Presbytery Picnic Fun Day!
Our Presbytery - Our Work
Weekly Prayer Basket
Please pray for ... those who are battling the most recent COVID resurgence. Particularly please pray for our brothers and sisters of Woodlawn Chapel Presbyterian Church
Support Ministry
Help Wanted
Upcoming Ministry Team Meetings
Mon., Oct. 9
Tues., Oct. 10
Thur., Oct. 12
9:30 am History at Soutminster
Install a flow control device in the showerhead
This do-it-yourself device limits the flow of water in your shower, which translates into energy and money savings. They can be found in hardware stores and any big box retail store.
"TIPS" is brought to you by the Earth Care Work Group of presbytery, monitoring Earth Care Congregations and advocating for low income, people of color, women, and GLBTQ communities often hurt first and worst by environmental degradation. Contact: or 314-941-9378.
Trivia Night
Sat. Oct. 7th • 6:00 pm
(Doors open at 5:30 pm)
Florissant Presbyterian Church at John Knox Presbyterian Church, located at 13200 New Halls Ferry Rd., Florissant, Missouri.
$20.00 per person/ 8 person limit per table
Popcorn and Soda provided - Basket Raffles and other games
Proceeds go toward our food ministry.
We will be collecting items for Crisis Nursery (diapers, wipes, children's games, paper towels, cleaning supplies, paper products, etc.) 1 Free mulligan per donation (up to 10 mulligans per table)
Loving Our Neighbors and Race Relations in STL:
Apology to Action
Ladue Chapel Presbyterian Church
9:15 am – Sunday’s in the Fireside Room
October 8, 15, 22 & 29
October 8 “Truth and Reparation: How the PC(USA) Talks About Racism” with Rev. Ryan J. Landino, Giddings-Lovejoy Presbytery Leader
October 15 “Understanding the PCUSA’s Overture of Apology for the Sin of Slavery” with Diane McCullough, Dismantling Racism and White Privilege Team
October 22 “Lucky Zip Codes” with Amy Hunter, VP of DEI at Caleres, Inc.
October 29 “Restorative Justice and Alternatives to Incarceration” with Tracy Stanton & Sarah Nixon, Freedom Community Center
Learn more about these events by clicking here. Ladue Chapel Presbyterian Church is located at 9450 Clayton Rd., St. Louis, MO 63124. Directions found by clicking here.
Global Partnerships And
The Joining Hands Peruvian Partnership Announce
The Rev. Jed Koball From Peru Will Be Visiting Our Presbytery
October 14-20.
Jed is a Mission Co-Worker for the PC(USA) living and working in Peru. His focus is addressing the root causes of poverty, especially climate change and extractive industries. Find his schedule by clicking here. UPDATE: The information on the SouthNorth Dialogue Series on October 19 and how to attend by Zoom, click here.
Artful Expressions & Inktober
Throughout October – Are you ready?
A six-week Artful Expressions of Grief series will begin on Tuesday, October 3rd at Von Dell Gallery & Studios and run through November 7th from 5 to 7 p.m. (*October 10th will start 30 minutes early because I have a 7:00 meeting.) Registration fees for this event will be $10/person which only covers materials. As part of our weekly worship, the offering box will be present to support the work of A Place of Grace and Von Dell Gallery & Studios.
"Inktober" is also coming up! A daily YouTube video for Place of Grace followers with a different tangle each day.
Presbyterian Women of Giddings Lovejoy
Fall Gathering at Faith Des Peres Presbyterian Church
Saturday, October 21
Hear from Faithful Women Serving in our Midst: A Panel of Pastors on What Sustains Them in their Journey. Learn more and make reservations by clicking here.
Faith Des Peres Presbyterian Church is located at 11155 Clayton Road, St. Louis, Mo 63131. Directions found by clicking here.
First Presbyterian Church Of Columbia, Missouri Presents 2023 Haseman Lectures - "How To Be Good Neighbours: A Christian Theology For A Pluralistic World"
October 28, 2023
• 10 AM Lecture: “Models for Dealing with the Other”
• 2 PM Lecture: “Christian Participation in a Pluralistic World”
October 29, 2023
• 9:30 AM Adult Sunday School, Open Discussion of Lecture Topics & Book
• 10:30 AM Worship Sermon: “The Blessing of Babel”
The Association of Partners in Christian Education is coming to St. Louis Union Station from January 24th through the 27th. Your Local Committee needs your help! We will need volunteers.
We also need assistance with providing supplies for participants. The QR code previously shared no longer works. Please, use this link instead to access the Amazon Wish List and watch for additions to the list in the next few months. Orders should be sent in the care of Rev. Pat Cleeland at Second Presbyterian Church, 4501 Westminster Pl., St. Louis, MO 63108. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your help!
Called to Serve? We Need You!
Have You Considered Presbytery Service?
There are many ministry team positions available in the coming year, and we just know you would be a good fit for a committee or commission
Please fill out and return the form below.
Current Support Ministry Position Openings
- (PT) Coordinator Christian Education - Southminster Presbyterian, Crestwood, MO
- Head of Music - First United Presbyterian, Collinsville, IL
Off Hours Help Needed? Contacts Found Below
Rev. Ryan Landino
Presbytery Leader
Rev. Liz Kanerva
Presbytery Leader
Rev. Joy Myers
Stated Clerk
Leigh Porter
Office Manager
Janice McMillen
Communications Associate
Keep Connected
We love to hear about the work of the Presbytery of Giddings-Lovejoy Congregations. Have an event, fundraiser, or concert and want to get the word out? Simply email that information in by 6 p.m. on Monday of the week you want your event published. Help keep us connected by simply emailing your information to