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Presbytery Gathering

November 9, 2024, 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Greetings, Friends in Ministry!

Doesn’t it seem like we just together for a Presbytery Gathering?! Indeed, it has been only been a few weeks since we last met, but it is time to gather once more.  As the temperatures start to drop and leaves on the trees change colors, so too do we as a Presbytery find ourselves in a time of transition. In fact, the theme of this gathering revolves around that idea of transition. The work of the Presbytery is never done, and the fall is a particularly busy time, with leaders to elect and a budget to pass. To this end, we will gather at Immanuel Presbyterian Church in Milwaukee on Saturday, November 9. Registration will begin at 9:30, with the day’s events beginning promptly at 10:00 a.m. In-person attendance is strongly encouraged given the important discussions that will be taking place, but Zoom will also be available for those unable to make it to Immanuel. 

The order of our gathering will be a different than we have traditionally been accustomed to. We will begin the day at 10:00 a.m. with worship in the sanctuary. As we deal with the anxiety that can accompany transition, both as a Presbytery and as a country that will be four days removed from a national election, beginning with worship will allow us a chance to calm our hearts and center ourselves on the Word of God. Following worship, the Presbytery Transition Team will lead us in small group conversations. As the Transition Team gets underway with their important work, they want to hear from the broad spectrum of people and perspectives that make up our Presbytery.  The Team will provide specific topics prior to the Gathering so you can begin thinking about them ahead of time. Opportunities will exist for those on Zoom to participate as well. 

Following the small group discussions, we will fellowship together over lunch, then conclude our day with the business meeting beginning at 12:45 p.m. There is once again a robust business agenda. We will run the meeting as efficiently as possible, yet we also want to provide appropriate opportunities for discussion on the issues at hand. Given that, please understand that the meeting may run longer than one hour. It is critical that everyone feel seen and heard during this significant period in the life of our Presbytery.

These are exciting times with so many opportunities for our future! Please mark your calendars for Saturday, November 9, at 10:00 a.m. and plan to attend our November Gathering. I look forward to seeing everyone there!

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are interested in attending in person but do not have a ride or way to get to the meeting, please contact the Presbytery staff, who will work to help arrange carpooling opportunities.

Grace and Peace,

Bill Leonard 

Moderator, Presbytery of Milwaukee

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