Greeting Friends!
I hope everyone is finding ways to stay warm as we make our way through another Wisconsin winter. It’s hard to believe we’ve already made it through January, but here we are! As we enter February, that means we are planning our Presbytery Meeting. This meeting will take place on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22 at 10:00am at Forest Park Presbyterian Church in New Berlin. Registration will begin at 9:30am. We are very excited to be welcoming special guest Rev. CeCe Armstrong, current Co-Moderator of the PC(USA) General Assembly. CeCe will be leading us on a road-trip of sorts during our meeting as we hop in the C.A.R. and pull out our M.A.P.S. In the grand Presbyterian tradition of acronyms, C.A.R. stands for Communication, Alignment with God, and Relationships. M.A.P.S. refers to Mission, Action, Praise, and Supplication. These are themes CeCe (along with Co-Moderator Tony Larson) have been focusing on during their time as Moderators. CeCe will take us into more depth during the education portion of our meeting and then again as she leads worship.
Speaking of worship, we have a packed service planned. In addition to hearing from Rev. Armstrong, we have our annual installation and commissioning of officers and committee/commission members and a moment for mission from United Church Camps (one of our mission partners). During the course of our day, we will also be recognizing pastoral transitions as well as honoring the saints no longer with us during the necrology report. It promises to be a meaningful day for all involved.
For those with college aged students/young adults, CeCe Armstrong will also be meeting with students at Carroll College after the Presbytery Meeting at 5:00pm. Please pass this information along to anyone who may be interested and check out Fresh Impressions for more details.
Please mark your calendars now for SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22 at 10:00am at Forest Park in New Berlin for what promises to be a great opportunity to learn, fellowship, and do the important work of the Presbytery. I look forward to seeing you all there!
Bill Leonard, Moderator
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