November 26, 2018
Enduring Witness Grant Program to Fund Congregational Vitality, Pastoral Assistance and Community Engagement
The Presbytery of Baltimore’s new Enduring Witness grant program provides financial support for Teaching Elders in crisis and churches seeking to transform themselves through the development of vibrant ministries and community engagement. The program, approved at a recent Gathering, is funded from the sale of church property or assets received when a congregation disbands. It will ensure that the legacy of the faithful members of these congregations can continue through the life and ministry of remaining congregations in the Presbytery, according to the Presbytery's leadership.

“The legacy of witnessing to the love of God can continue through these funds thanks to those who have gone before. We are now invited to use our imaginations and think about what is possible in our ministries and in our communities,” said Rev. Jacqueline Taylor, General Presbyter for the presbytery of Baltimore. “Together with healthy clergy, our congregations can meet the challenges of this new age with additional support,” she added.

The Enduring Witness fund also benefits Teaching Elders who are experiencing burnout and high levels of stress that they may require coaching, counseling or a leave of absence. This situation often puts a severe burden on both pastors and congregations to cover the cost of needed support and healing. In addition, the fund may Teaching Elders in the Presbytery who are not enrolled in the Board of Pensions and, therefore, ineligible for emergency assistance from the Board.

The Presbytery's Board of Trustees provides fiscal management over the Enduring Witness grant program – budgeted annually at $135,000 for the next three years – and makes allotments to the Committee on Ministry, Commission on Thriving Congregations and the Commission on Reconciliation funding grant requests from member churches. Requests for Enduring Witness funds from the Commission on Thriving Congregations may include financial support for new worshiping communities, evangelism initiatives, capital expenses, Board of Pension dues or coaching for clergy. Teaching Elders in crisis may request financial assistance from the Committee on Ministry following the loss of employment, an uninsured medical crisis or an administrative leave necessitated by counseling. The Enduring Witness grant program also provides financial resources for churches involved in community organizing and engagement.

To apply for funds from the Enduring Witness grant program contact the chair of one of the following individuals for the appropriate Committee or Commission application process: Deborah McEachran (Committee on Ministry); Lisa Beacham (Commission on Reconciliation); and, Jennifer Barchi (Thriving Congregations).

All meetings held at the Presbytery of Baltimore's Office unless a different location is indicated

  • Steering Cabinet meets at 1pm on Wednesday, Nov. 28
  • Commission on Reconciliation meets 6:30am on Wednesday, Nov. 8
  • Gathering Team meets at 1pm on Thursday, Nov. 29
  • The Presbytery Office will close on Friday, Nov. 30 for a Presbytery Training on Dismantling racism
The Presbyterian Outlook

"Stories from the Border"

Vilmarie Cintrón-Olivieri, co-moderator of the 2018 General Assembly, at the border wall . Click here to read more . . .

Presbytery & Church-wide

TAKE NOTE: All 2018 Remittances, Contributions and Check Requests must be received by the Presbytery's Finance Office by Friday, Jan. 11, 2019.

Per Capita: $35.73

Synod/Mid-Atlantic.........................$ .85
General Assembly............................$ 8.95




First & Franklin Presbyterian Church’s   SPIRE SERIES  welcomes J”Nai Bridges and Mark Markham in concert on Friday, November 30, 2018 at 8:00 P.M. Tickets are $20 general/$10 students. Subscriptions to the entire season are also vailable.

Grove Presbyterian Church in Aberdeen, MD will host Sounds of the Season at 5pm on Sunday, Dec. 9. The program will feature music for harp and flute performed by Zoe Coppola and Elizabeth LaDana and the Christmas Cantata, "Jesus Christ, Our Christmas Lamb" performed by the Grove Chancel Choir and Friends. The program will last about one hour followed by a time of fellowship and refreshments. Please join us!
A Brass and Organ concert featuring the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra’s top brass musicians and organist Michael Britt will be presented at 7 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 9, 2018 at Brown Memorial Presbyterian Church in the Bolton Hill section of Baltimore. Tickets to this Tiffany Series event are $20 (Students get FREE admission) and are available at /current-season and at the door. 

Join members of Maryland Presbyterian Church for a special Blue Christmas service of worship designed to seek hope and light during the Advent season. Rev. Beth Scibienski, pastor of Grace Presbyterian Church, will lead us in worship. Blue Christmas

Christmas Concert: Wise Men Still SEEK HIM
Featuring Central’s Chancel and Handbell Choirs and Organ with Orchestra Come share a musical journey about seeking after God—beginning with the birth of Christ. Friday, Dec. 14 at 7:30pm and Sunday, Dec. 16 at 3pm at Central Presbyterian Church in Towson.  
Tickets may be purchased by calling the church office (410.823.6145) or reserving online at www.centralp.corg/concert
Theme: "Justice for All"
Date: January 19, 2019              
Time: 3pm
Place: Hunting Ridge Presbyterian Church

For Elementary, Middle and High Schoolers:
1st Prize $100; 2nd Prize $50; 3rd Prize $25

Granite Presbyterian Church to Host Spring Bus Trip to "Jesus" Sight and Sound Production

Granite Presbyterian Church will host a trip on April 3 to Sight and Sound Theater in Lancaster, PA to see a production of "Jesus". The trip is limited to 56 people, first-come; first-served. Children are welcomed. Click here to learn more about tickets to this event.

Scholarships for Undergraduates Discerning a Call to Ministry

Is there a young person in your congregation with a mature faith and growing leadership skills? Perhaps he or she is sensing a call to Christian ministry.  At Randolph-Macon College, we are assisting students who are discerning a lifetime of service to God through the church. We help them keep college costs manageable and offer opportunities to begin preparing for ministry even before seminary.  

Randolph-Macon College's  A. Purnell Bailey Pre-Ministerial Scholarship  offers half-tuition during a student’s freshman and sophomore years at R-MC and full-tuition during the junior and senior years.  The Bailey Program includes weekly meetings for vocational discernment, creating a strong, supportive peer group.  During a student’s tenure in the program, there are many opportunities to visit with Theology School representatives, spend time with persons in a variety of professional ministry roles, and reflect on a personal sense of call.  There are two internship opportunities, one for academic credit and one with a financial stipend. 

Online Bailey Scholar applications are being accepted now, with a deadline of February 1, 2019.  The program is open to Christian students of any denomination or Christian tradition.  Learn more at  or by contacting the Rev. Kendra Grimes, Director of the Bailey Scholars Program, at  or 804.752.7374.
Presbytery of Baltimore | (t) 410.433.2012 | (f) 410.433.2066| |