Presbytery of the Coastlands

August 3, 2023

Just a few days until the Teach Us To Pray event at Old Tennent Church! Learn to pray through singing, walking, crafting, and more! Come for one workshop or come for the day. Visit for details and to register to attend.
A video promo for the event is available here.

Registration Open

for September 16th Presbytery Meeting

Register to attend our next Presbytery Stated Meeting at Johnsonburg Camp & Retreat Center on Saturday, September 16th at 10:30 AM.

There is an option to arrive on Friday, September 15th for dinner, campfire, board games, & fellowship with accommodations in the lodges.

Please click here to register online.

Food for Thought: 

What Presbyterians Don’t Believe 

As we move through these summer days, the following article provides an opportunity for thoughtful reflection and discussion in one’s home, congregation and across our presbytery. With the rising tide of Christian Nationalism and what often seems a perversion of the gospel, it is timely and relevant that Presbyterians take note of this trend and find meaningful ways to articulate our faith. The following article includes themes presented by the Rev. Jimmie Hawkins, Director of the PCUSA Office of Public Witness at the recent Synod School and offers a thoughtful and provocative message for these times. Please read on and let me know if you would like to engage, further, on these theological themes.


Presbyterian Mission Agency The Rev. Jimmie Hawkins gives Synod School attendees a primer on what Presbyterians don’t believe | Presbyterian Mission Agency

May Divine Wisdom continue to inspire our hearts and minds as we seek to be a faith community reflecting the gospel call to love, equity, justice, inclusion and mercy.


Mary Westfall, MDiv, PhD

Relational Co-Leader

Coastlands Presbytery

Summer 2023: The Hottest on Record  

We hear the alarming news. We experience the devasting effects. We are called to care and to act.


Presbyterians for Earth Care invites each presbytery to engage in a dynamic, upcoming conference September 20-23, 2023 in Virginia, one of several additional national locations or through on-line participation. Churches and people of faith have the opportunity to add voice and action to these critical times as those called to “tend and steward” God’s good creation. How will we respond? This event promises to better equip, inspire and motivate.  

Now is the time!

Register for the conference here.

Presbytery Grants

A Short-term Grants Team representing the Council, Trustees, and Commission on Ministry is developing a plan to make Coastlands Presbytery grants to our churches and ministries. Using the Core Transition Team Report the team is aligning grant priorities to the areas of ministry lifted up by the Petal Teams that worked throughout our transition time. The Grants team suggests your church or ministry review the Core Transition Team Report and consider whether your needs might align with these priorities.

Jean Woodman, Administrative Co-leader & Stated Clerk

Church Financial Leadership Grants

Available Now

If you are a pastor, commissioned ruling elder (CRE), a leader of a 1001 New Worshiping Community or a member of a stewardship team the Presbyterian Foundation has Church Financial Leadership Grants available for you. The grants will enable you to institute best practices for church financial leadership, introduce you to new models of giving and stewardship, and offer you new ways to talk about money and form generous disciples within your church.
For more information, click here.

Copies of 2023-2025 Book of Order

Following the release of the new Book of Order, the presbytery office will place a bulk order for copies on Friday, August 4.

If you would like a copy, please contact us at [email protected] and let us know how many copies you or your church would like (one copy per person, please). Once the books arrive, we will arrange pickup locations.

If you prefer a digital version of the new Book of Order, you can download a PDF here.

Young Leader Retreat

at Johnsonburg Camp & Retreat Center

Sunday, August 27, 2:00-6:30 PM

Registration deadline: Monday, August 14

For youth ministry leaders - working with older youth or younger,

Sunday School or youth group, paid or unpaid. If you work with the younger among us, you are invited!

This year we are pleased to welcome Megan DeWald, the Director

of the Institute for Youth Ministry at Princeton Theological Seminary,

who will lead a hands-on workshop entitled "Designing Youth Ministry...for Now." Yes, we are in a challenging time when it comes

to youth ministry, but what if this time of rapid change also presents

the church with an opportunity to grow curious, experiment with new ideas, and course-correct from some of the ways we’ve erred in the


To get more information on the retreat and to register, go to the

Highlands Presbytery website.

Presbyterian Foundation Day of Learning

Stewardship: Back to Basics

Join us August 23 on Zoom for a program on Stewardship Basics

2:00 PM ET /11:00 AM PT Building a Culture of Generosity with Robert Hay, Jr., Senior Ministry Relations Officer for the Presbyterian Foundation

5:00 PM ET/2:00 PM PT Tactical Stewardship: Creating an Annual Plan with Maggie Harmon, Ministry Relations Officer for the Southwest

Register by clicking the image below.

PC (USA) Young Adult Advocacy Conference

Coming to Louisville this Fall

The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is inviting college students and seminarians who are interested in learning effective ways to stand up for causes they believe in to take part in its new Young Adult Advocacy Conference this fall in Louisville, Kentucky.
For more information, click here.

Is seeing the holy land in your bucket list? You have a wonderful opportunity to make it happen in the spring of 2024. Rev. Dr. Fred Garry and Rev. Dr. Glory Thomas will be leading a holy land trip in April 2024 soon after Easter. Please see the brochure with the itinerary of the trip as well as information on the educational company that runs the trip. Prior to the journey, Fred will be leading a 17 week study as a preparation for this spiritual journey via zoom.
If you are interested in joining the trip or wanting more information, please contact either Glory Thomas via email ([email protected]) or via phone (732-589-3660) or Fred ([email protected]).

Confirmation and Sharing the Gospel

New Resource for Confirmation

Introducing Changing the World: Confirmation for the Missional Church, a revised and updated confirmation curriculum focused on missional identity from Mark Hinds and the Presbyterian Outlook. 
Changing the World shifts the emphasis from increasing membership rolls to helping teenagers claim their missional identities and vocations.
For more information, click here.

Come and See for Yourself by N. Scott Cupp

Rev. Dr. N. Scott Cupp, who previously served as Transitional Pastor at First Presbyterian Church, Matawan, has written a book titled Come and See for Yourself: The Gospel -- As if for the First Time, published by West Bow Press.
For more information, click here. You can also purchase a copy here.

Per Capita Remittances and Summary

Per Capita Status and Update

The latest Per Capita and Mission Giving Summary for 2022-2023 is found here for your review. 

If you have any questions or corrections, please let us know at [email protected]. Previous month contributions appear in the published report following the trustees meeting on the 4th Tuesday of the next month.


Employment Opportunities


Johnsonburg 2023 Programs

Synod Newsletter: Click the image link below for current newsletter:

Quick Links

Presbytery Meetings

Our next meeting will be on September 16, 2023

at Camp Johnsonburg, in Johnsonburg, NJ.

Presbytery Contact Information

Relational Co-Leader: Rev. Dr. Mary Westfall [email protected]

Administrative Co-Leader & Stated Clerk: Ruling Elder Jean Woodman [email protected]

Directory, Website, Newsletter, Communications, Presbytery Meeting Registration: 

Chris Renshaw [email protected]

Moderator: Rev. Rory Chambers [email protected]

Vice-Moderator: Ruling Elder Bisi Shofu [email protected]