March / 10 / 2020
The Gardener as Leader
“Leaders now make sense rather than make [decisions]. More accurately, they make meaning.”

PDA Addresses Coronavirus (Covid-19)
Common-sense tips for Congregations and Individuals during the Coronavirus Outbreak

Please click here for more information and download and share this important tool in staying healthy during this outbreak.
Our Presbytery - Our Work
Postponing Education Day

After careful and prayerful consideration, we have decided to postpone Education Day 2020. There are currently many unknown factors regarding the spread of coronavirus. The average age of our presbytery is over 65 and is considered an at-risk population. This does not include others with underlying conditions. Having an event within weeks of the first confirmed case in St. Louis is not a risk we need to take.
All participants will be notified directly. When we determine a new date for Education Day, it will be publicized. Thank you all for your understanding. Please keep our pastors, healthcare workers, chaplains, and all those who interact with the public in your prayers.
Weekly Prayer Basket

  • Please pray for...all those with the coronavirus and those in quarantine
  • Please pray for... the family of Jim Starks in his death.
Missouri Polls are Open
Today until 7 p.m.
Have you voted yet?
Find your poll location here.
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Illinois - You're up next week - Your polling places here.
Quick Connect

Support Ministry
Help Wanted
Parish Paper

Upcoming Team Meetings
NOTE: Meeting locations are as follows: Oaks - is the meeting room next door to the presbytery office; St.Andrew - refers to the Board Room of St. Andrews on the second floor, directly above the presbytery office; Pres - refers to the Presbytery Office Resource Center; Ladue - refers to Ladue Chapel; WG - refers to Webster Groves Presbyterian, Kirkwood - refers to First Presbyterian of Kirkwood. Contact the office at 314-772-2395 if you are unsure where you will be meeting.
Week of: Mar. 11 to Mar. 17

Wed., Mar. 11
1:30 p.m. - PTCC (Oaks)
Thurs., Mar. 12
10 a.m. - Stewardship (Oaks)
3 p.m. - Gathering Planning (Oaks)

Week of: Mar. 18 to Mar. 24

Thur., Mar. 19
11 ap.m. - Social Witness (Oaks)
6:30 p.m. - CPM (Ladue)
Mon., Mar. 23
3 p.m. -Personnel (Oaks)
5 p.m. - CVT (Oaks)
Becoming Matthew 25
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2020 Presbytery Wide Goal
Matthew 25 in Iran: The seeds of mission planted in the 1830s are still bearing fruit
It was President John F. Kennedy’s challenge, “Ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country” that prompted Meena, then 22, to join the Peace Corps after graduation from the University of Louisville. She asked if she could be assigned to work in the Middle East because her grandparents were from Lebanon. When she learned she was going to serve in Iran, Meena said, “I had to reference a map to see where Iran was.”
Ministry Teams News & Activities
Summer 2020 Mission & Outreach Team
Grant Applications Now Available
The Presbytery of Giddings-Lovejoy Mission and Outreach Moderator, Joyce Wilks-Love has announced that 2019 Summer Grant Applications are now available. You can find the application and details about the grants  here.
Is Your Church in the
Medicaid Expansion Conversation?
The Social Witness Team of the Presbytery of Giddings-Lovejoy wants to know if your congregation is addressing Medicaid Expansion? The State of Missouri is one of the 14 states that have not elected to expand coverage to people making up to $18,000 a year.
In the 2012 Supreme Court's ruling on the Affordable Care Act (ACA), states were allowed to opt out of the law's Medicaid expansion. This leaves each state's decision to participate in the hands of the nation's governors and state leaders. Now, amid perennial debate over whether to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, the fate of Medicaid expansion remains uncertain.
If you are discussing this matter, please contact Social Witness Team member, Bernice Thompson, by emailing her at or by calling (314)496–7665.
Ferguson Eco Video Nite March 12
The next Ferguson Eco Video Nite is Thursday, March 12 at 7p.m. at the St. Stephens Episcopal Church, 33 N. Clay in Ferguson, 63135. Directions can be found here. The video is "The Age of Consequences" about the impact of climate change on resources, migration, and conflict. No cost, snack, brief discussion. These videos help to bring awareness of how we can care for God's good creation. The Ferguson Eco Team is composed of residents of the Ferguson MO area some of whom are Presbyterians. For more info:  
Attention Presbyterian Women! 
The Presbyterian Women of Giddings Lovejoy Midwest/South Metro Cluster Winter Gathering will be held on Thursday, March 12, 2020 from 11 A.M. to 1:30 P.M. at the Sunny Street Cafe in Des Peres, MO. Please view the linked flyer for more information about this stimulating event. RSVP to Ann Schmid, by Friday, March 6, 2020.
Festival of Sharing Next Community Meeting
Sat., Mar. 14 | 9 a.m. at Lifewise StL
The Festival of Sharing is a cooperative response to world hunger, poverty, and injustice. These concerns motivate our actions to raise awareness of the causes and generate solutions. Our goal is to promote and support projects and programs by providing funding and resource goods. When people of faith come together and share, we can make a positive and powerful difference in the lives of people in need.
Community meetings found here. | Learn more here.
Reiki I Training Events
Wed., Mar. 18
Would you like to be able to partner with God in the healing prayers you lift for the people on your prayer list? Reiki is the prayerful practice of removing disturbances from the human energy field to promote relaxation and facilitate the body's natural healing processes. On Wednesday, March 18th, Certified Reiki Master Practitioner and Teacher, Julie Gvillo, will offer Reiki I Training. There are currently five people registered, with room for one more. An additional Reiki I Training event has been scheduled for Saturday, March 14th by request. There are currently two people registered, with room for four more. Reserve your spot today! Training will begin at 9 a.m. and conclude by 5 p.m. The cost is $125/person. Lunch will be provided.
Reiki I Training is very basic energetic training in this practice. No previous experience with or understanding of Reiki is required. Successful completion results in certification. Call Julie at 618-410-5060 to register for either of these events. 
Presbyterians Care Movement 
March 20 to March 22
The Presbyterians Care Movement is a planned quarterly event in which your congregation communally engages in a community based activity. Learn how your church can participate in this weekend of compassion and care.
40th Ordination Anniversary of
Rev. Mark M. Strothmann
Sun. Mar. 22 | 1 to 3 p.m.
The celebration of Rev. Strothmann’s ministry will take place Woodlawn Chapel Presbyterian Church, located at 16520 Clayton Road, Wildwood, MO 63011. Directions can be found by clicking here. Please RSVP to or text 636-399-9056 by March 16, 2020.
Prayer Art Retreats
Tues., Mar. 24
Spiritual blindness keeps us from seeing the grace God offers us in Christ. What if this month you allowed God to open your eyes to a new way of being? Let’s try it. May our eyes be opened to unexpected healing in unexpected places. On Tuesday, March 24th, Commissioned Pastor and Certified Zentangle Teacher, Julie Gvillo, Founder and Creative Executive Director of A Place of Grace, will offer two Prayer Art Retreats at Von Dell Gallery & Studios in Wood River. The afternoon retreat will run from 1-4 p.m. and the evening retreat will run from 6-9 p.m. Worship will unfold, and art will be created in response to scripture. Communion will be served. Register today by calling 618-410-5060, and open yourself to the touch of God's healing hand. No previous artistic experience required.
New Worshiping Communities
Dreaming & Discerning Night
Tues., Mar. 24 | 7 p.m.
Has God called you to breathe new life into a new community and in a new way? New Worshiping Communities are Spirit-led and initiated when a person hears God’s Song in a new key. Could you be that person? The New Worshiping Communities team is creating a confidential space where you can come and explore your call, God’s vision, and our desire to create new expressions of worshiping communities within the presbytery.
 If you are interested in exploring a call to become a new worshiping community leader, then join the presbytery’s New Worshiping Communities team for a discerning conversation on Tuesday, March 2 at4 7 p.m. Directions to First Presbyterian – Alton, located at E 4th St & Alby St, Alton, Illinois. Directions found by clicking here.
 For questions about this event, please contact Vanessa Hawkins at either (314) 772-2395 (ext. 1982) or
UKirk Spring Open House
Sun., Mar. 29 th | 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Join us Sunday, March 29th, from 7-9 pm at Trinity Presbyterian, located at 6800 Washington Ave., St. Louis, Missouri, for our Spring Open House! Directions can be found here. We'll welcome Presbyterians from around the presbytery for dinner, worship, and a dessert silent auction (yum!). Music and reflection time will be led by UKirk students! Please, RSVP by clicking this link:
Light for the Darkness
We're starting a New Community Group for anyone with any mental illness, depression, anxiety, PTSD, bipolar. If you would like to explore where God may be in the midst of your mental health struggles, while connecting with people who understand, please join us. Sundays starting April 19th at 1pm at our partner congregation, Trinity Pres. Feel free to refer friends and family. If you have questions, please email me at Learn more about what the Light for the Darkness does and its ministry, by clicking here. Be a part of the ministry by engaging through Social Media and "Liking" on Facebook here.
History Team 2019 History Tour Rescheduled
Monday, April 27
If you had made plans in November of 2019 to attend the annual history tour, that was canceled due to poor weather, we are pleased to announce its rescheduled date. Please click here to get the current flyer with contact details.
Our Congregations at Work
Lenten Recital Series - Each Friday at Noon
First Presbyterian – Kirkwood
Tree of Life Chapel

  • March 13 - St. Louis Irish Arts
  • March 20 - Terri Langerak, harp
  • March 27 - Chamber Project St. Louis
  • April 3 - Kirk Hanser, guitar
  • April 20 - Requiem, Gabriel Faure Chancel Choir, Orchestra, and Organ
First Presbyterian Church of Kirkwood, is located at 100 E. Adams Ave., Kirkwood, Missouri. Directions can be found by clicking here. 
Aging Advantage COMMUNITY Health Fair
Southminster Presbyterian Church
Friday, March 13
Join us Friday morning on March 13th to here presentations and visit with various companies that have businesses helping all of us as we age. These businesses will share products and services that are beneficial seniors as we go through this complex aging process. There will be a variety of education presentations, resource information, and practical health screenings. Life-Line screening for Stroke prevention, Blood pressure screenings, Blood Sugar screenings and more!
Full details can be found here. Southminster Presbyterian is located at 10126 East Watson Road Crestwood, Missouri. Directions can be found here.
Florissant Presbyterian Bingo Night
Sat. March 14th. | 7:00 pm.
This night of fun and festivities begin when doors open at 6:00 p.m. $15.00 per person. St. Patrick's Day Hat contest and other raffles as well. Call office for additional info. and to sign up. 314-837-8555
First Presbyterian - Edwardsville
Trivia Night/Silent Auction for Youth
Sat., Mar. 14 | 7 p.m.
Learn more about this event by viewing their Facebook page here. You can contact Stacey Towell via email here, or by calling 314-591-0242 for more information.
Journey with Jesus - Childrens Fun
First Presbyterian - Sullivan
Sat., Mar. 14 | 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Crafts, Stories & Fun
Click here for more information. | Click here for directions
First United Belleville Presbyterian Pre-School
Spaghetti Dinner & Auction
Fri., Mar. 20 | 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
This event is a fundraiser for the Pre-School, and more information can be found by viisting their Facebook event page, found here.
Directions to the church can be found here.
Lenten Prayer Retreat at Ladue Chapel
Sat., Mar. 28 | 8:45 am-12:00 pm
You are invited to rest in God’s presence and allow yourself to receive the pure gift of God. This morning of prayer includes an opportunity to pray with words ( lectio divina ), music ( audio divina ), and art ( visio divina ). Join Dieter Heinzl and Anne Peacock as we nurture contemplative practices to enhance life’s journey. Friends welcome to join us in the Fireside Room. The cost is $5/person. RSVP to Anne Peacock: or 314-993-4771 x3122. Directions to Ladue Chapel, found here.
St. Mark Presbyterian- Ballwin
Trivia Night/Silent Auction for Youth
Sat., April 18 | 7 p.m.
Learn more about this event here. You can also contact Heather Neal by calling 314-607-9265 for more information and to register.
Directions to St. Mark can be found by clicking here.
2020 Mission Opportunities
2020 GLPBY Annual Mission Trip to Nicaragua
Plan Grande #2, Nueva Segovia, Nicaragua
July 11-18, 2020
Join us for an Exciting, Multi-Generational Opportunity to follow Christ’s example to love one another. This is an ideal experience for Christians hoping to expand perspectives and be active peacemakers. Learn more here.
2020 Joining Hands Partnership
20th Anniversary Peru Pilgrimage
Pilgrimage:    A long journey to a sacred place
 as an act of devotion.
Your are invited to be part of the 2020 Joining Hands Partnership 20th Anniversary Peru Pilgrimage. This pilgrimage includes journeying to the coastal, mountain and rainforest regions of Peru, to meet with our Joining Hand's Partners, to hear updates about the socio/economic context of Peru, to experience historical and cultural events and places, and to join with Red Uniendo Manos Peru (Peru Joining Hands Network) and others in a 20th Anniversary Celebration.
Complete List of Educational Opportunities: Found Here
Mission Co-Worker - Rev. Paula Cooper
Rev. Paula Cooper Mission co-worker in  MalawiKenyaRwanda and  Zambia since 2018. Serving as regional liaison for East Central Africa, she maintains her relationship to our presbytery by remaining a member of the Presbytery of Giddings-Lovejoy.
As regional liaison for East Central Africa, Paula facilitates PC(USA) relationships with partner churches and institutions in Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda and Zambia, where the church is growing rapidly and pastoral training and leadership development are of major concern. Paula also provides support for PC(USA) mission personnel and Young Adult Volunteers (YAVs) in the region. She assists PC(USA) congregations and presbyteries that are or that want to be in a relationship with partners in East Central Africa. 
Learn more about Rev. Cooper’s ministry and sign up for her newsletter by clicking here. 
Lenten Retreats Announced

The Mercy Conference and Retreat Center hope you join them as they embrace a Lenten observance that has a social dimension, focusing on the relationship between our inner conversion and its outer social expression.  An outline of all Lenten experiences can be found by clicking here.
The Mercy Conference and Retreat Center is located at 2039 N Geyer Rd., St. Louis, Missouri. Directions found here.
Transitional Ministry Education
May 18–21
It has been said that the church is in a time of great transition and needs skilled pastors in transitional ministry. Are you exploring how to cultivate new pastoral, organizational, professional skills that will support you in your present call and in a possible new call to come? Have you wondered if you might be interested in transitional ministry or an interim call? We highly encourage you to consider the Transitional/Interim Training from May 18-21 in Parkville, MO.
Continuing Education Classes Announced
Union Presbyterian Seminary Theological Institute Upcoming Continuing Education Events offered January through March 2020, can be found by Visiting their Events page
Current Support Ministry Position Openings
Executive Director of Child-Care Center

Director of Children and Youth Ministries (Presbytery of Arkansas)

Seeking Pastor - Yoked Congregations (Presbytery of the Pines)

AMEN St. Louis Director - Oak Hill Presbyterian

Called Pastor - Faith DesPeres Presbyteria