Elder/Deacon Training 2022
All Ruling Elders and Deacons are invited to Elder/Deacon
virtual training sponsored by the Congregational Development and Transformation Team!
All dates are 10am-12pm on Zoom. Registration required.
January 22- Elder/Deacon Basic Training
Introduction to the work of the Presbytery, an opportunity to attend break out sessions to focus on the work of ruling elders or deacons (your choice), a chance to hear how other churches structure their work, a place to offer suggestions for future training foci. Rev. Angela Ryo will lead the deacon breakout session and Elder Stefanie Lewis and Rev. John Judson will lead the ruling elder breakout.
Registration link *for January only*:
Please take some time to watch as many of these videos as you are able to. Ruling elders might pay special attention to #2, 3, 6. All should review #9.
March 5- Deacon Focus
The topics will grow out of the January breakout discussion. Currently the plan is to offer training around congregational care and being a friend to those within the congregation.
March/April Date TBD- Congregational Leadership Skills for 2022
Primarily for ruling elders, but all are welcome. More information available soon.
Presbytery of Detroit Leadership Retreat
Rise UP: We are the Presbytery of Detroit
January 29, 2022 @ 9:30-3:30pm via Zoom
Who Should Attend
Every person of each:
Committee, Ministry Team, and Work Group
How does the Presbytery Work
Casting Vision
Value of doing the Work
Communication between all teams
Implementation of Matthew 25 at the level of the Presbytery
Register in advance here:
*After registering, you will receive a confirmation email
containing information about joining the meeting.
As we navigate the aftermath of the Oxford High School Tragedy in bearing one another's burdens with prayer and mutual consolation, our discussion on Monday, December 6 with Kathy Riley, Associate for Emotional and Spiritual Care with Presbyterian Disaster Assistance was highly informative and strengthening. We are grateful for the support and guidance of the PDA, and we would like to share the following valuable resources:
• Worship Resources After Public Violence. This collection of prayers, litanies, worship and vesper service outlines, strategies for children’s messages, etc. can be found on the PDA homepage at: http://pda.pcusa.org/situation/hcd/
• “Recovering from Un-Natural Disasters: A Guide for Pastors and Congregations after Violence and Trauma.” Written by Laurie Kraus, David Holyan and Bruce Wismer, three pastors who have experienced human-caused trauma in their own congregations and communities and, as members of Presbyterian Disaster Assistance’s National Response Team, have served as disaster responders and Emotional and Spiritual Care counselors to numerous other faith-based groups. Available for online purchase at: https://www.wjkbooks.com/Products/0664262155/recovering-from- unnatural-disasters.aspx
• “Ministry after Communal Trauma.” An article based on “Recovering from Un-Natural Disasters” appeared in the March 21, 2017 issue of The Christian Century. Available to subscribers at: https://www.christiancentury.org/article/ministry-after-communal-trauma
These sermons are available for use in your
Sunday Advent Worship Services.
Lifting one another in prayer is a vital part
of our POD community.
Starting in January, we will be adding a PRAYER CENTER
to the Weekly Update.
Please send prayer requests to Tanya at tanya@detroitpresbytery.org, and put PRAYER in the subject line.
Covenant Presbyterian in Southfield
is offering the following
for any congregation that can use them!
Here's what's available:
(1) 3 1/2 -octave set of Malmark handbells
(1) 3 1/2 -octave set of Malmark handbells
(1) 3-octave set of hand chimes
Several boxes of music books and sheet music for Handbells.
JUST ADDED! (1) Allen electronic organ - 3 manual console: swell, great and choir, and pedals. Maybe 40 years old, well maintained, repaired and serviced
Please contact Linda Layne at 248-470-9455 if you are interested.
JOIN US as we LISTEN to speakers who are knowledgeable about the cogs of structural racism.
LEARN more from online action-oriented resources. LEAN IN to the process of creating a more fair and equitable society.
Truly, it is a new season for all of us. Jesus calls us to act boldly and compassionately to serve people who are hungry, oppressed, imprisoned and poor. By joining us on this journey, we are uniting in common mission to become a more relevant presence in the world. With God’s help and our labor, we can become a Matthew 25 church, actively engaged the world.
For more information on how
your church/organization can
register as a 'Matthew 25'
congregation click link below:
Congregations and ECOs are invited
to apply for Faith in Action Grants!
The Presbytery of Detroit has once again been given a $300,000 gift for mission by an anonymous donor.
This gift has been designated into 3 different "Tracks".
Track 1: Welcoming the Stranger (refugee co-sponsorship)
Track 2: Pastor Discretionary Funds
Track 3: Matthew 25 Grants
*The deadline for Tracks 1 and 2 is January 31, 2022 and the deadline for Track 3 is February 28, 2022. You may apply for one, two, or all three of the tracks.
Emerging Mission Projects Grant
Our priority is on projects that partner with affected communities, address the concerns of the Matthew 25 initiative, work for long term transformation, and have an exponential impact.
Applications are accepted on a quarterly basis at the end of January, April, July, and October.
Award amounts are
$500 - $1000
Send any questions to
Adam Delezenne
the Mission Interpretation
Ministry Team
Join PHP’s efforts to eradicate systemic poverty,
dismantle systemic racism and build congregational vitality!
• Visit our website:
• Like us on Facebook:
www.facebook.com/ presbyhunger
• Follow us on Twitter:
The Association of
Presbyterian Church Educators
Annual Event is
February 9 – 12
in Chicago!
There are many opportunities to access scholarship funds for attending the annual event. They include the national level of APCE,
the regional level called GLAPCE, and our own
Detroit Presbytery Educational Ministries Workgroup.
Great Lakes Region (Deadline is November 15th)
Detroit Presbytery (Deadline is December 1st)
You may apply for scholarships through
both GLAPCE and the Presbytery.
Westminster Presbyterian Church in Detroit is looking for a Membership Coordinator. Please click here for more information.
Westminster Presbyterian Church in Detroit is looking for an Office Administrator. Please click here for details.
Orchard Lake Community Church, Presbyterian is looking for an Office Administrator. Please click here for more information.
Lakeshore Presbyterian, St. Clair Shores has a job opening for a part time MODERN Worship Leader. Please click here for more details.
Lakeshore Presbyterian, St. Clair Shores has a job opening for a part time Choir Director. Please click here for more details.
STAGE Youth Ministry, Royal Oak/Berkley has an opening for a Youth Director. Please click the link for more details.
Westminster Presbyterian Church USA in AKRON, OHIO is looking for an Interim Pastor. Please click here for more information.
Alma College (North of Lansing) invites applications for the position of Campus Chaplain. Find more information here: https://www.alma.edu/live/news/2882-campus-chaplain
The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has several openings for which we are seeking qualified candidates looking for a call working at the national level. The positions include:
Processing Archivist (Presbyterian Historical Society, Philadelphia, PA)
CLC Call Process Consultant (Office of the General Assembly, Louisville, KY)
Records Manager (Office of the General Assembly, Louisville, KY)
Administrative Specialist for Special Offerings (Presbyterian Mission Agency, Louisville, KY)
Please note the following when submitting
items for the Weekly Update:
In order to allow time for formatting and thorough attention, please provide the information you would like posted to Tanya at tanya@detroitpresbytery.org
by Monday of the week you are interested in having your event or
announcement included in the Update.
For events, we will begin posting six weeks prior to the event and keep the post up until the event is completed.
- As you may have noticed, we will be posting an abbreviated version of the announcement or event with the directive to click to access the flyer or visit the Presbytery website (www.detroitpresbytery.org) for more information.
- Questions and feedback are always welcome! Feel free to reach out to Tanya at
313-345-6550 x220 or tanya@detroitpresbytery.org
The Presbytery Office is Open
Monday-Thursday 8:30AM-4:30PM
The Presbytery office is still following Covid precautions, including wearing face masks or coverings when visiting the office. Scheduling of committee/ministry team/work group meetings via Zoom will continue for now.
The staff appreciates your cooperation as we engage in the work of the Presbytery.