip

Extending Time for Quizzes in Canvas
Canvas allows the option to provide extended time on exams without having to recreate the test for one individual. This option is also available for assignments. Visit the Canvas Guide for instructions to extend time for accommodated exams.

Then join us next week for a Canvas Coaching session to learn more about how you can use Canvas for your assessments:

Thursday, September 30, 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
OTL Conference Room (Anderson Academic Commons 345)
Teaching Resources

This tool kit provides practical steps for readying your courses, no matter the modality. From Canvas basics to hyflex considerations, and complete with worksheets to guide you, this toolkit is a great starting point for course planning.

This Knowledge Base article provides helpful tips and tricks you can use as you create pre-recorded videos, lectures, and demonstrations to enhance the asynchronous components of your course. You can also learn more about the various tools you can use to create your videos, such as Zoom and Kaltura.

This web page provides access to the robust virtual services and resources that the Libraries provide along with a host of online services and resources.