Celebrate Thanksgiving Safely this Year!
Thanksgiving is a time to be close to loved ones and express gratitude, but gathering with too many people this year puts us at a higher risk for COVID-19. On your list of things to be thankful for, how about some tips on staying as healthy as possible while giving thanks!

Gathering indoors with multiple households is one of the riskiest things you can do this Thanksgiving as it increases the possibility of getting and spreading COVID-19. We recommend that everybody celebrates safely this year by hosting activities with only their household members, or by celebrating with loved ones virtually or outdoors (six feet apart with masks on, of course). People also shouldn't participate in celebrations this year if they are sick or are in quarantine or isolation for COVID-19. Read below for more tips!
The holidays are a time when many people usually travel to spend time with loved ones. This year, however, we recommend minimizing travel as much as possible to prevent the spread of COVID-19. If you plan to travel, you should quarantine for 14 days both before and after travel. We recognize this isn't possible for everyone, but is the safest thing to do.

Remember that while traveling, it is important to wear face coverings any time you are in a public place (like rest stops, gas stations, or airports), stay at least 6 feet away from anyone who is not in your household, and wash your hands frequently or use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.

TJHD will be hosting extra COVID-19 testing sites the week before and after Thanksgiving, but please remember that test results are only for a moment in time and quarantining before visiting loved ones is the safest thing to do. Visit the TJHD website for the schedule of COVID-19 testing sites.
You don’t have to completely give up Thanksgiving Day traditions this year! However, the highest risk for spreading or getting COVID-19 is having multiple households gathering indoors for a shared meal! This year, plan accordingly and think of creative ways to make the holiday a little safer:
  • Host a virtual dinner with your friends and family
  • Order in from your favorite delivery/curbside pick up
  • Watch parades, sporting events, or movies from the comfort of your own home
  • Bring your own food for an outdoor meal at least six feet apart from others and wear masks when not eating
This year, we recommend shopping or giving online when possible for any plans on Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday, or Giving Tuesday. If you do choose to shop or donate in-person, don’t forget to wear a face covering, maintain at least 6 feet of distance from others, carry and use hand sanitizer, and stay home if you or anyone in your household feel unwell.