April / 4 / 2023
An Invitation to Join the Dismantling Racism and
White Privilege Team on a Lenten Journey
The Path We Choose
"Over the past six weeks we have been on a Lenten journey that we make each year, because of one that was taken 2000 years ago..."
Blog Post by:
John Northrip, DRAWP Relate Team Co-Chair
Ruling Elder Member of St. Mark Presbyterian Church
Our Presbytery - Our Work
Weekly Prayer Basket

  • Please pray for... all of us journeying in Lent, for clear vision and open hearts.
  • Please pray for ... those who have lost loved ones to cancer or long-term illness
  • Please pray for.... the families of those lost in the most recent school shooting at Covenant Presbyterian School, Nashville, Tennessee
  • Please pray for....our Presbytery Treasurer, Kathy Sherrick, in the loss of her twin sister, Patty.
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No Meetings Scheduled
Tues., Apr. 11
11 am - NWCC Click Here
4 pm - Admin Click Here
Wed., Apr. 12
11 am - Transitional Pastors Click Here
12 pm - COM Click Here
Thur., Apr. 13
9:30 am History Team TBA
Presbytery Office Closed on Good Friday - April 7th
2023 Upcoming
Stated Presbytery Gatherings
  • Saturday, April 29th
  • Thursday, August 24
  • Saturday, November 4
Presbytery Gathering Registration Now Open
Gathering to be held Saturday, April 29th at 9 am
This Hybrid Gathering is Hosted by
First Presbyterian Church,
Ferguson, Missouri
The Reverend Dr. Liz Theoharis is Director of the Kairos Center for Religions, Rights, and Social Justice at Union Theological Seminary and Co-Chair of the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival with the Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II. She is an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church (USA) and teaches at Union Theological Seminary in New York City.

PC(USA) Historical Society
Timeline of African American Presbyterian History
PHS Launches Online Feature as Part of AALC Initiative
The Presbyterian Historical Society (PHS) has created an online tool providing chronological information about the Black Presbyterian experience reaching back to the 1800s.
The new interactive timeline currently includes over 70 entries ranging from biographies of African American Presbyterian leaders to information on the founding of historically Black institutions in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and its predecessor denominations. PHS staff worked for months to add new entries to the timeline, combing through materials and histories in the archives to share with the public.
Learn more by clicking here.
Saddened to Report Passing of Tom Clayton
John Thomas "Tom" Clayton, 92, died on March 14, 2023. Tom, after many years of progressive spiritual and community life, at Northminster Presbyterian Church, became a volunteer in mission through Presbyterian Church (USA). He, along with his wife, Nory, traveled overseas to India and Nepal, where he served as a hospital pharmacist.
A memorial service will be held on Saturday, April 15, at 2:00 pm at Ferguson First Presbyterian Church, 401 Darst Rd., 63135. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be given to the World Mission Fund, Presbyterian Church (USA).
The complete obituary may be found by clicking here.
From the Presbytery Leader
Ryan, Liz, and Joy are just returning to the office from their trip to Montgomery, AL, and are still processing together their experience of the Legacy Museum and the National Memorial for Peace and Justice with mid council leaders from around the country. We look forward to sharing what we experienced with you soon!
News & Updates
Sunrise Selah Retreat
Sunday, April 9
On Easter Sunday, April 9th, A Place of Grace pastor, Julie Gvillo, will lead a sunrise Selah retreat at Von Dell Gallery & Studios (102 E. Ferguson, Wood River, IL) outdoors at 6 a.m. We will gather around a fire for a participatory and interactive retreat (allow two hours) where we will join in writing a communal psalm of praise for the resurrection in response to the story shared via Worship and Wonder. Communion will be served. All ages are welcome. Dress for outdoor weather, and bring a lawn chair. Please register at by Saturday, April 8th at noon.
April Prayer Art Retreat
Thurs., Apr. 20 | 6 pm

Calling weary pastors: A Place of Grace pastor and Certified Zengantle(R) Teacher, Julie Gvillo, will offer a time of respite and renewal at the April Prayer Art Retreat on Thursday, April 20th at Von Dell Gallery & Studios (102 E Ferguson Ave., Wood River, IL) at 6:00 p.m. Worship will unfold, and artwork will be created in response to worship. Come celebrate the resurrection with scripture, prayer, and music in community with all who gather regularly for this ministry of art and sabbath. Communion will be served. The retreat will last approximately three hours. No previous art experience required. All supplies will be provided. Space is limited. Please register for the event online at by noon on April 19th to reserve your spot. 
History Work Group Author Event
Reclaiming Our Calling:
Deacons & Ruling Elders and the Care of Souls 
A Leader Formation Webinar
April 27, 2023; 7-8:30 pm (Eastern)
Are you seeking a more vibrant ministry of pastoral care that does not solely rely on the pastor? Have you ever wondered what to say when visiting someone who is navigating cancer or a chronic illness? Do you find yourself struggling between how to validate people's emotions and how to assure them of the promises of God? Join us as we explore the care of souls in a congregational context and the role that ruling elders and deacons play in that important work.
This event is provided for free for participants and is funded through your per capita dollars. It does not come without cost, however. Knowing the diversity of language within the PC(USA), this webinar will be provided in several languages with interpretation based on requests made through the registration process. As a result, there is a registration deadline of April 19, 2023, in order to be able to have time to arrange for those services. Advanced registration is not necessary for access to the recording which will be available in English following the event.
Register for the webinar by April 19, 2023, here.
Bethel Hills Community Mission Trip
Junior & Senior High Youth
One-Day Mission Trip
Saturday, June 3
9 am to 5 pm
Deadline to Register
April 21, 2023 
Bethel Hills was established to address a gap in the choices afforded to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities – to allow the option for people to live in community with their friends, families, and others who value them. An inclusive community where people of all abilities thrive together, are connected, and have abundant opportunities. They are developing Phase 1 of 3 phases that will eventually house 70-80 residents.
For more information contact Jolene Patterson, of Washington Presbyterian Church at
Shareable flyer can be found by clicking here.
Study Grants Available
Presbyterian Study Grant is the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)’s financial aid program for students planning for careers in the church. The program serves approximately 100 students per year. Because the number of students awarded is significantly less than the number of students enrolled in seminary, there are additional restrictions. Only MDiv and MACE students are eligible for award and those students must be enrolled full-time and demonstrate need. MDiv students entering seminary must be under care of Presbytery, and advanced to Candidacy by November 1 of the student’s third year of studies to continue to be eligible. MACE students must be a member of a Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) congregation. Learn more by clicking here.
Healthy Congregations Workshop
Saturday, August 12 | 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
First Presbyterian Church,
Independence, Missouri
Healthy Congregations uses the insights of family systems theory to help church leaders become more effective stewards of their congregations. This workshop was developed by Dr. Peter Steinke and is based on the work of Dr. Edwin Friedman, author of Generation to Generation: Family Process in Church and Synagogue. 
The Healthy Congregations workshop is designed to equip leaders to respond to the presence or potential threat of anxiety in a congregational system in ways that prevent destructive conflict and help the church stay focused on its unique mission and purpose.
The training is made possible in part by a grant from the Omaha Presbyterian Seminary Foundation
To contact the Heartland Presbytery by email, click here.
September 24-27th | Minneapolis, Minnesota
Registration Now Open
Take advantage of 2022 Throwback prices - now through April 15th!
  • $300 individual in-person
  • $115 virtual
  • $159 first-call and seminarian
  • group discounts starting with 2 people from the same church
make your reservations now to secure the conference discounted rate.
Learn more by clicking this link:
Register NOW for
The Art of Transitional Ministry Training
May 22-26, 2023 at Mercy Center (St. Louis, MO)
We live in a crazy time of transition in our churches and culture. Transitional Ministry Education is not limited to those presently engaged in or inquiring about transitional ministry. Anyone interested in learning how to walk through change alongside your church is invited to join in. PLUS, we have expanded to include a more diverse faculty and re-worked curriculum for this spring. The flyer can be found here.
Called to Serve? We Need You!
Have You Considered Presbytery Service?
There are many ministry team positions available in the coming year, and we just know you would be a good fit for a committee or commission
Please fill out and return the form below.
GLPby App Form (Word) | GLPby App Form (fillable PDF)
Current Support Ministry Position Openings
  • PT Office Administrator- Glendale Presbyterian, Glendale, MO
  • PT Office Administrator-First Presbyterian, Alton, IL
  • Office Admin - Trinity Presbyterian, University City, MO
  • (PT) Coordinator Christian Education - Southminster Presbyterian, Crestwood, MO
  • Head of Music - First United Presbyterian, Collinsville, IL

Off Hours Help Needed? Contacts Found Below
Rev. Ryan Landino
Presbytery Leader

Rev. Liz Kanerva
Presbytery Leader
Rev. Joy Myers
Stated Clerk

Leigh Porter
Office Manager
Janice McMillen
Communications Associate