Hello PJ Families!
It was so nice to see you all at the Can U Dig It Playground playdate and our first recent PJ Our Way event! It is so great to have events with all ages, but also split up sometimes into more age-appropriate activities for the kids! Thank you to all who came out to see Rick Recht! I hope you had a wonderful time!
The month of March brings the holiday of Purim! Kids ages 5 and older, please join us on Sunday, March 17th from 2:00-4:00 PM at the Jewish Federation Building of Greater Naples. We will be acting and singing in our first PJ Purim Play. No experience necessary. Just come and have fun with friends! Snacks will be provided. Families are welcome to come in at 4:00 and watch the kids’ performance! Wear a costume and email programs@jewishnaples.org to RSVP!
For families with children of all ages, please join us at the Collier County Naples Headquarters Library on Tuesday, March 19th at 5:00 PM! We will have stories, crafts, music, and a costume parade all to celebrate the holiday of Purim. Please register on the library website so we know who to expect. I look forward to seeing everyone this month!
Please be sure to follow PJ Library - Federation of Greater Naples on Facebook and @naplespjlibrary on Instagram for upcoming events and up to date info on all things local for PJ Library. 
  • PJ Our Way kids have until the 10th of the month to log in and choose their next middle-grade book or graphic novel.

  • PJ Library is switching to a new email service that will improve subscriber communications. In March, you will receive a few messages about it so that your email provider becomes familiar with the new source. Clicking on the links in these upcoming messages will help make sure PJ Library’s great content doesn’t start going to your spam/junk folder.

  • Purim begins at sundown on March 23. PJ Library’s Purim Hub is filled (like a Hamentaschen) with costume ideas, festive treats, holiday crafts, and a lot more.


  • Jewish Federation of Greater Naples
  • Irene Adler
  • Estelle & Stuart Price
  • Bebe and Steve Saks
  • Phyllis Seaman
  • Solot & Karp Family Foundation


I’m so excited to be working with the Jewish Federation of Greater Naples and PJ Library to assist families with young children become more engaged in the Jewish community here in Naples.

I would love to hear from you.

Amber Ferren
PJ Library Coordinator
Jewish Federation of Greater Naples