Drawp Matthew 25 Gathering December 9
"The Dismantling Racism and White Privilege Committee (DRAWP) of the Presbytery of Giddings Lovejoy hosted a gathering ..."
Our Presbytery - Our Work
Please pray for... John Calvin Presbyterian Church and the Ukrainian family they have welcomed this Christmas
Please pray for... peace to reign over the Earth
Please pray for... our congregations in transition
Please pray for ... our Pastors during this busy Advent Season
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Presbytery Office is Closed
Welcome to the
Prokhodov Family!
John Calvin Presbyterian Church is excited to announce that the Prokhodov family, they have been trying to get to safety, from Ukraine has arrived in St. Louis and moved into their new home in St. Peters!
We are so incredibly grateful to the URS team for their work in making this miracle happen for this family. The Prokhodov's are still in great need of a reliable family car- if you have any information on how we could obtain one for them, please contact Amy Brixey (bisskut27@gmail.com).
Buy less. Buy locally-made gifts, recycled gifts, and battery-free gifts. Connect with nature. Use LED Christmas lights. Choose a live tree and recycle. Make homemade cards. Celebrate this wonderful season like crazy with friends and family and the church community!
"TIPS" is brought to you by the Earth Care Work Group of Presbytery which monitors the ten Earth Care Congregations of Presbytery and advocates for low-income, indigenous, people of color, and GLBTQ communities, often harmed first and most by climate degradation. Contact: carletonstock@aol.com or 314-941-9378.
Correction from last week: I mistakenly shared services under Rock Presbyterian Church, that were of another church. This error was mine, not Rock Presbyterian Church leadership.
Below find all churches that shared their Christmas Eve schedule with us. If I missed any church, please let me know so that I can share that information on our Facebook page.
First Presbyterian Edwardsville, 10:45 am Family Service. 7:00 pm Traditional Service with Communion, 3601 Ridge View Rd., Edwardsville. Directions Found Here
First Presbyterian Church of Alton at 7:00 pm, 9 Lessons and Carols. Those unable to attend in person can see the service streamed on their website: fpcalton.com. Services are also carried on: The Big Z radio station, WBGZ 107.1 FM or 1570 AM; located at E 4th St & Alby St, Alton. Directions Found Here
Oak Hill Presbyterian, Saint Louis, at 10:30 am and candlelight at 6 pm (available on Zoom) 4111 Connecticut, Saint Louis. Directions Found Here
Pacific Presbyterian, is hosting with their yoking partner, First Presbyterian, Union, at 4:00 pm, 410 W. St. Louis St., Pacific. Directions Found Here.
Ladue Chapel Presbyterian, Saint Louis 4:00 pm Family Worship Service 9:00 pm, Candlelight Worship Service. Located at Clayton Rd, Saint Louis. Directions Found Here.
Glendale Presbyterian, Glendale 10 am: Informal, family-friendly Lessons and Carols and 5 pm: Traditional Christmas service with communion and candle lighting. Located at 500 Sappington Rd., Glendale. Directions Found Here
- Westminster Presbyterian & First Presbyterian, Cape Girardeau
Westminster hosts the morning service at 10:45 a.m. 1820 Perryville Rd., Cape Girardeau. Directions Found Here.
First Presbyterian hosts the evening service at 5:30 pm, 235 Broadway St., Cape Girardeau. Directions Found Here
Faith Des Peres Presbyterian at 5:30 and available in person, on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/faithdesperes), on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/@faithdesperespresbyterianc4610). Located at 11155 Clayton Rd., Saint Louis. Directions Found Here
Trinity Presbyterian, University City, 10 a.m. Lessons and Carols; 5:00 pm Family Service (Available online through our Facebook page) Located at 6800 Washington, Saint Louis. Directions Found Here
St. Mark Presbyterian Church, Ballwin; 5:00 pm Family Christmas with Living Nativity; 7:00 pm Traditional Candlelit Service with Carols, Choirs, and Communion. (online at https://youtube.com/live/PeUDAAHhQeI?feature=share) Located at 601 Claymont Dr., Ballwin (Found by clicking here.)
John Calvin Presbyterian, Bridgeton, 10:30 am Carol Sing; 11:00 pm Candlelit Communion service (Available online) Located at 12120 Bridgeton Sq Dr, Bridgeton. Directions Found Here.
First Presbyterian, Sullivan, 6:00 pm (available online) Located at 285 E. Springfield Rd., Sullivan. Directions Found Here.
Grace Presbyterian, Crystal City, at 3:30 pm Candlelit Service (available online) Located at 105 Bailey Rd., Crystal City. Directions Found Here.
First Presbyterian, Kirkwood, 2:00 p.m. A Brief Service of Scriptures and Carols in the Chapel; 4:00 p.m. Christmas Pageant by the Children’s Choirs in the Sanctuary: 9:30 p.m. Music by the Rosewood String Ensemble in the Sanctuary: 10:00 p.m. Festival Service of Lessons and Carols in the Sanctuary. Located at 100 E. Adams Ave. Directions Found Here
Webster Groves Presbyterian, at 9:30 am and candlelight service at 9:00 pm (available online) Located at 45 W. Lockwood Ave. Directions Found Here
Farmington Presbyterian Church, 8:00 pm, Located at 403 W. Columbia St., Farmington. Directions Found Here
Steelville Presbyterian Church, Candlelit Communion Service at 7:00 pm. Located at 211 N. First St., Steelville. Directions Found Here
First Presbyterian, Park Hills (SonLight Parish) begins with Breakfast at 9 a.m. followed by service. Located at 100 N. St. Joe St., Park Hills. Directions Found Here.
Hillsboro Presbyterian at 6:00 pm. Located at 10790 Business 21, Hillsboro. Directions Found Here.
First Presbyterian Church, Jackson 7:00 pm, Candlelit Service. Located at 206 E. Washington St., Jackson. Directions Found Here.
Boeuff Presbyterian Church, 6:00 pm, Candlelit Communion Service (A special guest will be stopping by) Located at 407 S. Pine St., Gerald. Directions Found Here.
New Horizons Presbyterian, 7:00 pm, Candlelit Service. 9424 Everman Ave., Overland. Directions Found Here
Second Presbyterian, St. Louis at 5:30 pm. Located at 4501 Westminster Place. Directions Found Here
The Association of Partners in Christian Education is coming to St. Louis Union Station from January 24th through the 27th. Your Local Committee needs your help! We will need volunteers.
We also need assistance with providing supplies for participants. The QR code previously shared no longer works. Please, use this link instead to access the Amazon Wish List and watch for additions to the list in the next few months. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your help!
Is it a Cloned or Scam Email?
It may be!
Please note that presbytery staff will never text or email you requesting gift cards, cash, or any private account information. If you receive any email or text like that, please contact the presbytery office at 314.772.2395.
Called to Serve? We Need You!
Have You Considered Presbytery Service?
There are many ministry team positions available in the coming year, and we just know you would be a good fit for a committee or commission
Please fill out and return the form below.
Current Support Ministry Position Openings
Check Back for Updates or Contact our Office at
314.772.2395 or email communication@glpby.org
- Pastor - John Calvin Presbyterian Church, Bridgeton, Missouri
- Pastor - Grace Presbyterian Church, Crystal City, Missouri
- Part-Time Custodian - Second Presbyterian, Saint Louis, Missouri
- Organist - First Presbyterian Church, Alton, Illinois
Off Hours Help Needed? Contacts Found Below
Rev. Ryan Landino
Presbytery Leader
Rev. Liz Kanerva
Presbytery Leader
Rev. Dr. Brandan Eddy
Stated Clerk
Leigh Porter
Office Manager
Janice McMillen
Communications Associate
Keep Connected
We love to hear about the work of the Presbytery of Giddings-Lovejoy Congregations. Have an event, fundraiser, or concert and want to get the word out? Simply email that information in by 6 p.m. on Monday of the week you want your event published. Help keep us connected by simply emailing your information to jmcmillen@glpby.org